After Chen Nan came to the place, he first played a set of Ba Duan Jin with Mr. Li.

After sweating slightly, Li Muhai sat on the chair and said: "The last time I looked for you, it was actually a bit serious, but... I was led away by you, so I couldn't say anything, and I was ashamed. "

Chen Nan heard the sound and smiled embarrassingly: "My fault."

Li Muhai waved his hand: "What is right or wrong?"

"In the final analysis, your level is too high."

"Your teacher, Lu Pingren, has always said that you are a genius in Chinese medicine, and that you are well-versed in both Chinese and Western medicine, and you are quite a great talent."

"Shen Yuyuan and the others also praised you a lot."

"But after I met, I realized that they... are still conservative."

"Your talent is definitely above them. I actually can't see through your future."

Hearing the sound, Chen Nan smiled awkwardly, and was about to say something when Li Muhai waved his hand and said, "Don't be too modest."

"We, my father and I, are talking brightly today. Of course, it's also some gossip, nonsense. If you finish talking today, you'll forget that kind of talk tomorrow."

"You can say whatever you want, you can say whatever you think of, don't have any fear."

"The most important thing for a person is to be self-aware. What kind of ability and what you do is not worthy, and virtue is not worthy of virtue, and it is not enough to accomplish things. Similarly, ability must be displayed. Excessive modesty is not good. This There are not many Zhuge Liang in the world, but... Liu Bei is even less."

"Those who achieve great things should not stick to small details. If you have such ability or talent, you should show it."

"It's a good thing, and it's a good thing."

"Longxiang dives to the bottom and gets caught by shrimps. This is well said in the Book of Changes. When the dragon is in the abyss, don't use it! Because it needs precipitation and opportunities, you can't be with fish and shrimps, but when the flying dragon is in the sky, you have to have it." Prepare."

"It took a lot of courage and determination."

"do you have?"

While speaking, Li Muhai looked at him with deep eyes.

Calling Chen Nanlai today, Li Muhai also wanted to test this kid's determination and bottom line.

He wanted to see how far Chen Nan planned to go!

In the eyes of outsiders, not afraid of power, daring to provoke Xinglinyuan, openly arguing with the other party, daring to confront Western capital, these seem powerful.


This is not enough!

What Li Muhai needs, or what the country needs, is far higher than this requirement!

Moreover, this is a road of no return!

So, he wanted to test this kid out.

When Chen Nan heard this, he was also quite disturbed.

Now, Chen Nan is no longer the youthful and thoughtless young man he used to be.

He is very clear that the road he is going to take is full of thorns, and now, any step has already been involved in the disputes of the big forces.

Regarding the matter of genetic testing, Chen Nan saw the scenes of gunpowder everywhere, consortium defections, internal disputes, and external shocks.

Even Qin Shiming and Mr. Qin almost encountered problems.

It is conceivable that the next thing to face is extremely dangerous.

If you are not careful, you may lose everything!

Chen Nan is not afraid of losing.

What I'm afraid of is... Once I lose, my previous efforts, and the efforts of those medical workers who fought with me, will be in vain.

The fear is that the illness and health of those ordinary people will also be implicated.

But on second thought.

Can't stand without breaking!

Domestic medicine has always survived in the cracks, and it inevitably has some deformed products.

This is unavoidable.

If we can't make a big move, and we can't break or build, there will be more dangerous scenes in the future.

"Mr. Li, thank you for your appreciation. In fact, I also want to understand that there are some things that need to be done after all.

What to do, I won't hesitate!

What shouldn't be done, what can be done or not, I will do it too!

Because if I don’t do it, I will definitely need someone to do it in the future, and our children and grandchildren will need to do it. "

When Li Muhai heard Chen Nan's words, his eyelids trembled slightly, and he felt very relieved in his heart.

In fact, he was also worried that Chen Nan would be afraid!

Not to mention Chen Nan, Li Muhai himself is not exempt, is he afraid? Don't be afraid!

However, are his descendants afraid? It's hard to say!

Li Muhai felt that this was not enough, he had to work harder, work harder!

"Oh? Specifically?"

