Doctor: Although I Am Young, I Can Shake People

57 You Must Not Die! (7 More For Subscription)

Bai Zhou's heart was pulled together in an instant.

Without any hesitation, he swooped forward with one stride.

Bai Zhou discovered that the firefighter's chest had collapsed.

It was obviously hit by an external force.

Most likely something fell from the ceiling and hit him in the chest.

And the firefighter who escorted him out tightly grasped Bai Zhou's arm, and screamed with tears in his voice:

"He was injured to save me, doctor, save him, you must save him!"

There was no time to wait for Bai Zhou's response. The firefighter wiped the tears from his face and threw himself into the fire again.

Bai Zhou's attention was focused on the firefighters on the ground.

The whole body of the firefighter was shaking slightly.

This is the stimulation of the muscles after receiving a severe injury, resulting in convulsions.

But the fireman's eyes protruded terribly at this time, covered with bloodshot eyes.

He opened his mouth wide, and blood froth continuously overflowed from his mouth and nose.

Without any hesitation, Bai Zhou was ready to tear off the clothes on his chest.

But I never thought that when I just grabbed his clothes.

The firefighter's hand tightly grasped his wrist, preventing him from moving.

"What are you doing?! Let me go, you are in a very dangerous situation now, do you understand?!"

Bai Zhou's voice was almost roaring.

But the firefighter still held Bai Zhou's hand tightly, his lips trembled, and he said tremblingly with blood foam:

"Doctor...I...I...I can't cough...don't...don't waste time on me, go...go to someone else..."

"You fart!" Bai Zhou shouted angrily.

It turned out that he directly shook off the firefighter's hand with force.

"It's stabbed!" The fireman's shirt on his chest was torn apart with a sound.

One side also said:

"Don't forget, I'm still waiting for your apology!"

"You must not die!"

"I..." The firefighter just opened his mouth, but Bai Zhou immediately interrupted:

"Shut up!"

"You apologize to me now, I will never forgive you!"

Bai Zhou didn't listen to the fireman's voice at all.

At this time, the fireman also seemed to have lost all his strength, could no longer speak a word, and even his eyeballs had begun to roll upwards.

Bai Zhou has already seen the situation on his chest.

The sternum had collapsed, apparently the ribs had been shattered.

And through the pulse signal that Bai Zhou copied from Bian Que, he found that this firefighter was very lucky.

The pulse condition told Bai Zhou that the firefighter's internal organs were not in emergency yet.

That proves that the collapsed sternum has not yet injured the internal organs.

That's right, right now.

The sternum collapsed, and many sharp bone fragments must have entered his chest cavity.

If there is a slight vibration, even the peristalsis of the internal organs, it will cause the displacement of these fragments.

If the internal organs are directly injured, then there will be a big problem.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to take out the scattered bone fragments in his chest cavity.

With this in mind, Bai Zhou instantly raised his head and shouted loudly towards the surroundings:

"I want to open the chest for this wounded man right away! Is there anyone willing to be my assistant?!"!"

When Bai Zhou uttered a word, everything was quiet!

Surrounded by emergency doctors from different hospitals.

When they heard Bai Zhou's voice, they all temporarily stopped their movements.

Everyone looked at Bai Zhou in amazement.


"Just open the chest in this kind of place?!"

"Such an environment wants to open the patient's chest? Isn't this courting death?!"

"Why do you want to do this?!"

The group of people looked at Bai Zhou one by one, but no one answered.

Bai Zhou yelled again:

"Is there anyone willing to be my assistant to help me!!"

"I'm coming!!!" came a loud voice full of breath.

Bai Zhou looked for the sound in an instant.

The first middle-aged doctor Yang met was leading a young man, who looked like a student, towards Pao.

There was a look of gratitude in Bai Zhou's eyes.

And just at this time, another old voice came from the other side:

"I'm coming too!!"

This is the old man with the white beard from the previous Chinese medicine clinic.

When he realized that the roar just now came from Bai Zhou, he rushed towards this side immediately, faster than that middle-aged doctor!

Bai Zhou was very moved.

Soon, two Chinese medicine doctors and two surgeons gathered beside Bai Zhou.

The middle-aged surgeon immediately discovered the situation of the firefighters when he came over, and he also quickly said:

"The condition of the wounded is extremely dangerous. We don't know whether the sternum fragments have injured internal organs. Now we really need to open the chest immediately!"

And at this time, the old Chinese doctor who was giving the firefighters the pulse also immediately said:

"The pulse condition proves that the internal organs are fine for the time being. I believe the little brother also discovered this problem, so he called us over."

The middle-aged doctor paused slightly and glanced at the old Chinese doctor.

Suddenly it became clear.

Diagnosis of the pulse in traditional Chinese medicine can indeed directly detect the conditions of various parts of the internal organs.

This, as a surgeon, he has to admire!

So, also quickly said again:

"The environment here is too bad, Doctor Bai, why don't we transfer the wounded to the ambulance first?"

"No!" Bai Zhou reported his family history before, and the middle-aged doctor also remembered that his surname was Bai.

But Bai Zhou directly refused loudly at this time, and then immediately said:

"Now we don't know the state of the fragments in the wounded body. If you move the wounded casually, the sternum will be displaced and the internal organs will be injured. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the gods to save them when the time comes."

The middle-aged doctor nodded slightly when he heard Bai Zhou's words, and after briefly pondering for a while, he immediately said to the student beside him:

"Go! Find a stretcher bed, bring the top sheet, find some more, or white cloth or something, and surround this place to block the smoke and dust!"


The young doctor turned and ran without any hesitation.

Now there is probably no shortage of stretcher beds here.

Soon, the young man came back, and called another helper to help him, and built the place.

A very simple operating room has been built!

The middle-aged doctor put the first aid kit in front of Bai Zhou and said:

"Doctor Bai, I have a scalpel inside, tell me, what should we do now?"

Earlier, he hadn't made a wrong diagnosis of a wounded person, allowing Bai Zhou to save him.

In his heart, Bai Zhou's medical skills are already higher than his, and he was the same as him last time, and this stall was set up by Bai Zhou (owned by Li Le), and Bai Zhou will follow his lead in everything!

Bai Zhou nodded, he didn't pick up the scalpel right away, but rummaged through his own first aid kit and the middle-aged doctor's first aid kit, but after a while he frowned and said:

"Is there no blood coagulation medicine?"

Blood coagulation medicine, that is, medicine to stop bleeding, since surgery is required, it must be used to stop bleeding, otherwise, bleeding will also cause death.

But the middle-aged doctor also frowned and shook his head and said, "The hemostatic medicine has already been used up!"

The old Chinese doctor also sighed and said, "Our Zhixue Powder is also used up."

Bai Zhou pondered for a while: "That's"

The old Chinese doctor and the middle-aged doctor looked at each other. They also just discovered this problem. If you can't stop the bleeding, you can't operate. If you don't operate, the firefighter will die. Is it true that a young life is allowed to die in front of their eyes?

But at this moment, the old man spoke:

"In this case, acupuncture can only be used to stop the bleeding."

The middle-aged doctor was surprised for a moment: "Acupuncture can also stop bleeding?!"

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