Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 64 Yu Family and Zhujiabao [Thank you everyone for your support! Thank you! Goodbye! 】

Traveling in ancient times was much more troublesome than it is now.

Not only dry food but also drinking water must be prepared.

If the journey is long and there are no green grass or green leaves, fodder for the animals pulling the cart must also be prepared.

Fortunately, Xu Zaijing's master was used to traveling far away, so he taught all these things to Qingyun and other servants of his brothers and sisters.

Zhu Qinghu looked at the things in the Xu family's car and secretly praised them in his heart.

This time at the funeral, both the Sun family and the sons of the Xu family rode horses, the female envoy sat in the car, and the servant drove the carriage.

There were a lot of people in the city, so the speed of the convoy was still a bit slow. After leaving Xincaomen, the speed of the convoy picked up.

The weather is getting warmer and there are more people on the road.

Seeing this line of several horses, the knights on the horses were wearing expensive cloaks, the horses were carrying long knives and strong bows and arrows on their sides, and there were flags flying on the carriages. Passers-by moved to the side of the road.

It is about four hundred miles from Bianjing to Xiangzhou. Sun and his party did not use excessive power. They traveled seventy or eighty miles every day and found a post station to rest.

On the afternoon of the third day, a group of people walked into the courtyard of the inn on the roadside.

In the yard of the inn, a convoy of official family members was unloading bedding, tea sets, etc. for the owner's family.

The servants at the post station are diligently helping to move things.

The sun sets in the west and the light becomes much darker.

The official family members saw so many horses coming in, and they were armed with knives and arrows. The servants and wives suddenly panicked, thinking they were some rioters and thieves.

Someone was faintly calling out to the inn’s clerks and postmen,

After the old steward scolded him in a low voice, the servants and wives slowly calmed down.

The old steward gave a few instructions to the servants and women, lowered his hands and came to the Xu family, bowed his hands and said:

"Everyone, please be polite. My family is from Yuge's hometown in Bianjing. The magistrate of Xiangzhou is my eldest son. I don't know how to call you."

The horse snorted, and everyone in the Xu family dismounted.

Qingyun said loudly: "This old steward, we belong to the Xu family of Yongyi Hou. Don't worry."

"Oh? That's great. If anyone can help, please feel free to ask."

"Thank you, old steward."

After listening to the conversation, the clerk at the inn came to the Xu family more diligently.

After getting off the horse, Sun's expression was not very good. After all, he was used to being pampered. Although he could also play polo, it was still different from long-distance riding like this.

The servants in the carriage took out washbasins, footbaths and other utensils and went to the inn's kitchen to fetch water.

Xu Zaijing comforted his Liju, but Liju showed no signs of fatigue. On the contrary, it was a little excited and kept snoring, as if it hadn't run enough.

When he walked into the wing where the inn was located, Xu Zaijing's excellent eyesight saw the servants and wives in Yuge's hometown holding precious wooden boxes.

Thinking that the things inside were not cheap, one of the servants with a wart at the corner of her mouth even opened it and took a look.

This scene was also seen by the old steward. He looked at the Xu family passing by and scolded him in a low voice.

The servant woman squinted and argued something, and looked around nonchalantly. It was obvious that she didn't take the old steward to heart.

But in the blink of an eye, she saw Zhu Qinghu looking at her. Zhu Qinghu had been in the army for several years and hated this kind of behavior of not distinguishing between superiors and subordinates and not obeying orders.

The eyes that emerged from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood seemed to have cut the woman into pieces, which made the servant girl tremble in fright.

He had little contact with the Yu family. Xu Zaijing got up in the middle of the night to add some fodder to his horses. Seeing Xu Zaijing, Zhu Qinghu smiled.

After dawn, the Xu family continued their journey.

Bypassing the city of Xiangzhou, we arrived at the north of the city.

Kankan entered Zhujiapu on the night of the fifth day. Zhujiapu was surrounded by two-person high earth walls and there was only one doorway into the village.

At this time in the village, several clan elders were sitting in a room discussing.

"Brother Hu has been away these days, and I don't know who the Hou Mansion will send." An old man said.

"Perhaps I sent Brother Duan here. He is the eldest son and has a family. It is enough for him to come." Another clan elder said while looking at the teacup.

"Fifth Grandpa, Sixth Grandpa, a cavalry team has come from outside the village!" a junior from the village came to the house and said.

"Let the young men bring their swords and crossbows and go take a look at the wall."

The movement of a group of horses startled the civilians of Zhujiapu who had not yet fallen asleep. After all, they were facing a confrontation in the north.

Zhu Qinghu shouted a few times from the doorway before opening the door inside.

The crowd greeted the cavalry and entered the village.

Xu Zaijing entered the village and found that his uncle's family was not the only one in the village to have white hangings. On a wide road in the middle of the village, he roughly counted six or seven houses with white hangings.

Xu Zaijing felt a shiver in his heart. That's right. Why did Uncle Zhu go to the Western Army alone? He must have brought his brothers and nephews with him.

A bloody battle took place on the border, and a village lost many good young people.

Xu Zaijing looked at his mother, Mrs. Sun. There was not much surprise on Mrs. Sun's face. She had heard this kind of thing many times.

When the old wives of the Zhu family learned about Sun's arrival, they all came out to greet her. Xu Zaijing also saw his eldest aunt whom he was not very familiar with.

