Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 139 Two years and two years, when will it end?

"Dr. Xu, are you still short of staff in your emergency department?"

When Director Huang heard this, his face turned green and he hurriedly looked at Qin Qiyin.

He stared, his whole body in shock and regret.

Xiao Qin, I asked you to poach Xu Qiu, not to let you be poached by Xu Qiu! !

"The operation is over."

Finally, as Xu Qiu withdrew from the operating channel and completed the final suturing, the laparoscopic surgery was declared a success!

Director Huang, Qin Qiyin and others looked shocked.

Ninety percent of urological surgeries can be performed laparoscopically.

Logically speaking, they should be the department best at laparoscopic surgery.


The laparoscopic surgery performed by Xu Qiu was so perfect that no one could find any flaws!

"Xiao Qin, let's go back to the department!"

As soon as he left the operating room, Director Huang took Qin Qiyin back in a panic.

Let Qin Qiyin stay for a while, the Department of Urology will lose his wife and lose another army!

Soon after the operation, Xie Qinran woke up.

The effect of the anesthetic gradually wore off, and he began to feel stabbing pains in his lower abdomen.

But her mood was still unusually high.

Her psychological gender is female, and she can cut off things on her body that should not belong to her. The healing effect of this operation on her soul is greater than the therapeutic effect.

Soon after Xu Qiu returned to the office, the woman with the earring came again.

She said with a grateful face: "Doctor, thank you, we really thought it was appendicitis at the time... If you hadn't asked for an examination, we don't know how long the tumor would have been delayed!"

"It should."

In the office, other doctors pricked up their ears.

In the hospital, the most harmonious moment is probably this moment.

There is no wrangling, no responsible doctor-patient relationship, just a happy life after the disaster.

Beep beep!

Before the family members could leave, ambulance sirens suddenly sounded outside the emergency department.

Many doctors in the office showed helpless expressions.

But his movements were not slow. He quickly packed up his clothes and hurried to the hall.

The woman with the earring looked at Xu Qiu. There was lingering fatigue on his face, but he had to devote himself to rescuing the next patient.

Watching Xu Qiuyuan go, at this moment, she suddenly felt awe-inspiring.

"It turns out that the doctor is so tired..."

This car accident affected not many people, but it was particularly tragic.

An eleven-year-old child was seriously injured.

The operation was ineffective at all. Wang Ping went on the scene in person, first trying to replenish fluids and fight shock. Various measures were used, but with little effect.

In desperation, we can only send him to the ICU and try to save his life first!

After Xu Qiu watched the child become seriously ill, he returned to the emergency room and received a patient with massive abdominal bleeding.

This one was finally saved from danger after danger.

When I came out of the emergency room, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Qiu already had two dark circles on his face.

"Doctor Xu!"

At this time, Yunmei walked over quickly from the other side of the corridor.

She was holding an insulated lunch box in her hand.

"Dr. Xu, I made braised pork ribs for last night's piglet. You can try it when you go back after get off work!" Yunmei stretched out her arm and handed over the lunch box.

"Okay, thank you."

Xu Qiu is really a little hungry.

"Then I'll get busy first - wait, I'll answer the phone."

Just as Yunmei was about to speak, the phone rang.

She quickly picked up the phone and heard the noise of children on the other end of the phone.

"Sorry, the kid just got out of school and is clamoring to watch TV."

Yunmei smiled gently: "Teacher, have you considered my graduation?"

There was a pause there for a while, and then he said slowly: "Well, the projects you have done are not enough. If you do it for another two years, there will be considerable results."

The smile on Yunmei's face faded a bit, and she said patiently: "But, my studies will only last until next year, and I also meet the graduation requirements."

"How can a working doctor graduate so quickly? Wait two more years."

Yunmei's eyes were a little dim: "Two years...but I'm going back to my hometown. My parents raised me so much. I just want to get my degree quickly and go back to my hometown to be a little boss..."

"That's not important."

