Doctor Chen, Don't Be a Coward!

Chapter 209 Inheritance!

the next day.

Early in the morning, several cars hurriedly parked in the parking lot of Dongzhimen Hospital.

As soon as Hu Gang came down, he saw Zhang Zhixin and Xing Daqing both coming.

He couldn't help but smile: "Why are you all here? Are you not on duty?"

After speaking, the three of them couldn't help laughing.

Compared with the shift, everyone is more concerned about yesterday's patients.

This matter even decides whether a new topic related to them can be carried out.

At this point, although clinical work is very important, it is more important to undertake a series of scientific research responsibilities.

It is no joke that they take so much scientific research funding every year. Responsibilities and obligations are always tied together as twin brothers.

Although the capital is good, and the big hospitals are also tempting, they also have a lot of scientific research pressure when they are in the positions of directors.

In this regard, China started relatively late, and it is still relatively difficult to catch up with the West.

Many hospitals in the West are actually inextricably linked with large pharmaceutical companies, taking shares or even holding shares.

Their top chief doctors have a whole chain of interests involved behind them. They are clinical workers and scientific research leaders.

After years of development, it seems that a stable circular ecological system has been formed.

This is also why these chief experts will attend and even speak at large-scale conferences abroad, so that in the formulation of new guidelines, different drugs will be listed.

The formulation of medical industry rules, unconsciously, under the influence of this system, has formed a close closed loop of the chain of interests, which is indispensable.

However, the domestic and foreign environments are different after all. For various reasons, although many pharmaceutical companies are also replicating this mature "success" model, there is a country behind it, and there is no country in the world that really means anything. It has achieved universal medical insurance, and even included many drugs into the scope of national medical insurance.

The doctors of these large top public hospitals will be relatively simple in comparison, which is a unique honor system in China.

This is the case with Hu Gang and others. They have been famous for a long time, but it has always been difficult for them to have top scientific research results. This is also a place that puts them under pressure.

The three of them didn't say more, just got up and walked towards the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but...the three of them walked very fast. The four of them could be said to love and kill each other, and they fought back and forth for many years, although they said No one wants the other to be bad, but no one wants to compare variances.

Sometimes competition is a more stable virtuous circle.

Ruan Yongyi was not surprised at the arrival of the three, he was very aware of the three people's urination.

Not much nonsense, Ruan Yongyi said directly: "Let's go, go to the ward with me and see if it works!"

Xing Daqing was stunned for a moment: "Don't wait for Xiao Chen to come?"

Ruan Yongyi smiled bitterly: "This kid won't come today, he has something to do."

Ruan Yongyi doesn't care about people like Chen Nan who want to come or not. After all, his advantages are far greater than this. When a person's light is too strong, his reverie will be ignored by others, and he feels very normal.

On the contrary, a very perfect person can make people feel uncomfortable.

The preference of the four of Ruan Yongyi for Chen Nan is incomparable, and they all appreciate this young man who is only 25 years old but has such talent and accomplishments.

The four of them took Qin Tao straight to the ward. At this time, the patient had just woken up and was eating breakfast, and his family members were all by the side, feeling a little dull.

For the family, the problem of not having a good mouth is very annoyed, but there is nothing they can do. As Ruan Yongyi said, people's physiques are different.

However... when they learned that the medicine their daughter was using was prescribed by the trained young doctor, their mood became even more dull, and they felt that Ruan Yongyi was somewhat hasty and irresponsible.

No, seeing a few people coming in, the patient's mother wrote unhappy on her face, frowned, looked at Ruan Yongyi with some blame and asked:

"Director Ruan, you are really not being kind."

"Then we asked Dr. Chen, he just came here for training? Are you a little irresponsible?"

In their eyes, Chen Nan came from a small place for further training. They found that he was the director of the capital, and it was a bit too much to ask a training person to give the plan.

Ruan Yongyi didn't say anything, just said with a smile, "Look at the wound first."

After speaking, Ruan Yongyi suddenly thought of Chen Nan's advice, and said to Qin Tao who was beside him, "Take out the score sheet."

Qin Tao nodded, this was sent to Ruan Yongyi by Chen Nan in the morning, and asked him to give a detailed score on the patient's symptoms as a diagnosis effect analysis.

Qin Tao took out the prepared form and asked the patient, "Did you sleep well last night?"

