Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 116 This operation was difficult, but... I succeeded

The man who was about to press the floor also opened his eyes wide.

"Dad?" The man wearing gold glasses was stunned for a moment.

Director Zhang clasped his hands behind his back, but his expression softened a lot, and he said with some relief: "Didn't you say that there was an exam in the school and you couldn't get away, or did you come to see your grandma?"

The man with gold-rimmed glasses stood at the back and nodded silently: "Yes, I'll come over to see her too."

"Why are you in the inpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology?" Director Zhang looked at the floor introductions posted in the elevator and asked with raised eyebrows.

He laughed dryly and asked, "How was grandma's surgery?"

Hearing this, Director Zhang's face darkened again: "Not too optimistic. Now we have to invite other doctors."

Director Zhang's son nodded and stared nervously at the descending floor numbers, silently.

His back was already covered in sweat, and his pupils were trembling slightly...

Dad, why is he here!

He was waiting in the obstetrics and gynecology department to find out who had possessed him.

On the other side, grandma was in the operating room with her life and death uncertain.

If this matter was revealed, he would lose at least two layers of skin!

Five minutes later, the three finally arrived at the emergency department and saw Xu Qiu.

"Is he the one you're looking for?" Director Zhang's son was startled.

This is Li Qianqian’s chief surgeon!

Director Zhang looked at his son with a strange look, "Why are you so excited, knowing him?"

"I heard... I heard about it."

Director Zhang nodded suspiciously.

Turning his head, there was a hint of flattery and apology in his expression.

Shame is nothing!

He had uttered wild words to Xu Qiu before,

Now I have to ask for help from others, face is worthless!

Compared with this, he was more worried about Xu Qiuji's previous hostility and unwillingness to undergo surgery!

Director Zhang thought for a while and decided to take out the antique at home...

"Doctor Xu, I was rude before. If you can cure me..."

However, before Zhang Ju finished speaking, Xu Qiu had already turned around and walked away.

There was also a faint voice: "Let's go."

The little nurse quickly caught up and said, "Doctor Xu, let me briefly introduce the patient's condition to you. This is a..."

Zhang Ju stood there blankly, his mouth open.


Doesn't he hate himself?

You don't need anything and just agree to the surgery?


He can't understand!

"Dad, they're gone..." Zhang Zi's words brought Zhang Ju back to his mind.

The latter immediately put away his flattering smile, his expression became serious again, nodded and said: "Let's wait outside the operating room."

He looked at the direction Xu Qiu left.

The mood is getting more and more complicated.

at this time!

operating room.

As time passed, more and more sweat formed on Gao Pei'an's forehead.

However, the lymph nodes still cannot be removed.

Blood vessels, pancreas, etc. are still in a clamped state.

His Chen's anastomosis method is not yet fully developed, and the only ones who can solve this problem may be Xu Qiu, who is more accomplished than him, or his teacher, Academician Chen himself!

"what happened?"

At this moment, a young voice came from outside the operating room.

As the air-locking door was stepped open, Xu Qiu walked into the operating room.

Gao Pei'an looked back in surprise.

But the next moment, he saw Xu Qiu looking tired.

"Xu Qiu, you... just finished the operation?"

Xu Qiu replied while putting on surgical clothes: "Well, I just had a pheochromocytoma resection."

Gao Pei'an's pupils shrank.

Pheochromocytoma? !

Isn’t that a major urological surgery?

It can take five or six hours and is extremely dangerous. The entire operation requires the surgeon, anesthesiologist, etc. to maintain a high degree of concentration.

No wonder Xu Qiu is so tired!

"Can you persist..." Gao Pei'an was a little worried.

Xu Qiu walked to the operating table calmly, without answering, but looked at the operating area and asked, "Do you want a Chen's anastomosis?"


Seeing Xu Qiu's intention to perform surgery, Gao Pei'an stopped questioning and stood on the opposite side as an assistant.

Under the shadowless lamp.

Xu Qiu quietly observed the operation area.

The pancreas is fragile, irregular, and the inflammation of the pancreas is severe.

Furthermore, the main pancreatic duct cannot be identified in the surgical field.

In this case, the risk of pancreatic leakage is very high!

No wonder Gao Pei'an was at his wits' end.

"How is it? It's difficult to deal with, isn't it?" On the opposite side, Gao Pei'an said in a solemn tone.


Xu Qiu nodded.

Then, he quickly started suturing from the ventral side to the dorsal side.

Gao Pei'an's eyes widened.

Don’t you admit that it’s difficult?

Why can his expression be so calm!

Moreover, there is no hesitation in the movements of the hands!

Gao Pei'an raised his head,

I don't know when Xu Qiu's fatigue disappeared, and his eyes regained their luster and sparkle.

He froze.

Is this a surgical genius...

Didi didi——

The instruments in the operating room beeped regularly.

Seven minutes later, Xu Qiu completed the pancreas repair using the master-class Chen's anastomosis method.

He didn't stop.

Instead, he looked at the lymph nodes next to him.

Lung cancer is prone to metastasis, and lymph node metastasis is one of the most common metastasis pathways.

If the lymph nodes in the hilus and mediastinum are not completely dissected, the operation will be as good as a failure.


After a brief hesitation, he changed his scalpel and prepared to remove the lymph nodes.


When he looked at the lymphatic area again, he was still slightly stunned.

Above the swollen lymph nodes, there are various important blood vessels and digestive tracts, which can be called a dead corner...

When operating a knife in this area, the slightest mistake in the operator's control of the scalpel may cause serious surgical accidents.

Gao Pei'an looked at Xu Qiu and paused, then sighed and said, "It's very difficult, right? When I did it just now, I found several ways to do it, but there was no way. If it didn't work, I cut off all the blood vessels first and swept out the lymph nodes." Come back together again..."


It was still a calm response.

The knife still fell.

The experience of perfect lymph node dissection gave Xu Qiu the qualification to challenge the impossible.

Vascular forceps, tissue scissors, bipolar electrocoagulation, needle-holding forceps...

Different instruments are constantly changing in his hands.

five minutes later,

A small lymph node fell intact into the specimen tray.

Xu Qiu put down all the equipment and said softly: "Go on."

Gao Pei'an looked at the surgery area in shock.

How is it done!

Exposing the ridge, bypassing the main trunk of the vagus nerve, and penetrating into the pulmonary plexus...

Avoiding various danger zones at incredible angles!

Finally, it was like walking through a maze to find the lymph node and cut it out neatly!

This... what kind of demonic surgical ability is this!

Gao Pei'an swallowed. He was about to say thank you, but when he turned around, he found that Xu Qiu had taken off his surgical gown and left.

"Thank you, Dr. Xu..." Gao Pei'an looked at the slowly closing apnea door, his eyes burning more and more.

Then, he finished the operation seriously and hurried to the emergency department.

On the way, he habitually glanced at his phone.

There are a bunch of messages on it, and a lot of missed calls.

He rowed down quickly.

Most of them are various reports from the research team, the review of a certain scientific research project, or the director of another hospital asking him to fly a knife, etc...


When he saw one of the messages, Gao Pei'an's expression changed, and a bad premonition flashed through his heart.

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