"There is a saying in Chinese medicine, and it is very good, it is called Shangyi Yiguo."

"What do you think? What do you think?"

" you dare?"

Hearing this, Chen Nan's little heart almost couldn't take it anymore, and he thumped: "Old Li, what do you say... I really don't know how to chat anymore."

"I... really complied with that sentence. How dare you talk about state affairs like a drop in the ocean, like a fly in the world?"

When Li Muhai heard this, he immediately sneered: "Oh? So, I really think highly of you!"


"Forget it!"

"Go to the doctor to treat the country, Chinese medicine to treat people, and go to the doctor to treat the disease."

"You can be a good doctor, and a good doctor can be regarded as immortal."

Li Muhai shook his head while speaking, and stood up: "Forget it, it's your teacher, who has wrong and unrealistic expectations of you."

"He also hopes that one day you will be able to go to the doctor."

"I'm still scared after all."

"Since we are afraid, forget it. We don't need a person who is timid, cautious, and afraid."

After all, Chen Nan was still too young, and when he heard Li Muhai's words, his complexion became a little ugly.

"Afraid? I'm not afraid. I'm afraid the matter is too big. You are afraid!"

Li Muhai suddenly laughed, stood up, raised his hand and pointed at Chen Nan: "Hahaha, I'm afraid?"

"This is really a joke!"

"I, Li Muhai, have been here for so many years. Go and find out. Was I afraid?"

"You yellow-mouthed kid!"

All of a sudden, the two of them were like two scolding one old and one young.

The two stood on both sides of the table, Chen Nan stood up and rolled up his sleeves and pointed at Li Muhai.

And Li Muhai stepped on the chair with one foot, blowing his beard and staring.

What the guard saw was that his scalp was numb!

Even Gu Haihua, who had already arrived at the side, saw this scene, his eyes widened, he couldn't believe it!

"Xiao Zhou, what's wrong with this old leader?"

"That young man...why does he look so familiar?"

Gu Haihua stood curiously in the distance.

And Xiao Zhou also smiled awkwardly, at a loss.

Gu Haihua suddenly recognized it: "Isn't this Xiao Chen!"

"It's just nonsense!"

"Old Li is so old, what should I do if he is so reckless and makes him angry!"

"Quick, Xiao Zhou... hurry up..."

The guard looked at Gu Haihua and shook his head: "Leader, you better stop talking."

"This Professor Chen is not an ordinary person. This is Mr. Li's teacher."

"Besides, Mr. Li said that this is a private matter between the two of them, and no matter how big it is, don't worry about it."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Haihua on the side was even more shocked.

Gu Haihua has an impression of Chen Nan. After all, he helped him save his old leader, Director Sun, but... the last time when Yu Zhe invested in An Nan Pharmaceutical, he also repaid Chen Nan's kindness, so after the situation escalated, He wasn't involved either!


He didn't expect that Chen Nan knew Mr. Li!

Moreover, looking at it like this, it is not an ordinary relationship at all.

How many people are there in this world who dare to shout and roll up their sleeves like Mr. Li?

For a moment, Gu Haihua's heart was shaken!

Moreover, according to the guard, Chen Nan is still the teacher of Mr. Li?

He suddenly felt a little regretful. It would have been better if he had helped Chen Nan more...

However, Gu Haihua just thought about it, he has his own discretion in doing things, and at his level, he doesn't care about some small gains and losses, just curious that this kid, Chen Nan, has developed fast enough.


at this time!

Chen Nan was also really annoyed.

He couldn't help but said: "You are not afraid, are your descendants afraid?"

"If this involves your descendants, will you defend it, will you be afraid?"

Li Muhai was so excited by Chen Nan, he patted the table and said, "In this world, is there still a place where the law doesn't count?"

"This is my business, but you tell me... do you dare?! Are you afraid!"

When Chen Nan heard this, he immediately jumped up:

"I am unworthy, and I have lived for twenty-seven years.

People in the market place dare to talk about state affairs.

However, if you are angry with scholars, how can you be ashamed of living?

