Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 1050: A peerless national hero, but treading on thin ice!

Seeing this, the woman's pupils gradually dilated.

A glimmer of hope began to sprout... Maybe my daughter can be saved? !


Emergency Department of Linyi, early handover.

Unlike the drowsiness of the past, everyone in the emergency department today has a serious expression, and the whole office is filled with the aroma of coffee.

In order to ensure that everyone is in a good state, the director directly used the department's small treasury and packed coffee for the entire department to cope with the next challenge.

"Just a few words..."

After the routine report and handover, the director officially got to the point:

"Just last night, a large-scale Internet addiction treatment center in Linhai City caught fire. According to the search and rescue and investigation of the relevant departments, more than 60 people were rescued, most of whom were slightly injured.

"In addition, the fire initially caused 11 deaths. Thirty-seven people suffered moderate burns, nine people suffered severe burns, and three or four people had burns covering more than 80% of their bodies... They are in danger. "

Under the stage, Xu Qiu narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing these words.

The others were both regretful and amazed.

Eleven people died...

This is definitely a major accident in recent years. It is estimated that more than half of the leaders of this Internet addiction treatment center will be imprisoned, and the leadership team of Linhai City may also be held accountable and severely replaced!

The development of doctors and hospitals is often based on the supremacy of suffering. Although this is a bit cruel, it is a fact.

For example, some medical masters with nationally renowned names, without exception, have emerged from the pandemic of diseases that endanger the whole country and even the world...

Many outstanding doctors have also emerged after major traffic accidents, man-made disasters and natural disasters!

There are dying people and a lot of injured and sick people who need treatment. Doctors and hospitals have the opportunity to make achievements!

"I won't say more. The most serious burn patients are already on the way to transfer to other hospitals and will be sent to our hospital at any time. As the first line of rescue, the emergency department has a great responsibility! "

After saying this, everyone's eyes subconsciously moved in the same direction.

Xu Qiu was sitting at the focus of their attention.

Everyone knew that it was Xu Qiu who took on this task. In fact, only when Xu Qiu was there, Linyi dared to take on this hot potato.

In fact, apart from the point of curing diseases and saving lives, this incident actually did not benefit Linyi at all.

Saving people alive is nothing more than allowing Linyi to be commended, and then to brush up on a sense of presence in the city and the province...

But does Linyi need these?

Now Linyi has long become a signboard in the province, and it is the most famous one.

It is also quite famous nationwide, and even ranked on a level similar to Union Medical College and West China by some people who don't know the business.

The evaluation of laymen is naturally useless, but you have to know that most people are laymen, and netizens who like to join in the fun really believe these and are not authoritative. A ranking that is powerful but fun enough!

And if these burn patients fail to be saved...

The attention of this incident must be quite high. If the person dies, Dr. Lin will be put under the spotlight and suffer spit.

It doesn't matter if Wang Shengde is scolded, but Dr. Xu will also be accused for no reason!

In short.

If a miracle happens and the patient is really saved, there is no benefit.

But if he dies, the price he has to pay is not ordinary heavy!

At this time, the director sat down and gave Xu Qiu a look.

Xu Qiu stood up with a calm expression.

He first looked around and saw almost all the expressions of the people in his eyes, and had a rough guess about his colleagues' thoughts in his heart.

So in the silence, Xu Qiu's voice sounded like a calm narration:

"As a doctor, how can you 'put aside the treatment of diseases and saving lives'? ”

In the early morning, in the rush of the subway, office workers squeezed into the carriage, and after finding a place to hang, they began to play with their mobile phones with one hand.

At this time, the news of last night's fire had appeared on the hot search list.

With a slight scroll, you can see a lot of comments.

"Damn, a few more people are going to take off their hats!"

"Is this Internet addiction treatment center unregulated at all? How could it burn so badly!"

