Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 13 Tumor connected to the brain, extremely high-risk surgery

Wang Fan looked helpless.

But Xu Qiu on the other side asked about the patient's condition seriously.

He lifted the blanket covering the patient's legs and found that the patient's lower limbs had begun to atrophy.

It's not optimistic...

Xu Qiu's expression became more serious and said, "It's basically confirmed that it's a tumor. Go for an MRI. In addition, I'll prescribe a lumbar puncture for you and a biopsy to determine what kind of tumor it is."

The middle-aged woman thanked him repeatedly, patted her knees, stood up, and pushed the person away again.

Wang Fan returned to the computer, ordered two examinations, and said, "Doctor Xu, then I will transfer the patient to the neurosurgery department?"

Xu Qiu shook his head: "No, let's take a look at the type and grade of the tumor first."


Wang Fan agreed, transferred the patient to Xu Qiu, and went back to the outpatient department.

The others also returned to their respective workstations and became busy again.



In the afternoon.

The middle-aged woman came over with the examination report.

Xu Qiu flipped through it carefully.

Spinal cord tumors can be roughly divided into gliomas, ependymomas, astrocytomas, hemangiomas and lipomas.

The pathological biopsy of the patient Yue Hongliang showed that he had a relatively common ependymoma.

This type of tumor is well differentiated, has a pseudocapsule, is mostly expansive growth, and has relatively few blood vessels, which is a good result.

Moreover, the tumor seems to have stopped growing.

If it is considered from the perspective of resection alone, the deputy director of neurosurgery can easily take it down.


The problem is that although Yue Hongliang's tumor is well differentiated, the location is very awkward!

It grows in the relatively rare cervical segment, and it happens to be connected to the brain.

This series directly raised the risk value of this operation to the highest level!

Ding Ding Ding——

Just then, the phone in the office rang.

"Emergency Department? The imaging department called at noon and said that you have a patient with high spinal cord ependymoma?"

Xu Qiu responded, "Yes."

The other party said: "Our director has seen the film. We also discussed it at noon. The location of this patient's tumor is too tricky, and the risk of surgery is extremely high!

At present, the tumor has stopped there will be no greater damage.

Our suggestion is conservative treatment, so that the patient can live longer."

Xu Qiu was silent for a moment.

The judgment of the neurosurgery department cannot be said to be wrong.

In fact, this is the safest and most reasonable plan.

For the patient,

the risk of surgery is too high!

And if you give up the removal, the tumor will not develop in a short time and it is difficult to endanger life.

In short-using atrophied lower limbs for a longer life.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Qiu exhaled deeply.

Although he has master-level spinal cord tumor resection,

but operating a knife next to the brain is like playing with fire in a fireworks factory.

Even if he has great skills, the patient's life cannot be a tool for showing off his skills.

After thinking about this, Xu Qiu explained the results of the discussion in the neurosurgery department to the mother and son intact.

Finally, he said: "I also recommend conservative treatment.

Ependymoma is less malignant and has stopped growing, and will not spread to other places.

That is to say, at best, he will only be paralyzed in his lower limbs, and his life will not be endangered in the short term."

The middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Will it affect childbirth?"

Xu Qiu shook his head: "At present, the tumor does not compress the conduction nerves and will not affect his fertility."

After saying this, the middle-aged woman opposite breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when Xu Qiu thought he had persuaded him,

the patient in the wheelchair suddenly became agitated, and said with a somewhat ferocious expression: "Doctor, perform surgery on me, I don't want to be a cripple!"

The middle-aged woman's face changed, and she quickly bent down to comfort him, saying: "Liangliang, listen to your mother, the doctor said the risk is very high! This thing will not grow up anyway, the worst case scenario is that you don't have legs! Let your sister take care of you in the future!"

Hearing the word "sister", Yue Hongliang's reaction became more intense.

He shook the wheelchair vigorously, his whole face trembling.

Xu Qiu pressed the wheelchair and said, "If the movement is too large and causes the tumor to shift, I can't guarantee that the tumor will compress any nerves."

The middle-aged woman's face turned pale, and she immediately compromised and spread her hands and said, "Okay, Mom agrees to you do it!"


Meeting room.

In addition to Xu Qiu, the patient, and the patient's family, He Hai, deputy director of the emergency department, also participated in this preoperative conversation.

Spinal cord tumor resection is a major operation after all, and at least an associate chief physician is qualified to perform it.

Therefore, if Xu Qiu wants to be the main surgeon, he must have He Hai's authorization.

At the main seat, He Hai read Yue Hongliang's medical records, and then glanced at the diagnostic suggestions from the neurosurgery and imaging departments, with an unprecedented solemn expression.

He lowered his voice and said, "Xu Qiu, this... can you do it?"

Xu Qiu nodded: "Yes."

He has mastered the master-level spinal cord tumor resection...

Not to mention the neurosurgery of Linhai First Hospital, there are few people in China who can reach his level!

But the doubts on He Hai's face have not been eliminated.

It's not his fault, Xu Qiu's words were really too outrageous!

For a resident in his twenties, being able to do bone reconstruction was already amazing.

To be honest, Xu Qiu's orthopedic surgery skills alone are enough to be regarded as a big boss and be offered by major hospitals!

Now he said he could do a spinal cord resection.

Even the director of neurology thinks that the risk is extremely high and surgery is not recommended for tumors near the brain...

If it weren't for Xu Qiu in front of him, He Hai would have scolded him for overestimating his abilities!

However, facing Xu Qiu's calm and confident expression, He Hai hesitated again.

"This surgery... at least, I can't do it."

After saying this, he gritted his teeth, slapped the table and said: "If you are really sure, I can guarantee you... But, I have to call you a deputy director of Shenwai to calm down the situation!"

It was just a few people, but Xu Qiu didn't care, so he immediately agreed.

Half an hour later, the preoperative conversation ended.

When the patient was pushed back to the ward, Xu Qiu caught a relaxed smile on his face.

Xu Qiu didn't understand this.

Was he waiting for death, or had he already expected that his operation would be successful?

The third day.

Yue Hongliang's spinal cord tumor removal surgery officially began.


Resident doctor Shen Shanyou followed Deputy Director Zhao to the emergency department.

On the way, Shen Shanyou said doubtfully: "Director Zhao, is the emergency department calling you for a consultation?"

Deputy Director Zhao smiled and said: "They have a patient over there who needs surgery. I guess it has something to do with our neurosurgery department and asked me to check it out."

Shen Shanyou had no expression.

Deputy Director Zhao glanced at it and said casually: "Not interested? The surgeon is the legendary Dr. Xu!"

Chen Shanyou's eyes were immediately filled with energy.

Deputy Director Zhao put his hands behind his back and said: "Let's go, haven't you always been suffering from psychological shadow? I will take you to see it today!

Our Department of Surgery is one of the most sophisticated departments in the entire hospital. If you are selected, you will definitely be no worse than that doctor Xu! "

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