Doctor: Although I Am Young, I Can Shake People

61 Lovely And Respectable Fire Fighters!

"Teacher, what's going on outside?"

Bai Zhou looked at Li Guofeng suspiciously.

After all, this is a hospital, and the noise in the hospital will affect the rest of other patients.

And Bai Zhou could also hear that the noisy voice outside seemed to be calling his name between the lines.

It's not good if it affects other patients because of oneself.

Lin Xiao who was standing in the corner also looked at Li Guofeng curiously.

Hearing Bai Zhou's question, Li Guofeng shook his head with a helpless smile and said:

"Isn't it because of you?"


Bai Zhou was even more puzzled.

Li Guofeng walked towards the hospital bed, and said to Bai Zhou:

"The people outside are from our district fire brigade. Do you still remember the wounded man you rescued before he passed out?"

"Remember? What's the matter?" Bai Zhou nodded naturally.

Then, Li Guofeng said:

"It's him. It seems to be a small captain of our district fire brigade. All the people outside are under his command."

"When the fire was on fire, they didn't notice it. Later, they learned that you saved their captain, and they passed out because of their captain.

"They didn't even take a break, they came directly to our hospital to see you."

"On the one hand, it's because you haven't woken up yet, and on the other hand, it's because they have been working hard all night at 26. We want to arrange for them to rest in our spare ward."

"Who would have thought that they would not leave and would rather sleep on the floor in the corridor and guard your room. Maybe I was too loud just now. They heard you woke up, so they are probably arguing to see you now. And you!"

When Bai Zhou heard this, his eyes were deeply moved.

But Lin Xiao who was standing in the corner made a surprised voice at this time:

"Teacher, tell me that after they finished fighting the fire, they didn't take a break, and they have been guarding until now?"

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about. They have worked hard for a long time, so I feel sorry for them!"

Bai Zhou didn't understand why Lin Xiao was so surprised, he turned his head to look at the night in the sky outside and asked:

"What's wrong? How long have I been unconscious?"

Lin Xiao turned his head and said helplessly to Bai Zhou: "It's already the second night."


Bai Zhou was stunned, he actually fell into a coma for a day and a night??

And those firefighters who just came down from the fire line did not rest at all, just guarding themselves for a day and a night?

Is this worth it?

Hearing the news, Bai Zhou was about to throw off the quilt and get up, but just as he made a movement, he felt the world spinning and almost fell to the ground.

Lin Xiao and Li Guofeng immediately stepped forward to help, and Li Guofeng said with a serious expression:

"Bai Zhou, your mental condition has not recovered yet, you need to recuperate, otherwise you may be at the root of your illness!"

Indeed, sometimes loss of strength on the spiritual level is even more terrifying than loss of strength on the physical level.

Bai Zhou was supported by the two and lay back on the hospital bed.

But he still said:

"Teacher, you should let them in."

"No! Your current mental state..." Li Guofeng immediately refused, but was quickly interrupted by Bai Zhou:

"Teacher, you also said that they have been guarding for a day and a night. They have not rested since they got off the line of fire. Don't you feel sorry for them too?"

"They just want to see me. When they see me, they will go back naturally. Let them have a good rest. You can't just let them wait in the corridor of the hospital for me to fully recover, right?"

"But you..." Li Guofeng also knew that Bai Zhou was right, but he was still worried about Bai Zhou's physical condition and whether he could stand the noisy environment.

"Okay! Old Li!" But at this time, Bai Zhou said angrily:

"When did you become such a bitch? Hurry up!"

"Hey!" After Bai Zhou's words came out, Li Guofeng blew his beard and stared:

"Okay you brat, you're itching again, aren't you?!"

"Wait! If you pass out, I won't care about you!"

After saying this, Li Guofeng stepped forward, lightly gave Bai Zhou a crispy melon, then turned around and opened the door of Bai Zhou's ward.

A loud voice came in instantly.

But it was soon suppressed by Li Guofeng's voice:

"Stop arguing, you can go in and see Dr. Bai."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of cheers outside.

"But!" Li Guofeng spent a lot of effort to suppress the voices of these young men:

"It's okay, you have to grasp the time, make a quick decision, and don't speak loudly, it will affect Dr. Bai's recovery!"

Hearing that it would affect Doctor Bai's recovery, the firefighters and soldiers outside stood still, shut up, and nodded solemnly.

Seeing their cute looks, Li Guofeng also had a smile that he couldn't help but appear on his face.

Only then did the door open.

There were only seven or eight firefighters and fighters scrambling to squeeze in from the corridor.

Li Guofeng followed in fear of something going wrong.

It was at this time that Bai Zhou discovered that the seven or eight firefighters and soldiers had come in.

The clothes on each of them were covered with smoke and dust, and the exposed skin was all covered with ashes from the bottom of the pot.

Not only did they not rest, they didn't even change their clothes, they didn't even take a bath, they just came out of Fushou Building, and came to Jiangcheng Tenth People's Hospital to find a boat.

Seeing their faces full of exhaustion, their pupils scarlet, but their cheeks full of excitement, Bai Zhou also felt sorry for them.

It's really not worth it for me!

Bai Zhou really wanted to say that, but he didn't say it.

"Comrade, why are you?!"

Hearing this immature voice, Bai Zhou was slightly taken aback.

This voice is the firefighter soldier who was the first to call himself comrade at the scene of the fire!

And Bai Zhou also saw him, because his body was too dark to see clearly, and Bai Zhou didn't recognize him.

But Bai Zhou remembered those eyes!

He remembered that these eyes once showed strong fear, but he still rushed into the fire scene resolutely. 643

But a firefighter soldier next to him gave him a light hammer and said in a low voice:

"What nonsense? Call Doctor Bai!"

But at this time Bai Zhou said: "No! To hear comrades from your mouths is the greatest recognition for me!"

Listening to Bai Zhou's words, the group of firemen and soldiers also slowly puffed up their chests.

Afterwards, Bai Zhou turned his head to look at the firefighter soldier who called him comrade and said:

"It's great that you're still alive."

This is a voice completely from Bai Zhou's heart.

However, a layer of water vapor appeared in the pupils of the seven or eight firefighters who heard this.

It is indeed great that they survived, but the comrades they sacrificed will never come back.

At this moment, Li Guofeng, who was standing by the side, spoke:

"Don't you have something to tell Dr. Bai?"

Hearing this, several firefighters and soldiers were taken aback for a moment, then nodded immediately. They did have something to say.

But who's to say?

These seven or eight young faces actually shrugged off embarrassingly, you push him, he pushes you.

This appearance is very cute, in stark contrast to the backs of them rushing into the fire one by one.

Even Lin Xiao who was standing on the other side had a gentle smile in his eyes.

Finally, they still pushed out the comrade-in-arms named Comrade Bai Zhou, and he said coyly:

"Doctor Bai, you are so young..."

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