Although I, Chen Nan, am not talented, I still dare to shout a few times, and I am worthy of being the pursuer of the rise of Chinese medicine. "

"What I want to say is that serious and chronic diseases are by no means a one-day cold. Although drastic measures seem mighty, they can't pursue speed and ignore the essence of medicine."

"Medicine is a project for the people's livelihood, and it is a discipline that serves the common people. We must solve problems from the perspective of the majority of patients!"

"It's like seeing a doctor. Chronic illnesses are naturally accumulated over time, and are the product of the times and the environment. The key is to treat them based on syndrome differentiation."

"Frozen three feet is not a day's cold. If you want fierce fire and great strength, breaking the ice is not only a bad thing..."

"The national system is like a human body, and the people are the internal organs, trust is the righteousness of the human body, yin and yang are the principles and laws..."

"Using too much medicine can easily damage the original. For example, just like the chaos of targeted drugs, the reason why we dare to use harsh medicines is because targeted drugs are just a superficial symptom, an emergency, not a deep-rooted disease. And we have vitality, so we won't be targeted..."

"Governing the world is like a doctor. Doctors know the pulse to know the syndrome, and examine the syndrome to find the prescription to rule the chaos. The syndrome is also the discipline, and the pulse is also; the morality and punishment are the prescription and the law! Talents and medicine..."

At this time, Li Muhai's eyes inadvertently showed a look of a successful plot.

He knows it!

This kid is full of ink.

However, it is too humble.

Outsiders may say that Chen Nan is high-profile and arrogant, but... Li Muhai knows very well that Chen Nan is not afraid of things when things happen, and he does things high-profile.

However, he is very low-key!

Just imagine, with Chen Nan's capital, who is only 27 years old, who can be so low-key and unassuming?

That's why Li Muhai's test today came about.

Gradually, Li Muhai listened very carefully, and even took out a notebook from somewhere, and wrote and drew pictures when he heard happy things.

Li Muhai actually needed Chen Nan's thinking and perspective.

The difference between people lies in this thinking and perspective.

Talents throughout the ages have unique perspectives and thinking modes.


Chen Nan's experience and ability have given him a different way of thinking, allowing him to give many excellent views and opinions.

After a long time!

Li Muhai was listening seriously, and Chen Nan also took out the things from the bottom of the box...


He felt more and more wrong.

This Mr. Li... seems to be cheating himself?

That's right!

Chen Nan suddenly discovered that the other party had started writing in his notebook.

Chen Nan suddenly came back to his senses.

Good guy!

Followed by this old guy...

However, he was also taken out!

Chen Nan looked at Mr. Li with a wry smile: "You...are not kind!"

"Stimulate me..."

"Is there any apprentice like you?"

Hearing this, Li Muhai looked at Chen Nan's aggrieved face, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.


"The weather is nice today!"

Chen Nan: "..."

Sure enough, the ginger is still old and spicy, and the cheeks are also...

Chen Nan sighed helplessly.

Li Muhai smiled: "Okay, young man, be generous, don't argue with me, an old man!"

"Besides, you are my teacher."

"What's wrong with saying something useful?"

"However, let's get down to business."

While speaking, Li Muhai's complexion calmed down, and his eyes became more solemn.

"Chen Nan, what if you need to do something? Do you dare to do it?"

Chen Nan: "As long as it is beneficial to the development of medicine and the people, I dare."

Li Muhai nodded: "Well, with your words, that's enough!"

"It's hard!"

"As you said, chronic illness does not happen overnight."

"Qin Shiming asked me what to do, do you have any suggestions?"

Chen Nan rolled his eyes: "I told you, you stole mine again."

Li Muhai couldn't help but babbled: "How can you say it's embezzlement when it comes to scholars? It's a quotation!"

"Talk about it. It's done. I'll quote it. If you use it, I'll give you a reward!"

Chen Nan was speechless again: "The last bet has not been cashed yet."

"You framed me again!"

Li Muhai laughed: "Oh, don't be in a hurry, you don't have to worry about being late for a good meal, just tell me, I have something to do."

Chen Nan took a deep breath, his eyes were deep:

"Use the new ones, discard the old ones, the interstitial principles will be cleared up, the essence will be renewed day by day, the evil qi will be gone, and the days will last forever!"