When this question was asked, the patient lying on the bed was the first to be stunned: "It seems to be better!"

It's just that she was a little surprised when she was talking. Her insomnia has been going on for a long time, and she always thought that it was only related to the law of life, but after 6 o'clock in the afternoon and after taking two traditional Chinese medicines in the evening, it seemed really different. Now, sleep better.

"How are you feeling today?"

It was only then that the woman reacted. It seemed that the medicine was really effective. Although she didn't know if the hole had healed, she felt much better.

"Well, it's better. It's easy to get dizzy when I wake up in the morning. Today, I'm listening, I think I've slept well."

Qin Tao nodded and continued to ask. There are more than 20 questions in this form.

After the question, the woman's answer surprised everyone around, because many symptoms have improved slightly, which is rare.

At this time, Ruan Yong Ngai also had expectations for the patient's wound.

He carefully tore open the gauze from the patient's wound area, exposing the incision.

According to Chen Nan's doctor's orders, he needs to change the medicine, and replace the new traditional Chinese medicine dressing and irrigation solution.

Yesterday, Chen Nankai's external medicines were divided into two parts, one part was used for washing, which belonged to traditional Chinese medicine lotion, and the other part was used for external application.

When the dressing was opened, Ruan Yong Ngai washed the wound with physiological saline, and the wound was immediately exposed.

Although there were sutures, he carefully opened a part of the wound, and after careful observation, the whole person couldn't help shaking his hands!

The woman couldn't help moaning in pain because of Ruan Yongyi's trembling hands.

"S... um!"

Ruan Yongyi looked at the woman and said excitedly, "Does it hurt?"

The woman nodded angrily: "Of course it hurts."

"However, when you don't have to move, it just itches a little bit."

As soon as these words came out, Hu Gang and the three behind him suddenly looked happy, and their pupils shrank.

They are all insiders!

Sometimes, in clinical symptoms, itching is a good manifestation.

This means good news!

Because in the process of wound healing, a new tissue will be added, called connective tissue, which is the granulation that grows from the wound. New blood vessels and nerves must grow connective tissue. During rapid growth, it is easy to stimulate the new nerves, and the nerves feel more sensitive, especially the new nerves, when a little stimulated, it will feel itchy!

So, generally itching occurs, which is a good thing.

For a time, a thought appeared in the minds of several people at the same time: Could it be that it has begun to heal? !

This news instantly inspired everyone.

Ruan Yongyi's eyes flashed, and he quickly said to the people behind him, "Look!"

"Fresh granulation tissue!"

"Connective tissue has begun to appear, and new granulation has appeared in the wound!"

"The wound really started to heal!"


Ruan Yong Ng's heart is not without excitement.

This news is simply too exciting.

This is the horn of the charge, the sign of victory!

Hu Gang, Xing Daqing, Zhang Zhixin and the others quickly and carefully looked through the wound and looked into the depths of this place with flashlights.

When they saw the fresh granulation tissue, they were all excited.

Then I quickly took a few pictures!

Ruan Yongyi was extremely excited, and looked at his family members excitedly and said, "The patient's wound has begun to heal!"

"It's estimated that it won't take long for the hole to grow!"

"Don't worry about it!"

"By the way, during this time, it may be itchy, but you must hold back. It is best not to scratch, so as not to scratch the fragile wound and cause secondary infection!"

Ruan Yong Ng's words are undoubtedly a big surprise for this family!


"it is good!"

"Great, I see, thank you Director Ruan!"

The family members were overwhelmed by the good news. At this time, they still wanted to find trouble with Chen Nan?

The disease has a good trend now, who cares about the mother's treatment!

People are such a double standard.

Ruan Yongyi smiled and said to Qin Tao, "Xiao Qin, change the medicine!"

Qin Tao's inner shock is more intense than Xing Daqing and the others. He has dealt with Chen Nan the most, and is too surprised by this ordinary looking Chen Nan except for his handsome appearance.

On the first day of admission, we began to improve the surgical procedure!

The next day went directly to the surgery, using the latest surgery!

He didn't show up on the third day and was suspended from training, and then the director and the dean went out to invite them in person.

This... how long has it been?

Did such a big thing happen again?

Is this for training?

This is obviously to reduce dimensionality and attack the class!

In the end, who is studying, Qin Tao suddenly felt a little confused.

He felt that Chen Nan came down to help the poor!