"My God, it feels like eleven people are just the number of people who died on the spot. It is not certain how many people will survive after so many people... The mortality rate of patients with severe burns is extremely high, and they are very susceptible to infection!"

"Doctor, so knowledgeable."

"That's not the case. I often watch Dr. Xu Qiu's popular science videos. He seems to have treated burn patients before, and he also created some techniques?"

"Fuck, that's stable. I heard that all the patients were sent to Linhai First Hospital. Then these people are dead?"

"I can see that you are a layman who doesn't understand medicine at all. There is no such thing as a sure thing in the medical field, but there is a sure thing... Haven't you heard the saying, 'Sometimes you can heal, often you can help, and always you can comfort'? In the face of illness, there is very little that doctors can do! "

"It's true... it's good enough to survive half of it."


Continue to scroll down, and soon I saw that the official issued a new notice.

This time it was a disaster description with white text on a blue background.

First of all, the situation at the disaster site... The building where the accident occurred has a total of four floors, a brick-concrete structure, the first and second floors are boys' dormitories, the third and fourth floors are girls' dormitories, and the upper floors are not in use for the time being.

After preliminary judgment, the building where the fire occurred should be dormitory No. 302 on that floor, and the burning object was an electric blanket that used electricity illegally...

Many people who saw the notice were a little surprised.

"What kind of speed is this? The investigation is done right now?"

"It's probably too obvious to be true. Usually, even if there is evidence, this kind of thing will take several days to investigate. It will only be released after confirmation. After all, it is an official announcement and there must be no mistakes. This time the announcement was released so quickly. It is probably because the New Year is coming soon and they are afraid that it will have a greater impact..."

"What kind of school is this? Electric blankets are allowed???"

"Rumor has it that there are guys who like black technology who privately modified the wires. There were no sockets in the dormitory."

"This is really black technology. The whole building is black!"

"? What a hell joke."

"Don't mention it. It's really a hell joke. People in 301 seem to have died the most. I guess the black technology sister who slept on the electric blanket is also dead."

"Don't make such jokes. A moment of silence. Candles, candles, candles.jpg."


Finally, everyone's eyes jumped to the end of the announcement.

In addition to some fixed procedures such as "setting up a psychological counseling group for the families of the deceased students", "carrying out follow-up work", "holding accountable", etc., this time the specific measures for treatment were also marked.

"...Baiyun Province responded quickly and established a treatment expert group at Linhai First Hospital, with Academician Xu Qiu as the group leader, mobilizing the city's resources to rescue with all their strength, and the province will also provide timely and necessary assistance..."

Seeing this, many people in the subway breathed a sigh of relief.

Doctor Xu took over?

Then there is nothing to worry about. It is more reliable to look forward to whether she will be discharged in a month or two weeks than to worry about whether she can be saved!


At this moment, the Linyi side is already busy.

In the rescue room, Xu Qiu listened to the report of the doctor on board: "The patient Tian Ling, the whole body has been extensively burned for six hours..."

The girl called Tian Ling is the greedy cat before.

At this moment, her condition is very grim. The values ​​of various vital signs are on the edge of danger. This situation is enough to issue three or four critical illness notices.

Obviously, now she has difficulties even in getting through the most dangerous shock period.

The outside world only thinks that Xu Qiu is "unparalleled as an academician" and "cures diseases with medicine". However, no one knows the hardships contained in the six words "never killed a patient". It can be said that every treatment is like walking on thin ice.

Today's Tian Ling is the thin ice that can break at any time. If Xu Qiu wants to save him, he must step on the thin ice layer that has cracks and reach the other side.

Just looking at her condition, other doctors are a little daunted and don't know where to start.

But Xu Qiu, after a brief judgment, quickly gave further instructions:

"Give cefoxitin, 4.0g intravenous drip; q12h and mezlocillin sulbactam 5.0g, intravenous drip; q12h, combined with anti-infection treatment, strengthen symptomatic supportive treatment! ALB is controlled at 26-33g/L!"

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