Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 133 New Drugs, Billion-Dollar Market

At most, he saved two or three patients with pulmonary embolism in the emergency department.

His fame was limited to Linhai First Hospital.

In fact, neither Linhai City nor Baiyun Province knew that there was a figure like Xu Qiu in the field of pulmonary embolism.

The one with real status and authority should be Wang Ping in the emergency department!

Although the other party encountered six pulmonary embolisms and all six died, he is indeed an expert in the field of acute and severe lung diseases.

Wang Ping holds important positions in emergency medicine, acute lung diseases, and the Daxia Pulmonary Embolism Organization in the province!

If polixaban is really effective, why did Jing Jiahui come to see Wang Ping instead of going directly to see him?

Even if Xu Qiu nodded, whether this drug can be included in the purchase list of the Linhai First Hospital Pharmacy in the end depends on Wang Ping's consent.

Therefore, the relationship during this period can be easily sorted out.

Xu Qiu shook his head and said, "Do you want me to persuade Director Wang Ping to purchase this medicine?"

Jing Jiahui was stunned for a moment.

She had prepared many answers, but she didn't expect Xu Qiu to guess the real purpose of her trip!

After a short stagnation, Jing Jiahui smiled and said, "Teacher Xu is indeed a genius. Yes, I heard that you are Director Wang's right-hand man, so I want to ask you to help and blow the wind in his ear..."

Xu Qiu returned the product information and said, "You are not sincere enough."

Jing Jiahui was silent for a long time, and finally stood up and bowed, saying, "I'm sorry. I admit that this product may have some side effects, but its efficacy is definitely there. Many patients in our clinical trials have benefited from it. The thrombus is dissolved very well, and the prognosis is beyond expectations!"

Sure enough, there are defects...

Xu Qiu has been in contact with Wang Ping for more than a month.

The other party is very responsible. Although he has his own little calculations, he will never do anything that harms patients.

Otherwise, he would not have scolded Fan Lei, who had a background, and caused himself to be punished by the upper level.

"You shouldn't have come to see me."

Xu Qiu smiled, opened the door, and left the meeting room.

Jing Jiahui might never think of this.

She tried to start with the students that Wang Ping loved, so that the other party would let go.

This idea was not wrong, and it could even be said to be a strange move.

But her biggest mistake was that-

She chose Xu Qiu, who was even more picky about new drugs and the importance he attached to the health of patients than Wang Ping...


Before going to work in the afternoon, Chen Qiao moved a pile of medical records to Xu Qiu's desk.

But Xu Qiu still had several operations, so he could only check them later.

On the way to the operating room, he met Wang Ping and stopped to talk about what happened at noon.

Wang Ping said with a serious face: "That drug is not as simple as being included in the purchase list. Polyxaban is still one step away from being launched on the market.

And this step requires the signatures of more than two-thirds of the experts in the Daxia pulmonary embolism expert review team.

Now, their pharmaceutical company has got most of the experts to sign, and now, only one more person is needed to officially launch it..."

Xu Qiu frowned: "What's the problem with this drug?"

Wang Ping said with a gloomy face: "The efficacy of Polyxaban is indeed as they said, but the side effects were deliberately concealed by them!

In a previous clinical trial, 23 volunteers used this drug, and five of them had cerebral hemorrhage.

But the side effects of the drug said that the probability of cerebral hemorrhage is very low.

I felt something was wrong, so I asked someone to print out the laboratory data of Polyxaban.

It turned out that the number of mice who died of cerebral hemorrhage was abnormal, and they must have tampered with it!"

Xu Qiu understood.

The effect of this drug is indeed very good, but the side effects are far greater than the probability it is marked.

Moreover, cerebral hemorrhage is a very serious complication!

It is not something that can be compared with dizziness, weight gain, or a little rash.

Its mortality rate is extremely high!

"No wonder so much effort has been put in..." Xu Qiu understood.