That's right...that's how it feels...

Although it sounds a bit far-fetched, people have actually made such a shocking result.

At the beginning, Qin Tao still had a little sense of superiority. Many people came to study every year, and the directors of the hospitals below would come to study. Therefore, even if Qin Tao was just an ordinary attending doctor, because the platform was in the capital, in Dongzhimen Hospital, I'm also a little proud inside.

But after Chen Nan came, Qin Tao didn't feel arrogant when he saw that Chen Nan was so young, but he still had some sense of superiority in his heart. He even said to Chen Nan with a smile, "Xiao Chen, don't worry, I'll take you!"

Thinking of what he said to Chen Nan a few days ago, Qin Tao felt a sense of shame.

It's too bad!

He never imagined that Xiao Chen's presence in just a few days not only opened up the situation, but even greatly improved the progress of clinical research that had been stagnant in their department for a long time.

And when something happened yesterday, when even a few big directors couldn't solve the problem, Xiao Chen solved the problem!

Is this for further study?

This is definitely for poverty alleviation!

This made Qin Tao dumbfounded, and even a little shaken. Could it be... Has the development of the hospital below surpassed us by so much?

This shocked Qin Tao's sense of superiority to stay in the capital after graduation.

Looking at the Chinese medicine external application and Chinese medicine washing liquid prepared in his hand, he felt a feeling of standing up on a mountain.

However, he was not in the mood to entangle this matter at this time. After he hurriedly disinfected the wound, he began to rinse the wound with Chinese herbal rinsing solution. Finally, he applied the externally applied medicine, and then bandaged the wound.

The directors behind them looked indifferent, but their hearts were already excited to Java.

The subject works!

This subject is so feasible.

We must find Xiao Chen to cooperate well.


After summing up and reflecting on the previous failure experience, Hu Gang has made up his mind and his attitude has been corrected a lot. He feels that he is not a cooperation, this is the rhythm of hugging his thighs!

Although Chen Nan is only 25 years old, this does not prevent people from having thick thighs.

This era is no longer the time to discuss seniority.

Haven't you seen that the youngest professor is in his twenties, the youngest doctoral supervisor is less than thirty, and the youngest academician is only in his thirties?

This is an era of supremacy of strength!

If you still want to rely on seniority and sell the old as before, you will be eliminated sooner or later!

Hu Gang is very clear that although he has the ability, he lacks some key things after all, and Chen Nan has these things!

After leaving the ward.

The eyes of the four were filled with impulsiveness and passion.

Several people resisted their excitement and came to the director's office.

Ruan Yongyi's eyes are full of light!

"This subject must be done!"

Hu Gang nodded: "Must do it!"

Zhang Zhixin: "If this is done, I will definitely win an award!"

Xing Daqing shook his head: "This is something that Western medicine can't do at present. If we do it, it is equivalent to stepping out of the treatment plan with Chinese characteristics!"

"It's a benchmark!"

The four of them, the more they talked, the more excited they became!

The more I talk, the more impulsive.

Full of energy.

"Then do it!"

The four of them hit it off, and Ruan Yongyi said, "We can do this thing. When we are ready, we will find Xiao Chen and ask him to add Chinese medicine. He has to attend classes, so don't waste his time. "

Several people smiled knowingly and nodded.

And after Ruan Yongyi finished speaking, Hu Gang said, "I'm going to pull Xiao Chen into my new project!"

Ruan Yongyi was taken aback: "Your new topic? Hepatobiliary surgery?"

Hu Gang nodded: "Yes, I think Xiao Chen should be good at it."

"Moreover, I recently heard from the trainers of our department that their training this time has assessments, but originally only clinical assessments and written exams were required."

"But... hey, it's also my reason. I shouldn't have gone to the school to find Xiao Chen. Let's make trouble like this."

"Everyone knows that Xiao Chen is about to get an external employment contract."

"So, some people told the training organization this time that it was unfair."

"Damn it, I added one, and both papers and projects can be added."

"Xiao Chen is only 25 years old, can he have the rich experience of these people?"

"Many people have been directors for many years. It's really unkind to play this game with a 25-year-old child at the age of 40!"

"However, after all, it was our fault that brought Xiao Chen an unwarranted disaster."

"So, I decided to add Xiao Chen to my new topic."

"Besides, this is legal and compliant. After all, I really hope that Xiao Chen can help me."