"It can be done with others, but it can also be done in the country!"

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Hearing Chen Nan's words, Li Muhai froze in place immediately!

He looked at Chen Nan's back, and kept thinking about these words in his mouth.

Use the new ones and discard the old ones, the interstitial principles will be unblocked, the essence will be renewed day by day, and the evil qi will be gone...

Unknowingly, Li Muhai fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he got up suddenly, picked up the phone, and made a call.


There are not many people at the table.

However, there is no one simple, but anyone who can sit here is a person who goes out and stamps his feet and shakes three times.

Mr. Li was the last to attend, and the main seat at the table was vacated.

After everyone sat down, they were all thinking about a question, who is the person brought by Mr. Li?

Although the luncheon is a private gathering, it is not something that just anyone can attend.

These people are very sensitive, and they are very clear that the meaning of this person brought here is absolutely extraordinary.

"You say... Who did Mr. Li bring?"

One of them couldn't help but took a sip of tea and asked curiously.

Others shook their heads one after another: "Not sure, but Mr. Li came this time with a mission."

"The most important thing is the team inspection, and... it seems that there is also a relationship between medical care and cultural development by the way."

Gu Haihua suddenly woke up at this moment!

He thought of one thing...

Could it be Chen Nan?

If it is Chen Nan, it means a lot.

For a moment, Gu Haihua was also a little shocked, Chen Nan was not just Chen Nan, Annan Pharmaceutical was also in Jin Province, and the latest targeted drug, Epimedium, was also being developed by Annan Pharmaceutical.

In this way... Gu Haihua couldn't help thinking.

Su Zhengde suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, everyone, don't be nervous, it doesn't matter who comes, private banquet, don't think too much."

Hearing the words of the complaint, everyone nodded and laughed.

At this moment, the door was opened, and after the guard opened the door, Mr. Li walked in with a smile on his face.

And behind him is Chen Nan!

After seeing Chen Nan, Gu Haihua knew something in his heart.


At this moment, after Su Zhengde saw Chen Nan, his eyes widened and he was speechless for a long time!

Chen Nan?

It turned out to be Xiao Chen!

Why is he here?

Why did Mr. Li bring Xiao Chen to this luncheon?

In an instant, Su Zhengde's heart was shaken like a river and a sea.

Because he knew what his son was doing, even though Su Minghua didn't force Chen Nan, but...if Mr. Li knew about the inside and outside things, it would be a bit of a criticism.

At this time, Su Zhengde also immediately realized something.

He made an appointment with Chen Nan today, and originally wanted to have an examination, but...Xiao Chen said he had something to do, so he couldn't come.

After careful consideration, Su Zhengde immediately understood.

Isn't this going to see Mr. Li?

At this moment, Su Zhengde couldn't laugh or cry.

No wonder people reject themselves!

This... In front of Mr. Li, he is really a little guy.

Originally, he had some small opinions about Chen Nan in his heart, to be honest, after all, he personally invited people and did not invite them, which made his face a little dull.

But... now seeing Chen Nan and Mr. Li coming together, he lost all emotion.

What is there to say?

Su Zhengde suddenly smiled wryly in his heart.

After Li Muhai took the main seat, he greeted everyone with a smile:

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I have something to arrange, so I'm late."

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time, sorry."

Everyone laughed and said, "Mr. Li's business is important, don't worry about eating!"


Li Muhai smiled: "Yeah!"

"By the way, let me introduce someone to you."

"This is Chen Nan. Everyone is from Jin Province. Xiao Chen used to be from the health care committee of Jin Province. I believe some of you have seen it before."

"However, since it's a private banquet, let's not talk about business matters. This Xiao Chen... has an unusual relationship with me, otherwise he wouldn't have brought it."

Hearing Li Muhai's words, everyone's minds turned quickly.

Su Zhengde was even more worried.

Gu Haihua was the first to speak: "Professor Chen Nan is an outstanding talent in the medical field in Jin Province, he has helped me a lot in the past."

The other person also said with a smile: "Who said it wasn't!"

"However... How did Mr. Li know Professor Chen?"

