Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 131 Violating medical ethics, can this be called a doctor?

The old man's identity is written as a farmer in the medical record.

And the other party is dressed very simply, obviously his family conditions are not very good.


Fan Lei ordered a lot of overlapping tests and used medicine without mercy. The cost of a course of treatment directly soared to several thousand yuan.

Xu Qiu started the consultation again.

He started to have a fever three days ago.

The highest temperature does not exceed 39 degrees Celsius.

Accompanied by sore throat and nasal obstruction, no chills, cough, nausea and vomiting, etc.

Observe the patient's performance.

There is an acute painful appearance and irritability.

For this performance, there are four types of diseases that can be considered.

1. Neurological disease.

2. Acute extensive anterior wall myocardial infarction.

3. Viral myocarditis.

4. Severe upper respiratory tract infection.

"I will check your body first." Xu Qiu said.

The old man cooperated very well.

Physical examination, both pupils are equal in size and round, and light reflex is sensitive.

Meningeal irritation signs are negative.

Preliminary exclusion of neurological diseases!

Auscultation showed coarse breath sounds and no rales in both lungs, heart rate of 61 beats per minute, regular rhythm, weak heart sounds, and no murmurs in the valves.

The jugular veins were not distended, and the liver and spleen were not palpated.

Viral myocarditis and acute extensive anterior myocardial infarction were ruled out...

On the examination bed, the old man was very worried.

He stretched his neck and said carefully: "Doctor Xu, can you prescribe less medicine for me? Don't prescribe those painkillers. I can bear it - the price of grain has dropped again this year. I have been planting the land for half a year and can't afford to get sick..."

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem."

Xu Qiu said, putting down the stethoscope.

He looked at the computer again.

Fan Lei ordered a lot of tests, such as viral serological tests, cranial CT, etc.

His general direction was correct, and he also ruled out the suspected diseases judged by Xu Qiu.


these diseases can be ruled out by a simple physical examination, but Fan Lei doesn't do it!

Without examination, there is no cure. It is the practice of inferior doctors to turn examination into the only weapon for diagnosing diseases!

Xu Qiu shook his head.

He rejected all of Fan Lei's medical advice and re-prescribed some anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs for the old man.

After repeated confirmation, he cancelled the painkillers.

The total cost of these drugs was 103 yuan.

"Okay, it's no big deal. You can just pay the fee and get the medicine." Xu Qiu formally issued the medical advice.

The old man thanked him and left.

"Did the doctor just now not do a physical examination?" Xu Qiu asked after the patient left.

Chen Qiao nodded: "Yes..."

Xu Qiu was silent. He was thoughtful. After a moment, he said: "After you go back at noon, you can take this..."

Xu Qiu paused. He didn't have a deep impression of the ugly doctor just now.

Chen Qiao quickly said, "Teacher, his name is Fan Lei."

"Well, bring all the medical records of Dr. Fan's patients over and put them on my desk."

Chen Qiao moved her little mouth, wanting to say something but stopping herself.

Xu Qiu glanced: "What's wrong?"

"Teacher, this Doctor Fan is a relative of the vice president, and...his father works in the Health Commission..."

Xu Qiu frowned: "You mean, other doctors also know that he prescribes random tests and uses random drugs, but no one dares to say it."

Chen Qiao was a little taboo, biting her lip and said: "Yes, Doctor Wang Fan and others have raised opinions with Doctor Fan.

I heard from Doctor Yun that a few years ago, a farmer sold his cow to see a doctor in our hospital. He also prescribed a bunch of random tests and drugs for more than 4,000 yuan.

Later, Director Wang Ping really couldn't stand it anymore, and directly scolded him, and then cancelled the unnecessary tests on the doctor's order.

The medicine only cost more than 200 yuan in the end.

As a result, Director Wang originally had a hospital evaluation, but he didn't get it that year, and the department was inexplicably deducted a sum of money..."

Xu Qiu heard something.

Even Wang Ping couldn't suppress this Fan Lei.

Chen Qiao glanced at Xu Qiu carefully and said worriedly: "Teacher, I'm afraid you're being targeted..."

Xu Qiu's expression did not change at all, and he said lightly: "Before I finish my meal, I will sort out all the medical orders he has issued."

Chen Qiao looked at Xu Qiu in surprise.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that her teacher was not only handsome, but also great!

"Hurry up and call the next one." At this time, Xu Qiu urged.

Chen Qiao immediately came to her senses and hurried to call the number.

Because I missed more than two hours of outpatient clinic in the morning, the efficiency of seeing patients today was very fast, one after another, without a chance to breathe.

At most, there were four patients in the clinic at the same time.

One was posing behind the screen waiting for examination.

The other three were waiting for medical orders, queuing for examination, and waiting for Xu Qiu to see them.

Xu Qiu was also busy at his seat.

He quickly put on gloves to examine the patient, arranged the examination list, and then turned back to ask questions, explain the condition, etc.

Chen Qiao soon became a skillful tool for spreading the towel.


she suddenly found that she seemed to be able to do examinations.

She began to try to do some simple physical examinations to reduce Xu Qiu's burden.

With such high efficiency, the consumption rate of patients was amazing.

During this period, the old man came over once after taking the medicine to express his gratitude to Xu Qiu.

He was not stupid. He had seen Fan Lei prescribed so many tests and prescribed a lot of imported medicines, but now he only had more than a hundred yuan in his hands. He knew very well that Xu Qiu had helped him save a lot of unnecessary expenses!

The emotion conveyed by the old man's dark face and his misty eyes are probably the highest ideal that any conscientious doctor can pursue...

Despite some extremely high efficiency, Xu Qiu and Chen Qiao were still busy until about one o'clock in the afternoon before they finally digested all the morning's outpatient visits.

Chen Qiao was already so hungry that her chest pressed against her back.

She stood at the door of the clinic and took a look. There was not a single patient outside.

"Huh~~Teacher, we finally got it!!" Chen Qiao sat on the chair by the door and laughed happily.

"Remember to sort out the medical records."


Chen Qiao kicked his legs and saw Xu Qiu leaving. He quickly got up and locked the door, then trotted to follow.

On the way back to the office, Chen Qiao talked about what happened in the autopsy room last night.

"Teacher, the forensic doctor re-examined the body, and I told them your speculation. They also realized that the body teacher died strangely, and it was very possible that an electrified needle was inserted into the heart!

This morning, they set up a task force and planned to reopen the case. Today they have gone to other provinces to arrest her boyfriend! "

The boyfriend of the deceased also studied medicine and is now the director of a department in a second-grade hospital in his hometown. It is said that he has been married three times, and married two nurses respectively. His current wife is a 27-year-old attending physician.

Xu Qiu nodded.

The smaller the hospital, the easier it is for it to dominate the hospital.

Such things rarely happen in Linhai No.1 Hospital.

On the contrary, Wang Ping was a strict henpecker, and several department heads were also known to be henpecked.

"Let me know when there is a follow-up to this matter," Xu Qiu explained.


At this time, Yunmei, who had just come out of the office, walked towards her.

"Doctor Xu, there are many people coming to the office, all looking for you." Yunmei stopped and said suddenly.

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