"It's a miracle that this child can live to this day!"

Hearing Bai Zhou's voice, Lin Muyun nodded in agreement, then frowned and said:

"At such a young age, she actually has myxomas in the left and right atria!"

"Besides, considering the size of her heart, the myxoma has grown to such a large size, yet it still hasn't fallen off. It's really a miracle that she can survive till now!"

When Lin Muyun said this, his voice trembled a little.

The reason is very simple, that is, even he has never seen a patient with cardiac myxoma in such eyes.

Myxomas in both atria, he had seen.

He had seen babies with myxomas too.

But I have never seen such a serious situation with this child.

But at this time, Bai Zhou and Lin Muyun raised their heads at the same time, looked at each other, and then spoke at the same time.

Bai Zhou: "She must be operated on immediately!"

Lin Muyun: "We can't do this surgery!"

The two people did not speak in unison. Although they spoke at the same time, the words they said were completely different.

Not only Bai Zhou and Lin Muyun, but also the nurse sister Li Ru who came back with the inspection report was stunned.

He looked at Bai Zhou and Lin Muyun strangely.

Then he said stiffly:

"Dean...Doctor Bai...Who do we listen to?"

At this time, Lin Muyun frowned and said 737:

"Bai Zhou, listen to me, this..."

Just halfway through his words, a young woman's voice came from outside the consulting room:

"Doctor? Are you still there? How is my daughter?"

After hearing these words, Lin Muyun's voice stopped instantly.

Because here comes the young single mom!

The child has been placed in the observation room for close observation.

She was also impatient and wanted to see what was going on with her daughter, so she came here.

Looking at the single mother with tears in her eyes, Li Ru didn't know what to say.

Because the opinions of the two doctors in front of me diverged.

"Doctor, nurse, why don't you speak?"

The single mother seemed to have some bad premonition in her heart, and tears flowed down the corners of her eyes again:

"Is it my daughter's illness... can't be cured?"

"It can be cured!" Bai Zhou said firmly.

But Lin Muyun stepped forward directly: "White Boat!"

After stopping Bai Zhou with his eyes.

Lin Muyun turned to the patient's family and sighed, then said:

"This parent, your daughter's illness can indeed be cured, but this operation (cgdj) cannot be performed in our hospital."

"What? What did you say?" This single mother obviously didn't quite understand Lin Muyun's meaning:

"Didn't you just say to ask Doctor Bai to give me the knife?"

Lin Muyun said with a serious expression:

"I made the previous decision hastily. After examination, your daughter's condition is indeed very serious. The doctors in our hospital can't do it, but the provincial maternity and child experts should be able to overcome it."

. "appoint

"Should?" The young mother almost collapsed at the word.

And Bai Zhou was also taken aback at this moment, as if thinking of something, he said to Lin Muyun:

"By the way, Dean, didn't you call the provincial women and children before? Is their expert there? If so, can you ask him to come to our hospital for help?"

Before, Bai Zhou had completely forgotten about this matter because of Lin Muyun's confusing behavior of firing and rehiring, but now he remembered it when he heard Lin Muyun mention it.

When Lin Muyun heard Bai Zhou's question, he turned to look at Bai Zhou helplessly, spread his hands and said:

"Do you know why I suddenly want you to be the attending physician? The provincial maternity and child specialist went to other places to throw knives. He just left today. It will be at least half a month before he comes back."

"Ah?" After hearing Lin Muyun's explanation, Bai Zhou frowned instantly and said:

"But this child's condition can't wait that long! The myxoma is in danger of falling off at any time. Such a large myxoma will definitely block the patient's blood vessels. When the time comes, the patient will definitely die. !"

As soon as Bai Zhou finished speaking, a complex expression appeared on Lin Muyun's face: "You can die if you don't talk? When will your straightforward temper change?"

Yes, such words, said in front of the patient's family members, can only cause one consequence.

"What?!" The young mother let out a scream in an instant.

His face was also directly pale.

The body softened.

With a "plop", he staggered and fell to the ground.

Nurse Li Ru hurried forward to help the young mother.

But this young mother couldn't lift up any strength.

His face was pale and desperate, his pupils were dark, and tears flowed silently from the corners of his eyes.

Without saying a word, after a while, she suddenly raised her head and uttered a sharp and painful cry to the ceiling:


"What sin did I do to make you treat me like this!! You took away my husband, and now you want to take away my last relative?!"


The mournful cry came out from the truth, and those passing by all looked sideways, looking at the sad young mother inside, all showing sympathy.

Miss Li Ru's eyes were also slightly red.

Bai Zhou and Lin Muyun were also touched.

But Lin Muyun once again sighed helplessly just as he was about to speak.

But he found that Bai Zhou held him back, he saw the firmness in Bai Zhou's eyes, and Bai Zhou's voice came from his ear:

"Dean, let me do this operation!"

"Nonsense!" After hearing these words, Lin Muyun directly angrily reprimanded:

"How many surgeries have you done?!"

"Do you know the current situation of this child, if there is a slight deviation during the operation, she will die immediately!"

"I used to think that for such a young child, no matter how serious the myxoma is, it won't matter, but the results of the examination have already seen it!"

"You are not an expert in cardiothoracic surgery, let alone pediatrics. If something goes wrong in this operation, who will bear the responsibility?"

It really wasn't that Lin Muyun didn't want to save people, he also wanted to save this child.

But this operation, even if he didn't dare to do it lightly when he was young, let Bai Zhou, a new doctor, do it?

He dare not!

He is responsible to the patient, and is also responsible to Bai Zhou.

Bai Zhou had indeed undergone heart surgery, and the surgery was a perfect success.

However, an adult's mitral valve surgery is completely different from a baby's myxoma surgery!

If something goes wrong and the child dies, he will not come back.

Bai Zhou's career as a doctor in this life is completely over!

If the operation is performed by a pediatric specialist or a cardiothoracic surgeon, even if something goes wrong, everyone will think that the condition is too serious.

But Bai Zhou is just a new doctor, and he insists on doing this operation. If it succeeds, no one will praise you, but if it fails, you will be criticized by everyone immediately!

For the sake of Bai Zhou, Lin Muyun would never agree to Bai Zhou's operation.

In fact, Bai Zhou also understood what Lin Muyun meant. He was very grateful to Lin Muyun, but he still said firmly:

"Dean, do you think we, as doctors, really watched a life disappear before our eyes?"

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