Li Muhai said with a smile: "Xiao Chen, there are three identities, come here today."

"First, it is my advisor on issues in the medical and health field, and one of the members of my think tank."

As soon as this word comes out!

Suddenly everyone in the room widened their eyes.

They all looked at Chen Nan with bated breath, and were even more surprised in their hearts.

Advisor to a think tank?

It doesn't sound like a big deal.


Everyone present knew very well that the identity of this think tank consultant was absolutely remarkable!

This can be involved in many important things.

It can be said that they may not know many things, but... Chen Nan is definitely the first to know.

For a while, everyone was silent for a moment.

Then they all looked at Chen Nan, with a little more enthusiasm in their eyes than ever before.

from now on!

This Chen Nan is their guest of honor.

Chen Nan also couldn't laugh or cry, today he became a consultant out of nowhere, and Chen Nan himself felt that his brain was not enough.

At this time, Li Muhai continued:

"As for the second identity, Xiao Chen, he fell in love with me. He helped me cure a troublesome old disease when we met for the first time. He is also my health care doctor. may be familiar with it."

Everyone nodded.

And Su Zhengde's expression became even more complicated.

Good guy!

I still call others...

Everyone has been transferred to the National Health Bureau. In fact, the province is just out of respect and retains the name of the Chennan Provincial Health Bureau, but...

Thinking of this, Su Zhengde suddenly felt a little lucky, fortunately he was able to hold his breath and did not turn against each other!

Otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble!

Don't look at how powerful Su Zhengde looks to outsiders, but... In front of Mr. Li, there are too many people at his level.

It's really embarrassing to leave a bad impression.

And this time!

Li Muhai continued: "Well, the last identity."

"Chen Nan, he is actually one of my teachers."

"So, just kidding, we can still be called master and apprentice on special occasions, hahaha..."

Li Muhai was also straightforward, and started talking with a smile.

Li is always smiling!

Chen Nan also couldn't laugh or cry.


Su Zhengde couldn't help shaking the hand holding the cup.

Good guy!

When he thought of Su Minghua, a rebellious son, who had spoken rudely to Chen Nan, and even asked him to see someone else's doctor, he felt anxious all of a sudden.

After we go back, we must let this bastard apologize to Chen Nan!

This guy...

How dare his son deploy Mr. Li's teacher?

If it gets out, where will I put my face? How do others see themselves?

For a moment, Su Zhengde's liver trembled violently.

This side, the dinner begins!

It was also the first time for Chen Nan to attend such a high-end luncheon.

To be honest, it is not as luxurious as imagined in the mind, and it is surprisingly simple.

A few dishes with meat and vegetables, mainly light.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and what they said was actually some jokes.

At this time, Su Zhengde finally had the opportunity to chat with Chen Nan.

"This... Consultant Chen!"

"I'm so sorry."

Chen Nan also smiled: "Mr. Su, you are being polite, I should say sorry."

"After all... I really have something to say today that I can't refuse, and it's not convenient to talk about it, so..."

Su Zhengde picked up the cup with a smile: "Understood, understood!"

"It's just that I hope that Consultant Chen won't take offense."

While talking, the two clinked glasses slightly.

And Su Zhengde sighed: "Hey... there is one more thing, that is the dog, Su Minghua!"

"Did he offend Consultant Chen?"

"After I go back, I will discipline him well and spoil this child."

"I'm usually busy with work. As for the children, to be honest...the management is lax."


"It's my problem. I respect you for this glass of wine. I hope you don't blame me."

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Uncle Su, it's nothing, it's just a trivial matter."

"By the way, are you feeling unwell? I see you have something to do today, how about I go over tomorrow morning?"

"I'm going back to the capital the day after tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, Su Zhengde said with a smile, "Okay, all right!"

"Then I'm covered."


"By the way, stay for dinner tomorrow at noon. Your aunt's cooking is very good."

"I asked Minghua to apologize to you in person."

"You are all young people, you should have a common topic."

Chen Nan smiled, nodded and did not refuse.

The world of adults is to give each other a step.

What's more, Su Zhengde is also good, he has been with him several times, and he is very bookish.

