Doctor Chen, Don't Be a Coward!

Chapter 238 I have a showdown, I am a god!

The Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as the brand of traditional Chinese medicine in Jin Province for decades, this meeting is also of high standard!

The invited people are all industry leaders, at least the elites in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanxi Province.

Even, this meeting can be regarded as a threshold, and all the doctors who come to participate are doctors from dozens of large and small TCM hospitals in Shanxi Province.

Chen Nan received the invitation letter unexpectedly, even if Tao Gongshu didn't want to send it, there was nothing he could do.

At the same time, Yang Hongnian, as the outstanding director of the field of traditional Chinese medicine in Yuancheng, Jin Province this year, obviously has an invitation letter, but... he also asked for one for Zhao Jianyong, without him... Internally, it is competition, externally, it is a comrade-in-arms! In terms of the united front, Director Yang showed his due bearing, and also showed the pattern and style of his palace status.

"Little Zhao, drive steadily."

Yang Hongnian and Chen Nan sat in the back row, and Zhao Jianyong acted as the driver. The Audi A6 was Zhao Jianyong's new car. As Chen Nan's royal secretary and assistant, he had always been more careful than Yang Hongnian in this regard.

In fact, his old Langyi can still drive, but... considering that Director Chen doesn't have a car, as an assistant, shouldn't he be more thoughtful? So old Zhao Yi gritted his teeth and liked to mention Audi's four-wheel drive, and he couldn't embarrass Director Chen.

However, when he heard Yang Hongnian who was making noise behind him, he still endured it. After all... the tickets were obtained by Director Yang for help.

Lakeside International.

in the conference hall.

There are not many people, only about a hundred or so people. As a high-end academic conference, Tao Gongshu has always been stubborn about the threshold.

He knows that what he can't get will make people restless.

In fact, it is indeed the case. The convening of this conference is indeed a high-end circle for practitioners in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. Whoever is invited here is a recognition of their academic ability.

"Director Yang, hello!"

"This is Director Chen Nan, he is young and promising!"

"Director Chen, hello!"


At this time, everyone was signing in outside the conference hall. After seeing Chen Nan and Yang Hongnian coming, everyone greeted Chen Nan after greeting Yang Hongnian.

For Zhao Jianyong, everyone really neglected, because... Director Zhao is indeed not well-known, Yang Hongnian glanced at Zhao Jianyong proudly, indicating how majestic he is? In the past, Zhao Jianyong might be moved or restless in his heart, but now, he is calmer than anyone else, and he knows himself very well. What is this scene?

Under the leadership of the staff, after everyone signed in, they walked towards the conference room.

Tao Gongshu saw Chen Nan, but instead of greeting him, he greeted and shook hands with everyone around him with a smile.

"Oh, Director Xu, hurry up... please sit down, please sit down!"

"Director Zhang is here, come on, come here, please, after tonight is over, you can have a good drink."

"Oh, Director Li, you're here, I read your paper, it's really good!"


The three of Chen Nan sat in the chairs, calm, Yang Hongnian was a person with his own aura now, and even Zhang Peiyuan had to be shocked by his pattern, so he didn't care about it.

Zhao Jianyong was even more focused on Chen Nan. He prepared a recorder and asked carefully, "Director Chen, do you need to take notes?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Don't worry, I will tell you something deep."

Zhao Jianyong nodded and said no more.

And Chen Nan turned a blind eye to this false prosperity. He was a person who had seen the world. In the small group of mobile phones, ten Chinese medicine masters were neatly arranged, and he was too lazy to pay attention to Tao Gongshu's compliments.

In fact... the arrival of Chen Nan's trio will inevitably attract everyone's attention. Chen Nan is too famous recently, and the movement of the Chinese Medicine Department of Yuancheng People's Hospital is not small.

The project funding has reached the level of tens of millions.

It is being selected as a national key specialty.

Became a partner institution of the Capital Institute of Dermatology.


These things, it is impossible for everyone to say that they are not jealous!

It is said that colleagues are enemies, and colleagues have no friends. This is not true at all, because everyone is in a competitive environment, and the total resources are considerable. If you occupy it, others will have to move their positions.

Therefore, for the dark horse of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Yuancheng People's Hospital, everyone is not convinced except for envy.

The people who come and go are still chatting and shaking hands, and they are still talking to each other in business.

At this time, with the entry of several old people, the atmosphere at the scene instantly reached a climax.