When everyone heard this, they immediately frowned.

You know, they all participated in what happened that day.

Thinking of bringing such an innocent disaster to Chen Nan, several people blushed and even regretted.

Ruan Yongyi is a straight person, and he scolded directly: "These people are really fucking bastards!"

"Relying on being the base camp of the capital and having connections, I did these unreliable things."

"Does this show bullying?"

"Do you really think that our little Chen has no backer?"

When he said these words, Ruan Yongyi held a sullen breath in his chest. He felt that Chen Nan was being calculated by these incompetent people.

Ruan Yongyi was forced to leave the Concord, so after hearing this kind of thing, he instinctively felt a little disgusted with these local local snakes.

Are you upright and direct comparison?

Xing Daqing sighed: "Mu Xiuyu Lin, this is obviously not a good thing."

"Actually, even if we didn't go here, this kind of thing could not be avoided."

"Our appearance is just to make this kind of thing earlier!"

The bearded Zhang Zhixin slapped the table and said aggressively, "Do you really think we Xiao Chen don't have a backstage?"

Although there is only one-sided relationship, several people have a good impression of Chen Nan, who looks harmless to humans and animals, is humble and kind, and has a unique talent!

"I happen to have two papers to be published. I will add a name to Xiao Chen! Isn't it just a paper? Who doesn't have a few friends who can do scientific research?"

"My topic also adds a name to Xiao Chen!"

After Zhang Zhixin's remarks, Ruan Yongyi laughed: "Yes, who hasn't written a few papers yet!"

Xing Daqing laughed the happiest: "I have two papers now, one for my graduate students, and one for my doctoral students, all of which are going to be published!"

Ruan Yongyi felt his heart warm when he saw several old friends so generous.

However, he still thought of something, frowned and said, "Will it be self-defeating? We name Xiao Chen in our paper... Isn't this academic fraud?"

When Xing Daqing heard this, he immediately laughed: "Let Xiao Chen revise the paper and make suggestions. Isn't this also a sense of participation? This can't be called fraud!"

"And there is cooperation in the subject itself, which is not fake at all!"

Several people have made achievements in their respective fields, and all of them have postgraduates with masters and doctorates. They are too familiar with the academic set.

The four of them hit it off immediately and made a decision immediately.



At this time, Chen Nan had no idea what was going on.

At this time, he had already got into Gulin's car and drove towards the hospital.

Gulin's car is a black Audi A6L, which looks very low-key, even a little old-fashioned, but after looking at Gulin's appearance, Chen Nan suddenly felt a strong sense of contrast.

He felt that this beautiful and outrageous person, even a bit like a woman's Gulin, should drive would be more suitable, and it was the pink kind...

Cough cough!

Chen Nan couldn't help laughing.

Looking at Chen Nan's smile, Gulin couldn't help but say, "Do you think my car is very dirty?"

Chen Nan coughed and said hypocritically, "No, it's good."

Looking at Chen Nan's expression, Gulin couldn't help rolling his eyes, trusting you!

"My dad bought me this car and said it makes me look mature."

Chen Nan couldn't help laughing hahaha.

Gulin helplessly shrugged: "I actually prefer my sports car, hey... But driving to the hospital is too high-profile and inappropriate."

Gulin came from a very good background. His family has always been in the capital. He has natural advantages and geographical dividends. Like Sun Mu, he is from a family of traditional Chinese medicine. The only difference is that his family is a famous doctor, and his ancestors are imperial doctors. longer.

Gulin didn't like to discuss too much on this topic, so he said, "What about your assessment plan?"

"After the bonus points, many people will be taller than you."

"As far as I know, according to the results of the last admissions assessment, plus the extra points, you will get about 50 candidates."

Hearing this, Chen Nan felt helpless.

"what can I do?"

"No matter whether it is a project or a thesis, it is obviously not a problem that can be solved in one or two days."

"Even if I start writing now, I have no chance."

Ruan Yongyi sighed, it was true.

However, seeing Chen Nan's aggrieved appearance, Gulin actually gloated a little. After all, this was the first time that Chen Nan was deflated.

In the training class, although Chen Nan is the youngest, he is the strongest!

Gulin also had to admit this.

However, in all fairness, Gulin still felt a little pity, he felt that Chen Nan was really taken away from such an opportunity.