Moreover, many things at home are inseparable from Jin Province. If someone takes care of them, at least it can save a lot of trouble.

Chen Nan didn't want to use power for personal gain.

It's just... It's important to be on guard against others. What if something like Yu Zhe's investment happens?

Su Zhengde and Chen Nan had a lively chat, and the others also began to look for Chen Nan one after another.

A meal, not much time, not much drink.

Li Muhai also smiled when he saw the attitude of everyone and Chen Nan.

Soon, everyone inevitably talked about work.

Also talked about the problem!

Gu Haihua couldn't help but said: "Mr. Li will come down this time, but he must help us check it out!"

"Many problems are deeply rooted, and we are also in a difficult situation."

"Especially in terms of personnel."

"Mr. Li, you are famous for being good at employing people, and you are famous all over the country."

"You have to give us a good lecture!"

Li Muhai took a sip of tea, breathed a sigh of relief, and said:

"Actually, Consultant Chen taught me a lesson today!"

"He has a few words, which are very reasonable. I think everyone can listen to them!"

"He said that governing the body is like governing the world, and the chaos in the world is caused by heaven and man.

And human diseases, some are caused by innate, some are caused by acquired.

Congenital diseases cannot be prevented from premature death without the good care of the person and taking great medicine, just like the natural disorder, which cannot be cured without the great sages and sages! "

"To be good at employing people, you must choose the right time and follow them."

"Employing people is like medicine, the monarch and ministers assist the envoy, cold, heat, warm and cool, the four natures and five tastes need to be considered, and the employment of people is the same, the priority is clear, cold and heat coexist, hardness and softness are combined, this is the way to seek peace!"

"That's the reason!"

After everyone heard it, they all fell into silence.

These words made everyone think deeply.

for a while!

Everyone looked at Chen Nan with more respect.

Although Chen Nan is a doctor now...


What about the future?

You know, there are many things in the circle that "study and excellence will lead to official career".

It is not easy for Chen Nan to speak to such a level.

Soon, everyone talked about the key issue of Mr. Li's coming down this time!

They want to solve a relatively important reform that currently exists.

"Old Li, what do you think about this Sanjin Industrial Group? After all, it is a large state-owned enterprise and involves too many people."

Li Muhai glanced at Chen Nan, and then at everyone.

In a word, come out slowly!

"Use the new ones, discard the old ones, the interstitial principles will be cleared up, the essence will be renewed day by day, the evil qi will be gone, and the days will last forever!"

"This is Xiao Chen's quote!"

"Also... my thoughts on this matter!"


As soon as these words came out, the scene became silent again.



After Chen Nan left, Mr. Li led everyone to hold a discussion meeting that day!

It is mainly about the "restructuring and development of Sanjin Industrial Group"!

And Li Lao's saying "Use the new, abandon the old, the interstitial principles will be cleared up, the essence will be renewed, the evil energy will be eliminated, and the life will last", which was soon unanimously recognized by everyone.

Moreover, Mr. Li also attaches great importance to this theory.

Let a dedicated team carry out analysis and thinking.

Although the people below saw these words, they had no idea.


In the eyes of those people, Chen Nan seemed to be the person next to Mr. Li Muhai. These few words strengthened Chen Nan's status as a consultant of the think tank.

In fact, even Li Muhai did not expect that Chen Nan's words would have such an effect and repercussions.

Most importantly, the facts of this theory have attracted many people's attention.

Li Muhai even asked his secretarial team to prepare an article on "Going to Medicine and Healing the Country" and published it in a key newspaper.


And the next day, Chen Nan also went to Su Zhengde's home as scheduled.

At this moment, Su Minghua didn't have the energy he had before. After seeing Chen Nan, he hurried over to shake hands and apologize.

"Consultant Chen, I'm really... sorry!"

"I'm also a little anxious. After all... that friend has been of great help to my work. After thinking about it, I can't find anyone who is better than you. That's why... I made this mistake!"

"Ah... really, sorry!"

Su Minghua kept apologizing, but Su Zhengde saw it, but didn't speak.

Chen Nan smiled: "Brother Su, you are welcome."