His face was somewhat similar to Xu Minghua's, with a few strands of hair scattered around his cheeks. The clothes on his body seemed to have not been changed for several days and were full of stains.

When I saw Mrs. Sun, there wasn't much sadness on her face, she was completely numb.

"Sister is here? Come inside."

After arranging everyone, Mrs. Sun didn't care about her aunt's smell and sat on the couch with her.

"After such a long journey, you should go and have a rest." Xu said.

"Sister, please sleep with me."

"I am not sleepy."

"For my sake, please close your eyes." Mrs. Sun looked at her aunt's red and swollen eyes and glanced at Xiao Dan.

Xiao Dan understood, went out to find a basin, boiled some hot water in the kitchen and brought it into the house.

Mrs. Sun wrung out the towel in the basin, and imitated her natal relatives to wipe Mrs. Xu's face very carefully.

He wiped Xu's somewhat dirty hands again.

Later, Mrs. Sun loosened Mrs. Xu's bun and combed her hair again.

Finally, she added some hot water to the basin. Xiao Dan wanted to get started, but Sun waved her down.

Mrs. Sun knelt down and took off Mrs. Xu's shoes and socks. Mrs. Xu, who was sitting on the couch, looked at Mrs. Sun and said:

"How are you at home?"

Ms. Sun didn't know what she was thinking of. She understood that the eldest aunt was sad and confused, so she was silent for a while and said, "Okay, everything is fine."


After cleaning Xu's feet, Sun put on new shoes and socks for her.

Zhu Qinghu stood outside the room and saw the passage through the door curtain. His eyes were no longer silent as before, and his eyes were filled with crystal tears.

"Brother Tiger will still be looking for a wife in the future. You have met my daughter-in-law, how do you feel?"

"He is a good boy who knows etiquette."

"I wonder what kind of girl Brother Tiger's wife will be."

Xu didn't say anything, her eyes were blank and she didn't know what to think.

Zhu Qinghu exited the house and looked at his three cousins ​​outside the house.

Xu Zaiduan patted his shoulder, and Xu Zaizhang, who was usually out of his way, hugged his cousin.

Xu Zaijing looked up at the night sky and sniffed.

The next day, when they saw the new Xu family, the elders of the Zhu family knew that the Xu family was not here to mess around.

People who were related to Zhujiabao from Shilibaxiang also came to the village, and also learned that the eldest lady of the Marquis Mansion in Beijing was here.

Seven days later, the Zhu family's funeral was completed, and all graves were erected.

Xu Zaijing looked at the grieving villagers and deeply understood the dangers of war. If he went to the battlefield in the future and could not be cautious, his family might be the ones crying.

Before Sun left, she discussed it with the elders of the Zhu family. Xu's condition would definitely not be good if she continued to stay in Zhujiapu, so the Xu family took her back to Bianjing to find a doctor for treatment.

He also left five hundred taels of silver, and if he had any difficulties, he could just go to Bianjing and find the Hou Mansion.

With Xu, who was a little sluggish, the speed of the convoy was naturally not as fast as when it came.

The group entered Xiangzhou City in the afternoon.

When entering the city, the officers and soldiers guarding the city gate naturally focused on this group of people.

Because we are currently confronting Beiliao, we must strictly investigate.

However, after reading the seal from the Marquis Mansion and learning that there was a widow of a general who sacrificed his life for the country in the carriage, the officers and soldiers let him go.

The news of Yongyi Hou's family entering the city was also notified to the magistrate's mansion in Xiangzhou.

In Zhizhou Mansion, Yu Zhizhou, who had lost his wife for only two months, showed no trace of sadness on his face and was talking to a rather gorgeously dressed woman in the study.

"Officer, although the Xu family was defeated before, now their Sanlang is quite favored by the Holy Family and is married to Marquis Ningyuan, so it's time to pay him a visit."

"My wife is right, I will send someone to deliver the post right now. It has been hard for me these past few years. When we return to Bianjing, you will be my upright lady."

"I'm fine, I'm just suffering from two children."

That night Zhizhou's post was sent to the post station where the Xu family lived.

The conditions of the inn in the city are naturally much better than those outside the city.

Sun looked at the post in her hand and pondered for a while, then decided to let her three brothers go.

After all, Zhujiabao was under the rule of Zhizhou and was able to establish a good relationship with Zhizhou. Knowing the relationship between the Hou Mansion and Zhujiabao, on the one hand, he knew that the Zhu family was not easy to bully, and on the other hand, he could take more care of him in the future.

The next day, the three brothers Xu Zaijing and Zhu Qinghu came to Yu Zhizhou's home.

After handing over the greeting card, several people entered the front hall of the mansion.

At the table in the front hall, there were also the children of officials such as Tongpan of Xiangzhou.

Although the Zhou Dynasty valued civil servants, they did not go so far as to ignore them in front of nobles.

You despise nobles, who knows which in-laws in his family will put a stumbling block in your career as an official.

The Zaijing brothers of the Xu family also intended to provide support to Zhujiabao, so the guests and hosts enjoyed the banquet.

When Xu Zaijing and Zhu Qinghu went to change clothes and return to the front hall, Zhu Qinghu's eyes flashed and he raised his chin to indicate to Xu Zaijing.

Xu Zaijing looked around and saw that there was a woman with a wart on the corner of her mouth at the roadside inn in the afternoon.

Thank you for your support! Goodbye!

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