"Elder Geng is here, hurry up... Take your seat here!" Tao Gongshu hurriedly greeted him, smiled and hurriedly supported the old man's arm: "Slow down, I'll take you there."

Yang Hongnian looked at the other party and whispered to Chen Nan: "This is Geng Pengxing, Mr. Geng, the master of traditional Chinese medicine at Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

Chen Nan nodded, so that's the case, it seems... the industry status of the provincial traditional Chinese medicine hospital is still very strong, it is not easy to invite the master of Chinese medicine to come to the meeting.

Tao Gongshu and Geng Pengxing laughed and chatted, standing in front of Elder Jing, very humble, different from the arrogant look just now.

Such a meeting, Mr. Meng Yichao, naturally, will also come.

With the arrival of Meng Lao, the atmosphere of the people below rose again, and everyone still respected Meng Lao very much.

"Old Jing, you are here, slow down!"


One after another, six masters of traditional Chinese medicine, three academicians, and fifteen nationally famous old Chinese medicine practitioners came in...

This venue with less than 200 people is full of coffee.

Tao Gongshu is very skilled in dealing with people. In fact, Tao Gongshu is also a famous Chinese medicine practitioner in the country, an academic brand in Jin Province, and an expert in the field of spleen and stomach diseases.

The leaders and directors of other hospitals came forward to greet the masters of Chinese medicine and famous doctors in the country.

In contrast, Yang Hongnian and the others did not move.

Except for a few directors who knew Chen Nan well, everyone was busy leaving contact information. Sun Mu came over and sat down with Chen Nan for a long time.

The two met for the first time after returning from the capital.

However... Sun Mu came to ask Chen Nan some questions.

In addition, this side seemed to be isolated, Yang Hongnian didn't mention a word, and Sun Mu couldn't help but said to Chen Nan, "Did you see it?"

"What?" Chen Nan asked curiously.

Sun Mu said with a smile: "You didn't realize that everyone in your department basically doesn't come to say hello?"

Chen Nan nodded: "So what?"

Sun Mu was stunned for a moment, it turns out... this guy doesn't care at all.

But thinking about it carefully, it is true that Chen Nan doesn't seem to need other people to show his strength.

This person can cause a sensation when he goes to the capital for more than ten days. What is this small meeting here?

Is this meeting high-profile? Just rely on a few masters of Chinese medicine and famous doctors in the country?

Don't be kidding... But Sun Mu knows very well that before Chen Nan goes to the capital, he can easily kill two famous doctors in the country, the master of Chinese medicine... Well, Chen Nan's teacher can organize casually, it may be a platoon .

It can't be compared!

Sun Mu said helplessly: "Your hospital is developing too fast, and it has already made the provincial Chinese medicine jealous. This meeting... people want to declare their sovereignty!"

"Haha, you haven't seen those units that are similar to the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, didn't you come here at all?"

But who knows, Chen Nan didn't speak, and Yang Hongnian said lightly, "Beasts walk alone, cattle and sheep like to hug together!"

As soon as these words came out, Sun Mu was stunned!

It really makes sense.

He looked at Director Yang, who was so calm, with steady and firm eyes, and couldn't help but look sideways. This... This Director, isn't as sloppy as the legends say?

This pattern and tolerance, can ordinary people have?

Not only Sun Mu, but even Chen Nan and Zhao Jianyong didn't believe that this guy could say such words of tigers and wolves,'s incisive words!

Chen Nan smiled: "Actually, we didn't think about it, we just wanted to improve the medical level."

"They think too much."

Sun Mu smiled bitterly: "Yeah, you can let the ranking of the departments of the provincial traditional Chinese medicine hospital in crisis this time, obviously they are afraid."

"It is now the end of the year, and various selections are about to begin. The experts invited this time are just to add extra points to them."

"You may not know that my dad attended a meeting recently. Obviously, you can't surpass the provincial hospital of traditional Chinese medicine in the hospital ranking, but...the department ranking, you may surpass the best department of the provincial traditional Chinese medicine hospital, the spleen and stomach department!"

"Think about it, can Tao Gongshu be in a hurry? How embarrassing is the fact that one of your TCM departments in the Western Hospital killed the brand of TCM in the province?"

Before Chen Nan could speak, Yang Hongnian stretched his lazy waist: "It used to be theirs because we Chen Nan didn't want to take it, but now... we want to take it, and they can't keep it.