"The key is that I really have something to do and I can't come. You also saw the outpatient clinic that day. If I let you go directly, I'm afraid it will have a bad effect on you and Uncle Su!"

"Think about it, how advanced the Internet is now?"

Su Minghua slapped his head: "Hey, I was wrong!"

"I...hey, I really don't think the question is clear."

"Since you call me Big Brother Su, you can call me whatever you want in my hometown in the future!"

"You are in the capital, if you need help with anything at home, I will definitely do it!"

At noon, dinner is on.

Su Zhengde complimented Chen Nan very much.

While speaking, he kept repeating what Li Muhai said yesterday.

"Consultant Chen, to be honest, your words were highlighted and praised in the news!"

"It is very meaningful for research and very practical."

"Going to the doctor can really heal the country."

"By the way, have you thought about one thing?"

"If you are good at learning, you will be an official. Your qualifications are better than many others. Have you ever thought about it?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Uncle Su, it's hard enough for me to be a good doctor!"

"Other things, I haven't thought about it!"

"This is a medical country, I am just a little doctor."

After Su Zhengde listened, he felt a little emotional:

"You, you are too modest. If you are just a little doctor, how about the others?"


"such a pity!"

Chen Nan smiled, but did not speak.

In fact, he is very clear that his path lies in medical treatment.

Moreover, he was very lucky to meet many good people, Mr. Qin Shiming, Mr. Gao, and now Mr. Li.

These people are also of great help to the implementation of his plan.

He just needs to do what he has to do.

After eating, Chen Nan was about to leave when Su Minghua suddenly received a call.

He hurriedly stopped Chen Nan, and said with some embarrassment: "Brother!"

"You have to do me this favor!"

"Mr. Huo is a foreign investor. I'm working for China Merchants now, and... I won't hide it from you. I actually have several projects in private."

"I want to work with him."

"Look... can you help me with this?"

"Just take a look?"

Hearing Su Minghua's words, Chen Nan couldn't refuse, and nodded in agreement: "Yes, good."

"Hurry up, I have something to do this afternoon."

Su Minghua nodded and immediately settled down.

Chen Nan and Su Minghua came to a teahouse.

In the room, there is a special kind of incense, which smells very good.

Chen Nan was also a little curious, what kind of fragrance is this?

At this time, a man who was less than thirty-five years old and dressed just like the small bag in Ode to Joy was already waiting inside.

Moreover, to be honest, the man is really handsome. He seems to have European and American genes. He is tall and straight, with deep eye sockets and a high nose bridge. He has a well-groomed beard and a high-end outfit.


However, Chen Nan saw a small black spot in front of the other's ear, which was like a scar and black in color.

Although it won't affect the overall situation,'s more noticeable.

When he saw it, he frowned slightly.

However, the other party said with a smile:

"Come on, please sit down."

"I'll make you tea."

"I have prepared good tea here."

"I'll get it!"

While speaking, the man stood up and walked outside.

He quickly looked at the man, and found that although the man was tall, he was somewhat floating when he walked, his feet were weak, and his eye sockets were sunken, but they were a little dim.

Not long after, the other party came back and was about to start making tea.

At this time, Su Minghua said to Chen Nan with a smile, "Professor Chen, this President Huo's tea is all good tea!"

"I've come to drink a few times, and I feel really comfortable!"

"By the way, let me introduce you."

"Mr. Huo, this is Professor Chen, who is now an expert from the National Health Service!"

The other party smiled and nodded with Chen Nan: "Hello, Huo Qisi."

"I'm sorry, I want to take care of my body, I don't know if I can?"

Chen Nan looked at the other party, couldn't help sighing, shook his head and said:

"Yes, yes."

"But, to be honest... I don't have such strength."

"Boss Huo suffered a serious physical loss, and I can't heal him."

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately fell silent.

Su Minghua's eyes widened: "Professor Chen... this... are you kidding me?"

"Boss Huo is in good health!"

Huo Qisi also nodded excitedly: "Yes, I am in good health."

"It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

While talking, he took off his coat, and the upper half of his body was clearly visible under the shirt!

Chen Nan shook his head.

