Do you know: I’m Xu Jiazi

Chapter 8 Jinming Pond Polo Ground

As she spoke, Mrs. Sun glanced at the princess with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"That's when I relaxed and had time to play polo, which made me feel happy. I heard that the princess likes dramas, but she can find something cheerful to watch."

"Thank you madam."

After saying this, the princess looked at her female officer, who came close to her. The princess said something in her ear, and the female officer moved to the back of the tent.

"I just saw the lady riding a horse on the court to hit the ball. She was really heroic. She was even more handsome when sitting on the horse."

"The princess is so complimentary. That horse was a horse that the servants of the palace favored at the horse market. When I first bought it, it was thin and bald, but I didn't expect it to grow like this."

"Oh? Then this servant has quite good taste."

"It was a man who was rescued by the Marquis of the family at the border fortress. I did it casually, but I didn't expect that the man would repay the kindness and entered the Marquis's mansion to live in the stables."

"It's quite a story."

"Princess Princess."

The female official came back from behind the tent and delivered a small wooden box to the princess.

The princess opened it and saw that it was what she wanted, then returned it to the female officer.

The female officer placed the wooden box on Sun's table.

"Madam, I have grown up in front of the Queen since I was a child, and I am also familiar with everyone in my uncle's family. We feel like old friends when we meet today. This jade lock is for Brother Jing. I hope Madam will not dislike it."

"Princess, this is too expensive."

"It's just my intention."

"Jinger, thank you, Princess."

Xu Zaijing stood up and bowed

"Xu Zaijing thanks the princess for the generous gift."

"Brother Jing is polite."

After some conversation, Princess Pingning felt much relieved, and she knew that it would be embarrassing to continue.

Mrs. Sun also understood, and then she stood up and said

"Princess, let me take a look at Mrs. Wu's side."

"Madam, please go."

After Sun and others left, Princess Pingning sat behind the table and smiled.

The female official on the side said softly: "Princess Princess, why don't you let the servants take a look at it? How many troupes will you invite tomorrow?"

"Let's talk about it. Giving birth to a child is one step, and whether the child can live after birth is another step, alas."

In the tent of Marquis Yongchang Mansion.

Mrs. Wu looked at Mrs. Sun and said

"Why did the princess invite you here?"

Xiaozhu just came to report the news.

Sun said: "It's not that my mother's family and my uncle's family have an old relationship, and the princess grew up before the queen. It was also a conversation that allowed this boy Sanlang to get another good jade lock."

Sun couldn't tell the specific details clearly. If word got out and things changed, she would offend others.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Brother Jing is really a pain in the ass."

As he said that, he hugged Xu Zaijing in his arms.

Mrs. Sun felt relieved when she saw that her sensible son did not move in Mrs. Wu's arms. She looked at Mrs. Wu and understood what she was thinking.

The Yongchang Marquis Mansion is one of the most wealthy households in Bianjing. Although the brothers in the family did not have a house full of maids when they were young, they have many maids raised at home or bought from outside when they grow up.

On the one hand, it allows the men in the family to know more about things in the house so that they will not become obsessed.

On the other hand, I hope that my family will flourish sooner.

The concubine in the Marquis of Yongchang's house has already given birth to a son, and Mrs. Wu, as the head wife, has just given birth to a child.

Mrs. Wu was not sure whether she was a boy or a girl. She just hoped that if she got closer to her son, she would get a good sign.

The two people were talking, and suddenly there was a lot of discussion outside the tent.

The woman outside the door came in but didn't speak.

Mrs. Wu said happily: "What's wrong? Just tell me!"

"Back to the madam, it's His Royal Highness King Jing from the men's paddock next door. He just lost to King Yan in polo. Regardless of King Yan's persuasion, he was so angry that he slashed the leader of his own polo team with a knife. The team member was covered in blood. Xue was taken to the medical center in the city by King Yan’s men.”

The people in the tent are not easy to discuss.

"Your Highness is a dragon son, so how can he have the same temper as an ordinary person? King Yan is still so kind!"

Mrs. Wu said with some sigh.

Xu Zaijing listened, but he knew that King Yan's character had been virtuous and benevolent before, so no one expected that he would be forced by King Yong's arrogance to conspire with Concubine Rong to start an army.

In the stables of the Yongyi Hou Mansion at the polo ground, a groom with gray hair, five or six scars on his face, a broken forearm, and a lame leg was cleaning up the debris in the stables.

The groom's clothes were relatively clean, but his age could not be seen. One eye was full of peace, but the other eye was ruined.

After clearing away the debris, he combed the fur of the horses that were delivered with full of love in his eyes.

The horses were eating fodder, snorting with open nostrils and wagging their tails, feeling very happy.

A seven or eight-year-old stable boy with messily tied hair and wearing some big but clean clothes came over. There was a basket hanging on his shoulder, which contained the horse manure he had just picked up. As he got closer, you could see his ears and The frostbite scars on my hands and feet have not yet healed.

The stable boy placed a small cloth bag on the Xu family's utility cart, then picked up the horse manure on the ground and walked out naturally.

The groom took a few steps, took the cloth bag and mixed it into a bag of unused fodder.

A veterinarian with many years of experience would definitely know why the horse in the Jingwang Horse Team was out of tune with the rider when he saw what was inside.

It's just that the grass in the bag will not cause any harm to the horse, it will only make the horse a little excited.

After all, it's not poison, it's medicine.

But if you don’t have a family inheritance that spans generations, and you don’t encounter corresponding examples, you won’t know.

The groom glanced at the tent of Ningyuan Hou Mansion from a distance. There was a flash of light in his one eye, but no tears came down. Maybe they had dried up. He turned around and continued to comb his fur calmly.

Application time (3pm to 5pm)

Polo is over.

Although several of the female relatives of the Qin family of the Changhou Mansion in the east of the polo field were in the tent of the Ningyuan Hou Mansion, they were separated when they returned.

A carriage with some old traces carried people from the Dongchang Hou Mansion back.

In the carriage, the second lady of the Qin Mansion pulled a corner of the window and saw her brother riding a horse outside the carriage.

Her brother was bidding farewell to a forty-year-old majestic middle-aged man with clasped fists. (Gu Yankai married Miss Qin when he was about 20 years old. He had Gu Tingyu more than ten years later, so he was probably about 40 years old at this time.)

The second girl had an unknown look in her eyes.

The lady on the side looked at her girl, and she turned her eyes and said: "Girl, I just heard that the Shen family is going to Tanzhou. The eldest lady of the Shen family is going to other places with her!"

Miss Qin's attention was attracted and she asked curiously: "Isn't the eldest lady of the Shen family pregnant? The road to Jinghu South is not close."

"Who says it isn't?"

"My brother got a fine horse, and he is even more proud."

The female envoy said with some worry: "Girl! Don't keep saying that, your elder brother will have the final say on your dowry when you get married."

"He? It's my sister-in-law who has the final say! Aren't they looking for families who don't need dowry?"

"Girl, don't be anxious. The eldest girl is marrying to Ningyuan Houfu. After passing away, the dowry left behind should be sent back to our family."

"With a son, how could the Gu family send him back? Who would spit out the meat he ate?"

The carriages were rattling, the horses were rustling, but no one heard the words of the master and servant.

On the Xu Mansion's spacious carriage.

Zai Jing was drowsy in his mother's arms, while his sister was chattering in the carriage about whose women's jewelry at the polo match was beautiful and whose clothes were exquisite. While talking, she was admiring what her little brother got. A jade lock.

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