We don't want it, we can give it to him, but...they can't take it! "

Chen Nan and Zhao Jianyong were a little warm-blooded by what they said!

The three of them looked at Wang Yang Hongnian, suddenly feeling a little terrifying, a little strange...

Good guy, what we have improved is academic level, what you have improved... is a force!

That's right!

Yang Hongnian has found his own way to survive. Studying medicine requires talent. I can't do it, and my talent is limited, but... As for pretending to be coercive, I, Yang, have not yet served anyone?

Seeing the three people's eyes, Yang Hongnian was stunned for a moment: "Am I wrong?"

Zhao Jianyong and Sun Mu looked at each other and shook their heads quickly: "!"

At this time, Elder Geng who was on the stage suddenly walked straight towards here: "This is Chen Nan, you are young and promising!"

Elder Meng Yichao has recovered relatively well in the past few days, and he also waved to Chen Nan.

Chen Nan quickly stood up with a smile: "Old Geng, hello!"

Geng Pengxing smiled slightly: "Okay, hehe, last time I went to the capital, I chatted with Huang Yiping for a long time, and he praised you very much."

"There is time to come to Henan to play."

Chen Nan nodded and smiled: "Thank you, Mr. Geng."

Everyone around was dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Did the master of Chinese medicine take the initiative to come and say hello?

This is also... crazy, isn't it?

Even Tao Gongshu on the side was a little stunned.

In contrast, Chen Nan's identity was lifted up by the two old men, Geng Lao and Meng Lao!

This is the person who took the initiative to ask the master of Chinese medicine to come to greet him!

They tried their best to say hello to them, but they just smiled and responded, but Chen Nan was ignored by everyone, but the master of Chinese medicine took the initiative to say hello!

Tao Gongshu naturally added a bit of grudge in his heart.

However, after all, Chen Nan is a disciple of many Chinese medicine masters, and it is normal that he is favored by others.

At this time, Yang Hongnian didn't dare to fuss any more, so he quickly stood up and shook hands with the old man.


The meeting started.

Tao Gongshu, as the person in charge this time, is also the host, and he made some remarks after he came to power.

The main purpose is to report on the development and prospect of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanxi Province in the past year.

It was inevitable to publicize the achievements made by the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

The meeting starts soon!

This time, the meeting is mainly an academic exchange meeting, mainly for exchanges, supplemented by speeches.

There is no need for too many long speeches and speeches, but pure academic thoughts and communication to exchange some opinions on Chinese medicine.

Many of these articles by the speaker are to be published in journals such as the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Therefore, there are many magazines and journal staff present, doing a good job in the relevant collection work.

The old editor Lao Zhang said to the young people around him: "The recorder and the camera are on!"

"Let me tell you, today's conference may be several classic papers!"

"The people here are all the most famous Chinese medicine practitioners in Jin Province!"

The young man is a student of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine who has just graduated. He was a little excited and nodded quickly: "Okay, master."

" it really as exaggerated as you say?

Lao Zhang smiled and said, "Exaggerated? This is not an exaggeration? Last time we were in Tianjin, at a meeting, people directly created a column, do you think?"

"Key experts come to pay attention!"

The young man nodded quickly.


Here, the meeting has already started.

Each director first talked about the development of the department, and then began to talk about his current experience in treating specialist diseases.

To be more precise, it's more like sharing.

Then everyone expresses their opinions, either making suggestions or asking questions to be answered.

It was a great meeting!

Chen Nan has indeed gained a lot. These are the experiences of every director. Chen Nan can even vaguely feel that his level has improved.

This discovery surprised him!

Could it be that... the direction of my next improvement should be the specialist level?

Such as Chinese medicine spleen and stomach? TCM lung diseases?

After the subdivision of TCM departments, the viscera syndrome differentiation system has gradually matured, and Li Dongyuan and Zhang Yuanyuan have made Chen Nan's viscera syndrome differentiation system mature.

Chen Nan faintly found that his clinical thinking of traditional Chinese medicine was taking shape.

Even if he goes to other hospitals in the future, he will not go to the highly specialized department of the spleen and stomach department or the department of liver disease, because he takes care of himself and loses the other, and the dialectical thinking of traditional Chinese medicine as a whole, if he wants to walk the road of a master, he must Coordinate together.

However, after hearing the theories of these people, he also improved significantly.

An hour after the meeting, Chen Nan's basic ability of traditional Chinese medicine improved by 1 point.