From research and development to final production, a drug can easily cost hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.

Now that the first generation of polyxaban has been successfully developed, the pharmaceutical company must be thinking about launching it on the market as soon as possible to recover funds.

After all, once a clinical drug that can replace warfarin comes out, the impact it brings will be revolutionary, and it contains a huge market of over 10 billion or even tens of billions!

As for side effects -

This thing is not something that can be changed wherever there is something wrong.

A side effect is often the result of the interaction and reaction of various drug components.

A slight change in the ingredients, materials, or structure may directly lead to a significant decrease in efficacy.

And now, it is likely that polyxaban is in its most stable state.

Therefore, the pharmaceutical company probably has no choice but to spend money to get experts to sign and promote the listing of polyxaban.

Wang Ping crossed his arms and said, "I don't need that money, I just want to be true to my conscience."

Xu Qiu looked at his watch. The operating room was waiting for him to go on stage.

Wang Ping's expression eased a lot, and he smiled and said, "Hurry up."

Xu Qiu nodded; "Director Wang, you should be careful."

If Wang Ping doesn't sign, the loss of profits will be unimaginable.

The pharmaceutical company may use some means.

Xu Qiu has seen a lot in his previous life.

First, the simplest one is to buy a signature with money.

However, with Wang Ping's character, he would not compromise.

The second is to train new members of the expert group.

However, this method takes too long, and the pharmaceutical companies will definitely not wait.

Then, there is only one last way -

Get rid of Wang Ping!

As long as Wang Ping dies, the expert group will be reduced, and the product can be listed after going through the review process again.

Wang Ping heard the implication of Xu Qiu and was a little surprised.

How could this kid know so much!

He nodded solemnly: "Don't worry, in a society ruled by law, they dare not touch me!"

"Doctor Xu, come and wash your hands!"

At this time, a nurse began to urge over the operating channel.

"Go quickly, finish the operation first, and come to my house to talk slowly when you are free." Wang Ping patted Xu Qiu on the shoulder and said kindly.

Xu Qiu nodded and hurried to the operating room.


This afternoon, Xu Qiu spent the whole afternoon in the busy operating room.

After mastering the fourth-level operation, he integrated it and was able to handle low-level operations in other departments at the same time.

It's just that --

Because many level 4 surgeries are master-level, his proficiency in low-level surgeries is not as good as that in high-difficulty level 4 surgeries!

This point has almost become an unsolved mystery in the emergency department.

He can easily perform high-difficulty surgeries.

He is slightly inferior in low-level surgeries.

Many nurses and doctors have reflected on themselves deeply.

"This is Dr. Xu, who disdains to perform minor surgeries!"

"Yes, only level 4 surgeries are worthy of Dr. Xu's skills!"

Xu Qiu's face remained unchanged and he continued to perform various surgeries.

He is not proficient in low-level surgeries -- this is also one of the reasons why he insists on practicing surgery.

A surgeon cannot hold the scalpel steadily without thousands of trials.

When he is at ease in a certain operation,

it often means that he may have performed 500 or 1,000 operations of the same type, and that he has mechanically cut and cut for countless days and nights, and recited countless anatomical structures thousands of times.

When he stepped out of the operating channel again, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Qiu looked a little tired.

But at this time, a female patient with severe pain in the right lower abdomen, pale face, and cold sweat was hurriedly sent in from outside the hospital.

Accompanying her was another young and beautiful woman with earrings.

"Doctor, doctor, please save my girlfriend!" said the earring woman.

Xu Qiu was stopped and his pupils slightly opened.

These are still two lilies.

Xu Qiu respects all sexual orientations. He didn't say much and took the patient to the treatment room.

The patient's performance is very similar to acute appendicitis.

Xu Qiu felt a little itchy and just hoped that everyone in the world would have their appendix removed by him.

But after checking a few items, Xu Qiu's mouth twitched.

These two may not be as simple as lilies.

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