"Isn't two years important to me?"

"It's not important, just wait a moment."

On the other end of the phone, Yunmei's tutor was teasing his child, laughing happily.

But here, the smile on Yunmei's face completely faded, and her expression was full of grievances.

She forced a smile and asked gently: "Teacher, are your son's two years important?"

There was a sudden pause on the other end of the phone.

Only the children's playful laughter was left, which sounded particularly harsh.


Immediately afterwards, the call was hung up rudely, and Yunmei held the phone blankly for a long time before she finally recovered.

Xu Qiu walked in front and said, "Let's go sit in the lounge?"

"Ah? Doctor Xu...oh, good!"

Yunmei didn't react. She turned around and saw that Xu Qiu had already walked towards the lounge, so she quickly chased after him.

"The instructor won't let you graduate?"

In the lounge, Xu Qiu asked while eating the ribs from the lunch box.

It has to be said that Yunmei's cooking skills rank at least in the top three among the women in the emergency department.

The pork ribs are fragrant and crispy, golden in color and very appetizing.

On the other side, Yunmei was a little depressed and said, "Yes, I met the graduation requirements last year, but the teacher didn't let me graduate and said I had to wait until this year, but this year he made me wait for two more years..."

"What will happen after you graduate with a Ph.D.?"

"Go home... My parents are old, and I'm an only child, so I want to go back to take care of them. The housing prices in Linhai are too expensive, and I can't afford a house, so I plan to go to a small hospital in my hometown to be a director or something after I graduate with a Ph.D., so that I can take care of my parents."

Xu Qiu nodded.

Big cities don't belong to hardworking young people.

The four years in college may be the only time that most people truly belong to a city.

Xu Qiu asked again, "Who is your teacher?"

"It's Vice President Pan Fuyou."

Pan Fuyou.

Xu Qiu felt that the name was a little familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly paused.

Fan Lei has a relative in Linhai First Hospital, and that's Vice President Pan Fuyou!

These two people don't seem to be very honest!

"Doctor Xu, please don't help me. Pan Fuyou has been working in Linhai City for many years and is a famous doctoral supervisor. If you help me, he will hate you... I can only endure for another two years!" Yunmei gritted her teeth.

Xu Qiu looked at the time.

There are still more than three months before the end of this year.

He said lightly: "You should be able to graduate within this year."

Yunmei's medical skills are definitely not bad.

Whether it is scientific research ability or clinical level, she is definitely qualified to graduate with a doctorate.

Two years, for anyone, is not something that can be brushed aside, "unimportant".

And for Xu Qiu,

helping Yunmei is just something he can do when he wants to purge doctors like Fan Lei.

"I... Doctor Xu, thank you, thank you..."

Yunmei wrinkled her nose, stammered several times, and finally covered her eyes, tears flowing from her fingers.

She came to the big city alone and has been wandering for so many years. At this moment, she finally felt the warmth of being cared for in a foreign land.

"Go wash the dishes."

After a long time, Xu Qiu finished his meal and returned the lunch box to Yunmei.

He decided to help with this matter, but he didn't want Yunmei to owe too many favors, so he asked her to do more.

"Okay, Doctor Xu, what do you like to eat? I'll make it for you tomorrow." Yunmei quickly wiped her tears, looked up, and looked at Xu Qiu seriously.

Xu Qiu thought for a while, "Wensi tofu."

After that, he added: "I want the authentic one, cut 88 times horizontally and 188 times vertically, just like a strand of hair."

Yunmei nodded without thinking: "Yeah! 188 knives, I'll eat it myself if there's one less!"

Xu Qiu nodded.

As a result, when he left the lounge, he saw Liu Susu looking around, as if looking for someone.

When she saw Xu Qiu, her face lit up and she rushed over: "Doctor Xu, something big happened!"

"What's wrong?" Xu Qiu was very calm.


Thank you brothers for the gifts, I can't repay you, I can only update to repay you!

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