Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 135 Rare Disease! A Woman Who Is Not a Woman


This news was like a bomb dropped on a calm lake.

The woman with earrings shook her whole body. She hurriedly held on to the table next to her, and then stabilized her figure. She stammered: "You, what are you talking about! I, my girlfriend is a girl, how could it be possible? testis!!"

Xu Qiu shook his head and said: "The testicles are inside the vagina.

It stands to reason that it can be reached from the outside of the lower lip and a little deeper. "

This is a rare disease.

The scientific name is XY simple gonadal dysplasia syndrome.

The manifestation is that women are normal at birth or childhood, but after puberty they are often discovered after medical treatment due to primary amenorrhea or underdevelopment of secondary sex characteristics.

They look female, but their chromosomes are XY.

Male chromosomes!

Therefore, in terms of appearance, Xie Qinran is a female, but from a medical and physiological point of view, she has completely male genes...

The face of the woman with the earring changed drastically.

She seemed to have really touched her lower lip...

"Then, isn't that the uterus? I thought I felt the uterus..."

The woman with the earring was completely stunned.

Those things are actually testicles? !

She grabbed the ultrasound sheet and looked at it for a long time before taking a breath slowly and mustering up the courage to say, "So, what's the good news?"

Xu Qiudao: "Judging from the ultrasound performance, the patient's abdominal pain is not due to appendicitis.

But - testicular cancer. "

Testicular tumors do not necessarily need to be removed.

Benign tumors, especially those smaller than one centimeter, generally do not require surgery.

However, Xie Qinran’s tumor was relatively large, a full four centimeters, and the ultrasound results were not promising.

It may be a malignant tumor.

In that case, I'm afraid the testicles and tumors would have to be removed together.

"The good news is that it can be removed. And at present, it seems that it is not in the advanced stage, and there is still a chance of cure." Xu Qiu said.

Opposite me, the expression of the woman with earrings changed several times, and her expression was already a little numb.

"Doctor, would you like to check again..." She still held on to her last glimmer of hope.

Girlfriend suddenly turns into boyfriend, this is terrible!

"There's no need."

"Check the chromosomes, in case you made a mistake!"

Xu Qiudao: "If you want to check your chromosomes, you need to make an appointment in advance. The emergency department can't do it here. It will take about three or four weeks to get the results."

Malignant tumors cannot be delayed.

Especially for this kind of thing that is in the development stage, no one can predict how it will develop after three weeks of delay.

"But it's okay to check."

To be on the safe side, Xu Qiu prescribed sex hormone and gonadotropin tests and magnetic resonance imaging for Xie Qinran.

Xie Qinran still didn't know what happened.

Her voice was very sweet, and it was impossible to tell that her chromosomes indicated that she was male.

"Sister, what's going on? Why do we need so many checks?" Xie Qinran looked at the woman with the earrings, feeling a little worried about the money.

The latter hugged Xie Qinran, rubbed his head and said, "Good boy, check it out first. Isn't it just for you to spend the money I earn?"

"I don't want to waste so much money... We still have to pay off the mortgage!"

Although Xie Qinran was extremely reluctant, she still did the examination in a daze.

Wait for the test results to come out.

The diagnosis was completely clear: XY simple gonadal dysgenesis syndrome + testicular tumor.

Xie Qinran finally knew what disease she had.

As if she was struck by lightning, she even forgot about the pain on her body and said in panic: "Why, how could this happen...I, I am a girl!"

"Admit admission as soon as possible and arrange surgery."

Xu Qiu didn't say anything more and exited the treatment room, leaving space for the two of them.

If the acceptance of both parties is high enough, even if the testicles are cut off, they will still be good sisters.

"Doctor Xu, there is an emergency consultation in the hospital. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Not long after returning to the office, Chen Jia came back from the ward and said while taking off her stethoscope.

"Hospital-wide consultation?"

It was probably not a trivial matter to suddenly hold a hospital-wide consultation near the end of the day.

He nodded and followed to the orthopedics department.

The attendees were all old acquaintances.

Director Yu is the leader in orthopedic surgery papers.

Director of Anesthesia.

Director of Urology.

Director Lin of the burn department, anorectal department, digestive surgery, brain surgery, etc.

In addition, there is Wang Ping from the emergency department.

"Xu Qiu is here?"

"Sit, sit, sit, come, sit next to me!"

"I heard that you admitted a patient with incomplete XY? Haha, you sent another patient to our urology department..."

Several directors were in surprisingly good moods when they saw Xu Qiu.

A junior who is neither humble nor arrogant, and never fights for anything. He just works hard to perform surgeries.

Anyone can't help but love such a descendant.


At this time, Wang Ping pulled up his chair and said with a smile: "Xu Qiu's position is here."

The other directors suddenly felt like deflated balls.

Is it necessary to be so precious?

As directors, we can still steal people!

After Xu Qiu sat down, she flipped through the medical records on the table.

This is the car accident patient sent last week.

The other party was an old professor from Linhai University. When he was walking in the university, he was hit by a student's car and the car ran over him directly from the base of his leg.

The old man already has osteoporosis and is prone to fractures, not to mention being hit by a car.

It is conceivable that the old man's thigh was comminuted and fractured on the spot, and there was no possibility of saving it.

Everything from the buttocks down is rotten.

When he was brought to the emergency room, Wang Ping took the lead in the rescue, and Director Yu of the Department of Orthopedics performed the amputation, and the post-operative care was handed over to the Burn Department.

For this kind of severe trauma, the most experienced person is not the orthopedic surgeon, but the burn surgeon.

We often encounter patients with large-area burns there. The old professor has great experience in resuscitation and anti-infection after trauma of this level, and he also has more advanced and comprehensive equipment and technology.

The hospital attaches great importance to old professors.

In the past few days alone, there have been three hospital-wide consultations, and every treatment was done very cautiously and on thin ice.

But this time, the old professor encountered new problems.

Director Zhang of the Department of Gastroenterology said: "The Burn Department has done a very good job in combating trauma and infection. The biggest infection problem now is not outside, but the patients themselves..."

The old professor's amputation was too high.

He was almost completely severed from the lower edge of his pubic bone, and almost the entire lower body was gone.

Naturally, there is no anus either.

The old professor's rectum can only communicate directly with the outside world. It produces feces almost all the time, and it is all very slimy. It will contaminate the connective tissue around the rectum, the stumps of large blood vessels, etc. at any time!

The Department of Gastroenterology has also thought of ways.

For example, placing an anal canal to drain feces.

But the effect is very poor. Even if the medicine is changed seven or eight times a day, the situation is not good.

The conference room fell into silence for a while.

All the directors lowered their heads in thought, and were at a loss for the moment, not knowing how to proceed.

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