Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 1007 Can lung transplantation be performed without opening the chest? Impossible surgery!

On the screen, a 72-year-old man was listed.

He had a history of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, which had been developing for eleven years, and a history of smoking for more than 65 years. When he was young, he smoked less than one pack a day on average. In the past ten years, his son has become successful and not only smoked Zhonghua, but also smoked about three packs a day...

However, the biggest harm to him was still when he was forced to be laid off in his thirties. In order to support his family, he worked in the mines and had a three-year history of dust exposure.

When he was admitted to the hospital, the patient's oxygen concentration reached.

The high-resolution CT in the hospital showed:

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis on both sides, showing honeycomb changes.

And this is not over yet.

In addition to terminal pulmonary fibrosis, subsequent examinations found that the patient had interstitial lung disease associated with connective tissue disease, which also had a history of many years.

The main reason for this hospitalization was also extremely complicated. In addition to repeated infections, there were also extremely low blood oxygen saturation, right heart failure, etc.

Moreover, in the test after admission, the patient only walked three steps, and the originally stable blood oxygen concentration quickly dropped from 100 to 74!

This surprised all the medical staff present, and the director of the respiratory department stood up on the spot in fear. They had never seen such an outrageous patient since they started working!

Final diagnosis: idiopathic pulmonary interstitial fibrosis with secondary pulmonary hypertension, interstitial lung disease associated with connective tissue disease, right heart failure...

The short four-page diagnosis took the people present about ten minutes to read.

After that, the conference hall fell into a long silence.

Not to mention the director of the respiratory department of the hospital that received the patient, even these medical geniuses who can walk sideways across the country were extremely stunned at this moment.

Are you kidding? Such a serious end-stage lung disease can still do double lung transplantation?

For a long time, the success rate and survival rate of organ transplantation in Daxia have not been optimistic, and it is even more different from that in the United States.

The core reason lies in the "elite medical care" pursued by the United States.

People who can afford organ transplants are unlikely to suffer from various diseases such as silicosis and pneumoconiosis. They undergo organ transplants not because they are at the end of the disease and their lives are hanging by a thread, but because they want to live more like young people.

In Daxia, even rich people basically cannot get the opportunity to exchange organs in China.

All organs waiting for transplants are supplied to terminal patients who have been waiting in line for several years and are lucky enough to be alive.

The gap between these two types of patients also makes Daxia's organ transplantation data on paper never compare with that of the United States.

However, even in the international community, no one dares not to acknowledge Daxia's leading position in the field of organ transplantation.

Therefore, whether it is Liu Si or others, they never think that they are much weaker than the geniuses of Miaoyou Clinic.

They even think that, except for heart, liver and lung transplants, they can handle most organ transplants.

However, after seeing this patient today, they saw real despair...

His blood oxygen will collapse after walking two steps. Can he tolerate surgery?

He needs to be rescued immediately after the operation!


"There is no way to change organs, and it is impossible to perform surgery, let alone organ transplantation!"

"I guess he can't even do a circumcision. Double lung transplantation requires thoracotomy, which he can't bear! Even if Dr. Xu comes, he can't do it, right?"

"It's the same question as yesterday, testing our steps to see who can get closest to the correct surgical idea?"

There were discussions on the field.

No one dared to say that they could perform surgery on this operation.

The patient's condition was too dangerous, and even moving him from the ward to the operating room was a matter of life and death. How could he still perform surgery? Dream on!

So, someone soon proposed the real content of the assessment.

Compared to asking them to actually perform the double lung transplantation on this patient, it is more likely to be like the case of Cryptosporidium infection yesterday, setting up checkpoints layer by layer, and then scoring points.

However, the chief examiner spoke again.

He looked around at everyone, with a kind smile on his face, and said calmly: "Don't think too much, today's assessment is very simple, just perform surgery on this patient."

As soon as the voice fell, the venue immediately became quiet.

Everyone stared at the stage in amazement. Even though the people present were all top elites from various provinces, they still had to follow the Basic Law.

Can this kind of patient be saved? !

At this moment, Chen Qiao and Shi Lian also showed stunned expressions.

Regardless of whether the operation can be performed, the key is that the organizer can't always find this patient and let everyone try it, right?

Therefore, in the end, each group performed simulated surgery on the model.

And simulated surgery is also destined. No one can judge how the patient will react after a certain step is improved, whether it will bring improvement or increase the risk.

Therefore, the more likely development is that all teams temporarily put aside the patient's medical records and perform the conventional double lung transplant!

Then it turned into a competition of details of double lung transplantation... What is the significance of this case?

To give them a warning?

Soon, the chief examiner gave them the answer.

After the examiner added the final details of the assessment, his voice spread throughout the venue through the microphone.

"The specific content of the final round of the famous knife competition is announced.

The first stage is the formulation of the surgical plan.

This stage requires each group of contestants to formulate a complete surgical plan based on the patient's condition, and must discuss every step and every tissue in detail.

This stage lasts for one day.

The second stage is to perform the surgery.

The contestants will perform the surgery in the simulated surgery system according to their own surgical plan. In the end, all examiners will give the final score based on the feedback from the scoring system!

The third round of the competition will last for two days. During the competition, you can check the information, but you are not allowed to ask for help from anyone in the industry. Violators will be directly disqualified from the competition and their hospital will be disqualified from the next three rounds! "

After the examiner finished speaking, he scanned the crowd. When he saw everyone's shocked expressions, a smile unconsciously appeared on his face.

There is no doubt that compared with the previous few famous knife competitions, the gold content of this year's big axis is far higher than that of previous years. A patient who seems to be unable to undergo a double lung transplant, but he insists on having a lung transplant performed by a doctor!

If this question was put in the previous session, even if Xu Qiu, who can be called a pervert, participated in the competition, he would not be able to get full marks again...

Thinking of this, the examiner subconsciously looked at Shi Lian.

But he was disappointed. Shi Lian was not at a loss, but frowned, as if he had entered the assessment state and fell into thought.

"Impossible..." The examiner also frowned.

This case is a patient admitted to West China, and the attending doctor is a top old expert in the field of lung transplantation.

However, In the end, the old expert could only sigh "limited ability" and signed the death notice himself.

Taking this topic as the final chapter of the famous knife competition, on the one hand, is to warn the later generations that, apart from Xu Qiu, there are too many things in the medical field that need to be respected and learned, and they need to be modest and not bring their own medical genius spirit to diagnosis and treatment.

On the other hand, it is also with a glimmer of hope... What if someone else solves this problem and finds a way to treat such terminal patients?

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