In this meeting, the main speakers are the directors of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the others are mainly listening in or making suggestions.

To put it bluntly, as Sun Mu said, it is like showing off muscles.

After all... There is an extra point in the ranking of departments and hospitals, which mainly depends on the affirmation of industry experts.

Although there are suggestions on the spot, they are more conservative.

Intermission is coming soon.

Mo Xiangqiang from the Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine smiled at everyone and said, "Yuancheng People's Hospital is our star department in the field of traditional Chinese medicine this year!"

"Today, I would like to ask Director Yang to share his experience with everyone!"

Chen Nan and Zhao Jianyong quickly looked at Yang Hongnian.

Chen Nan is not worried that it is fake.

This Director Yang...Although the compulsion index is very high, but...the academic point of view is very general.

Chen Nan offered to help him write an article. Zhang Peiyuan was also afraid of embarrassment and persuaded Lao Yang, but... Director Yang refused, and asked Dean Zhang with a smile: "Are you teaching me to do things?"

In a word, Zhang Peiyuan was instantly speechless.

What more can he say?

Chen Nan is also helpless, and Director Yang has never leaked the manuscript, and has not even read the manuscript.

This made Zhao Jianyong more and more nervous.

For fear that Yang Hongnian would lose someone.

They can't have too many stains now, and how many people are staring at them.

Yang Hongnian's speech is about to start, but Director Yang is not at all flustered.

Very calm and calm.

Yang Hongnian stood up and said to the crowd:

"What I want to talk about today is not the academic point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, but the development point of view of the department of traditional Chinese medicine."

"How to integrate the ten methods of syndrome differentiation and treatment into the cases! Form a more scientific medical record of the TCM department."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar on the spot!

The old editor behind him, Lao Zhang, suddenly widened his eyes and said to the young man beside him, "Quick, this has to be recorded!"

"This will definitely be a hit!"

The young man was taken aback: "Teacher, this... This is Yang Hongnian from Yuancheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"Now... Isn't it all saying that Yuancheng People's Hospital is not holding Chen Nan's thigh?"

Lao Zhang laughed: "You too underestimate Yang Hongnian, don't listen to those people's nonsense, Yang Hongnian is now the person in charge of the national key specialty."

"You said it could be easy?"

"Record it seriously!"

At this time, everyone in the audience was somewhat in an uproar, and even several masters of Chinese medicine on the stage, as well as other famous old Chinese medicine practitioners in the country, all stared at Yang Hongnian.

Yang Hongnian looked at the crowd and said:

"Traditional Chinese medicine needs a set of its own medical records, not adapted from Western medical records!"

"Learning from the West is a process, not a result!"

"We have been studying for so many years, and it has no effect. Therefore, I think it is time to change the traditional thinking!"

This sentence is too high!

The crowd couldn't help but frown.

Tao Gongshu's face is even more uncertain. If you want to make rules and make templates, it's not your turn to come, right?

What qualifications do you have if you are a person who is beyond the reach of famous doctors in the province?

Is it necessary for a national key specialty to be so publicized?


The topic that Yang Hongnian was discussing was too high, and it was definitely publicized enough!

However, Yang Hongnian ignored the suspicious eyes of everyone present, and said lightly:

"Treatment based on syndrome differentiation is the essence and rule of traditional Chinese medicine, and the criterion and core of therapeutics!

However, the development of the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine requires the combination of scientific research and clinical practice. Therefore, better medical records are urgently needed!

By observing the medical records under the guidance of Chen Nan, referring to the records of ancient books, and combining with the current scientific research process of the International, through summarization and analysis, I have obtained a principle of ten methods of treatment based on syndrome differentiation!

It is reflected in: reviewing and seeking the cause, reviewing the cause, dialectical, evidence-based legislation, formulating prescriptions in accordance with the law, contingency addition and subtraction, appropriate dosage form, optimal approach, decoction, psychological adjustment, dietary care, etc. ! "

"Each of these methods has a direct impact on the curative effect, and whether it can be accurately and completely implemented into each medical record is the key to the success or failure of diagnosis and treatment. Try to refine the "Ten Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment" in the writing of modern Chinese medical records, for the purpose of Standardize treatment based on syndrome differentiation and traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment documents for reference.”


If everyone was a little skeptical at first, now, the scene is silent!

Even Chen Nan himself held his breath!

Because...the words that Yang Hongnian said are full of dry goods, and they really have something!

Even, something innovative!