"If you can get a double percentile in the test again, maybe... It's not impossible that the training class will give you special treatment."

"After all, your ability is there."

This remark made Chen Nan somewhat moved.

Gulin continued: "You may not know that this assessment actually has hidden rewards."

"But it's not an open reward, it's a private reward."

"Xinglinyuan also attaches great importance to this training."

"So, Xinglinyuan will give some extraordinary rewards for the top three in the training, including some rare Chinese medicine books, or precious medicinal materials or formulas, and even some special inheritance opportunities."

"Unfortunately, you don't have an advantage in total points."

Chen Nan heard Xing Lin Yuan again, but did not expect that there would be a separate reward?

After listening to this, Chen Nan's mind was a little heavy.

After all, who would want to pass up an opportunity like this?

This also made him feel a little bit frustrated.

Obviously the ability to compete, the result... the mother's new rules.

In fact, Jia Menzhang and Huang Yiping and Shen Yuyuan both complained about this matter, but there was no way, because there were too many people involved, and everyone was too afraid of Chen Nan, a person who reduced dimensionality and broke the rules.

You can only hold back, the big deal is to give Chen Nan a special channel, and add some compensation.


When we got to the hospital, it was already 9 o'clock.

Under the leadership of Gulin, Chen Nan went to a VIP room.

Seeing Gulin coming, the middle-aged man at the door greeted him: "Little Lin is here."

Gulin nodded: "Hello Uncle Lu, this is Chen Nan."

After a lot of Chen Nan, the man nodded and smiled: "I've heard your name, and you won Zhuang Mushen when you picked a restaurant."

"I just didn't expect you to be so young, younger than in the video."

Chen Nan heard the sound and smiled: "Uncle Lu, hello."

The man's smile is very modest, and he doesn't have too much air, but there is still an arrogance between his eyebrows. He has also seen this kind of arrogance in Gulin.

"My name is Lu Zeyi, let's go in. The old man is awake and waiting for you. Elder Shen and Elder Yu are inside."

To be honest, Lu Zeyi was also very curious, why did his father want to meet Chen Nan by name?

Seeing Gulin, he is very clear, but... why is Chen Nan?

Pushing the door into the room, Lu Pingren on the hospital bed was reading with a book in his hand, and Shen Yuyuan was sitting beside him with an old man dressed in traditional clothes.

Gulin came in and said hello.

Chen Nan only knew Shen Yuyuan, so he greeted Gulin.

Yu Mei raised his eyelids and glanced at Chen Nan, wondering why Shen Yuyuan admired this young man so much.

Shen Yuyuan introduced to Chen Nan: "Xiao Chen, this is Yu Mei, Mr. Yu."

"This is Mr. Lu Pingren."

Chen Nan nodded respectfully and said hello.

Lu Pingren glanced at Chen Nan and Gulin, and immediately laughed, but his complexion was obviously not very good.

After Chen Nan took a serious look at the other party, he nodded and didn't say much, but felt that the other party...maybe time is running out!

The two-eyed god has departed.

The complexion is white but not rosy.

This is not a good phenomenon!

Shen Yuyuan gave Chen Nan a wink: "Xiao Chen, I recommended you to come this time."

Lu Pingren smiled and took the book in his hand and handed it to Yu Mei.

"Lao Yu, help me give this book to the two of you."

Yu Mei sighed and shook his head, but he still had the book in his hand.

To Gulin and Chen Nan, he said: "Lu Lao's time is short. He has learned five cars in his life and wants to find a successor before his death."

"You two, stay here all morning and finish this book."

"After reading it, I'll ask you a few questions."

"The answer is, Mr. Lu will treat you as his heirs."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Nan suddenly widened his eyes.

And Gulin is the same!

Gulin himself did not expect that the old man Lu called them... It turned out to be an inheritor?

And this book...

But why is it called Chen Nan?

Gulin suddenly thumped in his heart.

You must know that Mr. Lu's academic attainments are so high that even the elders in the family are far behind.

It is said that Lu Lao is the person furthest away from the master.

This book……

The more Gulin thought about it, the more excited he became.

And Chen Nan stared at the book in his hand, and his eyes widened immediately.

【Ding! To find high-quality books, do you use identification cards? 】


ps: Thanks for the 9,000 reward from the "嗬_ uncomfortable" boss, thank you boss! Big man mighty!

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