Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 1016 The last answer, the decisive factor!

However, he finally shook his head.

If he did this, those geniuses would probably not care about the face of this medical senior and curse him...

After all, this group of people refused to accept anyone, and they would definitely give up only if they had to compete with each other.

"Call them all up." Finally, Ding Jianrong said.

Since it’s hard for the judges to judge, let them confront each other on their own.

This will never go wrong!

Moreover, Ding Jianrong is also really curious as to which method has more advantages!

As several hospital captains were called to the stage, the venue became noisy again.

"What is this for? Can't the judges do anything about it?"

"This is impossible, the chief judge, Professor Ding, is a veteran in this field!"

"I feel like they really didn't come up with a result. And these are all top geniuses. Shi Lian is a student of Dr. Xu, and Liu Si and the others are from Xiehe and Huaxi. They are the best doctors... The judges I don’t necessarily understand the value of their flash of inspiration!”

"So it's an internal discussion?"


While everyone was talking about it, the staff had moved four chairs to the judges' table and gave them to the four people respectively.

And ranking is also very particular.

Linyi and Huaxi were put together.

Liusi of Xiehe is on the side of Qilu's captain.

Just by looking at this position, the four of them guessed the purpose.

Ding Jianrong didn't talk nonsense and said straightforwardly: "Let's all talk about our own reasons."

"Concord comes first," he said.

According to the ranking, the order is Xiehe, Huaxi, Qilu, and the super dark horse clinical medicine.

"Thank you Professor Ding."

Ryudera stood up politely.

He elaborated on his already prepared point of view: “Blunt tearing can prevent nerves and blood vessels from being damaged by the scalpel to the greatest extent.

At the same time, it can also avoid excessive expansion of the organization and reduce the damage to organizational skills.

The most important point is... when the intercostal space is torn by hand, the incision is consistent with the direction of human muscle fibers and various tissues. In this case, recovery is easier. "


Liu Si spoke for five or six minutes.

Basically the advantages of blunt tear have been discussed.

In addition, sharp cuts were also taken out for comparison.

However, Ding Jianrong just nodded lightly without much expression.

These reasons...the judges have already discussed them!

Nothing new!

Not convincing enough!

"Shi Feng, come here." Ding Jianrong said.

The captain of West China stood up, said hello to Ding Jianrong and other judges, and then spoke:

“If it were a normal double lung transplant patient, I might support Xiehe’s view.

After all, blunt tears do tend to heal better.

But one thing that cannot be ignored is that the patient's physical condition is extremely poor!

For him, the first priority was to minimize surgical trauma.

If you can't survive the surgery, how can you talk about recovery afterwards? "


Ding Jianrong nodded slightly.

This... they also discussed it!

Although the truth is correct, there is no point in arguing.

After all, severe preoperative injuries and difficult postoperative recovery are both a dead end for the patient, and one cannot judge based solely on the order of priority.

Afterwards, Qilu’s captain spoke.

The judges nodded politely...well, right bullshit again.

It was finally the turn to show mercy, but at this time Ding Jianrong and others no longer had much patience.

At first, they really thought these four people could tell some shocking reasons.

But now it’s proven that they thought too much... The geniuses who came up with this plan just have their own biases.

In other words, each has its own set of treatment guidelines.

One solution may suit them better, but it's a matter of opinion as to how superior it is to another.

Come to think of it, Shi Lian is just like everyone else.

At this moment, Shi Lian's voice sounded.

She didn’t like nonsense and went straight to the point: “Preoperative injuries and postoperative recovery difficulty, both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

But there is one thing no one mentioned.

Patient recovery after surgery!

The purpose of minimally invasive surgery is to reduce trauma.

But if you choose to open the intercostal space and forcibly tear the tissue and muscles, what is the difference between this method and cutting off the middle sternum and making incisions on both sides of the chest wall?

In this case, the damaged muscles will not be reduced.

And the pain and trauma after surgery will not be much lighter!

However, if you choose to cut the operating hole in the third intercostal space, it will not cause large-scale tearing of the intercostal space muscles. In addition, except for the incision itself, there will be no damage to other parts!

And this ensures that the intercostal nerves are not affected! "

Is the trauma around the intercostal nerves and muscles so important?

Ding Jianrong and others frowned.

There are some new ideas in what Shi Lian said, but it seems that it is just to preserve the muscles near the intercostal space. Is it worth choosing a scalpel for this?

Shi Lian quickly gave the answer.

Everyone's expressions were as she expected, and she smiled slightly and said: "This is why I focus on postoperative recovery!

After lung transplantation, patients need to perform chest wall muscle strengthening exercises, pulmonary rehabilitation training, etc.

As for the content of pulmonary rehabilitation training, the most critical steps include deep breathing and coughing.

Let me ask, if the choice is to tear the muscles, how can the patient dare to cough under such extensive chest wall trauma? How can deep breathing training be performed? !

In addition!

Cardiothoracic surgery and obstetrics and gynecology are completely different after all.

Cesarean section can tear open the abdomen to protect muscle fibers, because there are no organs that need special attention there.

But under the intercostal space, there are chest walls and airways, including the recovery of breathing-related muscles, autonomous airway clearing and expectoration capabilities, etc.

In this case, sharp small incisions have extremely significant advantages!

In other words.

It’s not which one is better, but choosing blunt tearing will greatly increase the mortality rate and risk of patients! ”



After saying this, everyone in the judges' seats widened their eyes, with a strange light flashing in their eyes. For a moment, no one wanted to speak.

And Liu Si's eyes almost popped out.


If this is the reason, there is really no choice but to use a scalpel!

Damn it!

Did Chen Qiao know it a long time ago?

Did he deliberately not say it just to let Shi Lian take the first place?

Sure enough, this guy's heart has never been with Union Medical College!

This method is a bit too despicable...

Thinking of this, Liu Si felt a nameless anger in his heart.

Soon, Liu Si and others returned to their seats.

"What is the result? "A teammate from Union Hospital asked.

Liu Si had a gloomy face and said nothing.

He glanced at Chen Qiao coldly.

The latter just felt puzzled... Shi Lian won? But what does her winning have to do with me?

She had no contact with Shi Lian, so Liu Si wouldn't be so narrow-minded as to hate Shi Lian and his family, right?

On the other side.

Shi Feng from West China hugged his arms happily.

So cool!

Ever since he gave up his so-called genius and chose to go easy, he found that winning by doing nothing is really cool!

When Shi Lian spoke so clearly just now, he also nodded frantically, as if to say "right, right, I think so too."

Especially when he saw Liu Si from Union Hospital with an expression as if he was about to eat a fly.

Shi Feng felt even more cool!

Over the years, the two of them have been competing with each other. Who would have thought that the last class was suppressed by Xu Qiu and couldn't stand out. Although Dr. Xu didn't come this time, his students are just as awesome...

However, Shi Feng is more concerned about another thing at the moment!

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