Yang Hongnian really worked hard.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no way to sum it up.

This is not an academic point of view of TCM, but a new concept of TCM clinical medical records.

Not only him, but even many masters of traditional Chinese medicine on the stage began to follow Yang Hongnian's explanation and think seriously.

From the history of present illness to the status quo, from dialectical analysis to rationale and prescription, from prescription to prescription, and even nursing care, there are accurate records!

It can be said that it is very detailed, and everything is in general.

Swaying and swaying, Yang Hongnian's tone was rhythmic, which made people not only applaud!

At the end!

Yang Hongnian said with a deep expression:

"It's time to start changing!"

"Traditional Chinese medicine should walk out of a path that belongs to Chinese medicine!"

"To truly implement the ten methods of dialectical treatment!"

"The medical record is the best testimony to the level of syndrome differentiation and treatment. The reason why a clinical medical record is popular is that the treatment level is high and the words are written in place. Therefore, there is a saying that "it is better to read medical records than to read medical records".

Because those who read medicine, read medical theory books, mainly medical theories; those who read medical records, also read medical records. A good medical record is often a close combination of medical theory and clinical practice, the rationale, law, and medicine are carefully explained, and they are explained one by one. The tested live examples reflect the whole process of syndrome differentiation and treatment.

Therefore, it is necessary to attach importance to, improve, and develop TCM medical records, write modern TCM medical records, and accumulate detailed information in order to sum up experience, find rules, inherit and innovate. "


"It's time for a change!"

"We have to walk a path that belongs to modern Chinese medicine practitioners, not the old path!"

"After so many years of walking on the old road, there is no effect, indicating that a new road must be opened up!"

"I, Yang Hongnian, am not talented, but I was originally a Chinese medicine practitioner, breaking through thorns and opening new paths!"

"Okay, this is the end of my sharing. If you have any doubts or questions, I can explain it!"

After Yang Hongnian finished speaking, everyone hadn't woken up from what they had just realized, and everyone was thinking!

Even Mo Xiangqiang is there!

The master of Chinese medicine is also there.

The content of Yang Hongnian can be said to be the most important one today!

It is also one of the most topical.

a long time……

Many people in the audience looked at Tao Gongshu, and saw that his face was dull and his eyebrows were furrowed. Therefore, the people who applauded... were also sparse.

However, at this time, Meng Yichao, Meng Lao and Geng Lao on the stage began to applaud one after another.

Happy face!

Mo Xiangqiang was also somewhat relieved.

Who said that Yang Hongnian didn't have real talent and real learning? This is a real level. This speech directly justified his name!

The masters of Chinese medicine all applauded, and everyone in the audience could not applaud. Could it be that... they have a higher vision than the masters of Chinese medicine?

For a while, the applause was boiling, and Tao Gongshu's face was even more ugly!

Chen Nan and Zhao Jianyong were also shocked by Director Yang's speech, which was really convincing!

Yang Hongnian sneered inwardly, hehe... Do you think Lao Tzu has gained a false reputation?

The ghost knows how Laozi didn't want to come here during this time.

I have read hundreds of Lao Tzu books!

do you know?

In fact, Yang Hongnian has realized this for a long time. He is very clear that his academic level is obviously limited. It is due to his talent. No matter how hard he works, he will be the next Tao Gongshu at most, but... Do you need to work hard towards this?

You can be a manager of your own!

Sure enough, trees moved to death and people moved to life. With this change, Yang Hongnian found his true talent.

He showed this research to his teacher. After reading it, Tao Xunyi almost cried! Weeping with joy!

This bastard finally made some achievements!

At this time, Tao Gongshu gave a wink to a director on the side, and the other party quickly stood up:

"Director Yang, I think your idea is very good!"

"But...there are many deficiencies, first of all, the integrity of the case. The medical record must have some content. This is officially stipulated. Your innovation is more detailed for traditional Chinese medicine, but it is difficult to implement!"

"And, in this way, there is too much work to be done, which is also a burden for doctors. Similarly, nurses have not studied Chinese medicine, and their Chinese medicine literacy is not enough to support such work..."

"Change is difficult, feasible... I have doubts."

Yang Hongnian smiled when he heard the sound: "Change requires drastic momentum, the determination to draw wages from the bottom of the cauldron, and the courage to sink the boat."

"Looking forward and looking back, how can things be successful?"

When he said this, the whole audience was dumbfounded.

Your words... are you too arrogant?