And Su Minghua couldn't help but said: "I still have to feel the pulse?!"

Chen Nan hesitated, but didn't feel his pulse.

"Sorry, I really don't have such strength, I'd better invite an expert!"

"Su Minghua, shall we go?"

Chen Nan's words were really a little unreasonable, even Su Minghua couldn't stand it anymore.

Although Su Minghua knew that Chen Nan's status was unusual.

But... There is not much difference in age between everyone, Chen Nan is like this, which makes people uncomfortable.

"Chen Nan, you don't have to do this, do you?"

"Look... it's too embarrassing for someone to make tea for us out of kindness?"

Then Huo Qisi took a look at Chen Nan, and said with an ugly expression:

"Doctor Chen, did I offend you?"

"Why do you curse me like this?"

"We don't seem to have any deep hatred, do we?"

"I know have the title Zhu Youchen in the capital."

"But... I, Huo Qisi, can be regarded as respecting you, right? Why did you target me like this when you came up?"

"I entertained with kindness, did I entertain the wrong one?"

Chen Nan took a deep breath and said to Su Minghua, "If you don't leave, I'll leave?"

Seeing this, Su Minghua was also extremely embarrassed, in a dilemma.

This Chen Nan made him really uncomfortable.


After Su Minghua hesitated, he followed Chen Nan and left.

After getting out, it wasn't until he got into the car that Su Minghua asked angrily, "Where are you going? I'll see you off."

Chen Nan suddenly said: "Su Minghua, for your father's sake, let me advise you."

"Stay away from this person!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Minghua immediately frowned: "Professor Chen can't care if I make friends?"

Chen Nan nodded: "I don't care, I just don't want to see a good person like Uncle Su get implicated."

"Boss Huo is not a good person!"

Su Minghua frowned all of a sudden: "Chen Nan, aren't you too arrogant?"

"When we met for the first time, you knew you were not a good person?"

Chen Nan smiled, shook his head, and asked back, "Do you want to drink his tea?"

Su Minghua is straightforward, and blurted out: "I think so!"

“It tastes really good!”

Chen Nan shook his head: "If I say that tea is poisonous, would you believe it?"

Su Minghua's eyes widened immediately: "How is it possible?!"

"Have you drunk, how do you know?"

"It's not that I haven't drunk it, is there anything I don't know?"

Chen Nan shook his head: "It's not the kind of poison you mentioned, it's the kind that can make people addicted!"

"And, if I'm not mistaken, he has an STD."

"Is it right?"

"He came to me and wanted to see this, didn't he?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Minghua's eyes widened.

"You... this... how do you know this?"

Chen Nan continued to shake his head and said:

"It's better if you don't cooperate with this person!"

"Did you see the black spots on his face?"

"Five Dings are all caused by joy, anger, worry, worry, cold and heat, excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, a lot of addiction to sweet and fat, poisonous fish and vinegar sauce, and excessive lust.

The toxins of the livestock are impregnated in the viscera, and will not dissipate for a long time, and then turn into ding. "

"And Heiding, which starts in front of the ears, looks like a scar. Its color is black, and its length is uncertain. It makes people's teeth tight, and their waist, spine, ankles and knees are not benevolent. .

This is due to the gradual loss of kidney qi, so it is advisable to be cautious about things you want to do. "

"But instead of restraining himself, he used drugs to stimulate him, and he wanted to achieve his goal."

"And, if I'm not mistaken, he has AIDS."

" better not have too much contact with him."

"Also, don't drink his tea, and don't come here to this tea room."

"If you don't believe me, go and check your body."


ps: 4,000 words + updates will be sent, adding updates will definitely need to be added, veteran plans, the number of updated words per day will increase by 3,000 words, and updates will be added for one month in a row.

I hope everyone will supervise!

Thanks again for the golden alliance of "Nuanyang".

I also thank every friend for their support, thank you everyone.

Thanks to my old leader, the 10w reward for the "There is a pit in the sky" of the Baiyin League opened by the doctor, thank you brother.

Thanks for the 5,500 tip from the "Crunch Stream CH" boss, and the 500 tip from "Oyster Juice".

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