Yang Hongnian felt good about himself, but... Zhao Jianyong was very familiar with it. He suddenly felt that... Yang Hongnian was possessed by the god Chen Nan!

However, it is undeniable that these words are going to overflow.

Seeing this, Tao Gongshu knew that the foreshadowing was enough, and stood up with a smile: "I don't quite support Director Yang's point of view."

"Of course, I'm not denying Director Yang's content. In fact, I have studied this content before, and even have a summary, similar to Director Yang's."

"But...after the final discussion at the meeting, I still feel that the time is not ripe!"

"Director Yang's department is the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Yuancheng People's Hospital. There are not many patients and limited doctors, so you think it is feasible."

"However, many of them are specialized hospitals. Our province has 1,700 hospital beds and more than 1,000 medical staff. How can it be so easy for these people to change?"

"Hey... This road should be carried out from top to bottom."

"Oh, by the way, let me add here that what I researched at the time was the Twelve Criteria. On the basis of Director Yang's ten methods, there are two more points..."

Tao Gongshu's words immediately made Chen Nan feel disgusted!

This has been clearly suppressed.

Because Yang Hongnian's concept is absolutely novel, it's better for you to directly say that you have already studied it and conducted experiments?

This is too shameless!

Looking at Yang Hongnian on the side, he seemed calm and unmoved, but... the fists under the table were clenched and even trembled, and Chen Nan was also a little angry.

And at this moment, Geng Pengxing said with a smile: "Yes, I think this idea is very good!"

"Director Yang, if you have time, please share with us some of your department's cases, and I will take them back to my hospital for reference!"

"I think this thing you proposed is very innovative!"

"For the development of traditional Chinese medicine, it is very good!"

"I think the idea is very good, we will study it."

Mo Xiangqiang also spoke in support: "Yes, I think what Director Yang said makes sense. To change, you need to be bold, have the determination to draw wages from the bottom of the pot, and have the courage to break the boat."

"Next, let's applaud and invite Director Tao Gongshu Tao from the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to share!"

Tao Gongshu stood up with a smile and humbly complimented the surrounding applause: "Thank you everyone."

"What I'm sharing today is the use of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction!"

Chen Nan squinted his eyes, and his combat power began to soar.

He actually didn't plan to speak today, but... Seeing that Director Yang was being bullied, he decided, stop pretending, I'm going to showdown, my motherfucker is scolding God!

Is Buzhong Yiqi Soup?

I want to see, who knows more about Buzhong Yiqi soup than me!

Tao Gongshu said with a smile: "The addition and subtraction of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, in fact, after so many years of development in the Spleen and Stomach Department of the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we have some experience!"

"As we all know, Buzhong Yiqi Decoction was originally written by Li Dongyuan in the book "Difference between Internal and External Injury", which was highly praised by later physicians.

Zhang Jingyue, a physician in the Ming Dynasty, commented, "Buzhong Yiqi Decoction is a unique method of Li Dongyuan's heart."

Today, the number of doctors who make good use of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction is declining. Doctors who are new to clinical use Buzhong Yiqi Decoction often have the feeling that "success is not enough, but failure is more than enough".


Today, I also took out the things that I pressed at the bottom of the box, and re-understood Buzhong Yiqi Decoction with everyone, and re-examined the Buzhong Yiqi Decoction written by Li Dongyuan, which may be beneficial to clinical practice. "

"However, this party shouldn't stick to times."

"Actually, Buzhong Yiqi Decoction is suitable for a wide range of diseases and syndromes. It can treat both internal injuries and exogenous diseases; the addition and subtraction of prescriptions (mainly adding medicines) are extremely flexible and changeable. Tonics, laxatives, Cold medicine and hot medicine can be used in addition, not sticking to one pattern.

However, there is a constant root in all changes, that is, the indication can only be "internal injury", and exogenous disease is also an exogenous infection on the basis of internal injury. "

"First of all, when using Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, it should also be added or subtracted and used in combination. Representative additions and subtractions are Buzhong Yiqi Decoction plus Poria, Pinellia, and Buzhong Yiqi Decoction combined with Liuwei Dihuang Wan. ."

"I'm in the clinic..."

Tao Gongshu is very serious, indeed, he took out good things to share!

No way, if he doesn't share what's at the bottom of the box, Yang Hongnian will definitely steal the limelight today!

There are many experts today!

They are all key factors in [Plus Points].

With the end of Tao Gongshu's speech, the audience immediately burst into applause.

Everyone is very enthusiastic!

Tao Gongshu saw that the famous Chinese medicine practitioners all over the country began to applaud, and he felt a little more contented.

Soon, under his arrangement, several people expressed their doubts and curiosity.

Tao Gongshu is neither in a hurry nor slow, and the explanation is very clear.

Cases and biblical references are even cited.

"If you read "Xue's Medical Records" and "Shou Shi Bao Yuan", you can see that Buzhong Yiqi Decoction and Liuwei Dihuang Pill are actually very valuable for research. Similarly... We are developing a preparation, which is in two On the basis of the combination of squares!"

"As for this thing, I also applied for the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, which is still under evaluation."

Just as everyone complimented, suddenly one person stood up and said:

"I think this combination method is a wrong method!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet!

Everyone looked for fame and found that it was Chen Nan who stood up!

Tao Gongshu's face suddenly turned ugly, but... he still smiled in a well-mannered manner: "Oh? What do you think of Dr. Chen?"

Chen Nan smiled slightly: "Of course!"

"Buzhong Yiqi Decoction" treats "deficiency of vitality, spleen and stomach", Liuwei Dihuang Wan treats "weakness of kidney water and true yin", "both sides are combined to help, it is the agent of peace of Wang Dao", the combination seems to be extremely brilliant.


Do you really understand Buzhong Yiqi soup? "

Chen Nan went with the starting point of hating people, and he was ruthless in his words!

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Jianyong shivered instinctively.

He is too fucking familiar with Chen Nan's strategy of scolding people.

He has experienced it himself!

However, this time, he and Chen Nan are in the same position, so Zhao Jianyong is very excited!

Chen Nan's words really didn't show any affection to the other party.

Tao Gongshu smiled earnestly and said, "Oh? Do you know more about Buzhong Yiqi Decoction than me?"

Chen Nan smiled slightly: "Of course!"

"You went wrong from the start!"

Tao Gongshu tried his best not to be angry, but in fact his heart had already exploded. He forced a smile with the only trace of literacy he had left: "Oh? I'd like to hear more about it!"

Chen Nan said directly:

"From Li Dongyuan's "cubic original reference", Poria and Pinellia subsidence are more than subsidence, and Liuwei Dihuang Pills descend into Xiajiao, all of which are not conducive to "raising Qiyang".

It can be seen that you don't understand Dongyuan's original intention at all, and it is easy to "make mistakes" by adding or subtracting at will. "

These words, the tone is very serious, like a heavy sword without a front, killing people without a trace!

The surrounding people who support Tao Gongshu have already started pointing and talking in a low voice.

Chen Nan was unmoved and continued:

"Misuse can easily lead to bad things, so later doctors mentioned the contraindications of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction.

As Zhang Jingyue said: "If the vitality is extremely deficient, it cannot be vented; if the yin and yang are exhausted, it cannot rise."

Ke Qin said: "It is not suitable for the kidneys, those with yin deficiency in the lower part should not be promoted, and those with yang deficiency in the lower part should not be promoted."

These discourses are extremely useful for the clinical evidence of post-scholars.

But from the perspective of Li Dongyuan's "cubic original reference", this is only a low-level and formal understanding. "

Chen Nan never speaks mercilessly, right and wrong are right and wrong, how can there be any detour?

"Zhang Element Cube "is not designed to cure diseases, it is to teach people the way of comparing and verifying the Cube, and it is easy to understand." As a disciple of Zhang Element, Li Dongyuan was deeply influenced by it, and all prescriptions are "standing by power".

That is to say, the focus is on teaching people the method of cube, rather than teaching others the so-called effective and proven prescriptions.

After Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, there are a series of addition and subtraction methods and a relatively long "four-season medication addition and subtraction method", which shows that the prescription cannot be enforced and can be applied flexibly. "

"So, you were wrong from the start!"

"Of course, Buzhong Yiqi Decoction and Liuwei Dihuang Wan are not incompatible."

"Actually, in the syndrome of internal injury to the spleen and stomach, kidney deficiency can be completely treated with Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, but it is necessary to consider the ups and downs when taking it."

"I ask, have you considered it?"

As soon as this sentence is spoken, it is an old onmyoji!


Yang Hongnian was so excited that it was hard to add.

this fucking...

I will definitely be a royalist in the future!

fuck it!

Chen Nan, this life of Lao Tzu is a stud!

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