Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 172 All tests are negative, a case that leaves people helpless

The inner layer is made of oily gauze with an appropriate amount of antibiotics added.

The outer layer is covered with absorbent dressings, which are repeatedly wrapped to form a white gauze bag of about five centimeters.

After sending the patient away, there is still a fragrance in the air.

Star anise, dried chili peppers, peppercorns, rock sugar, beer, onions and ginger...

Almost subconsciously, Xu Qiu's mind popped up a lot of ingredients.

Xu Qiu was silent.

This master-level experience in distinguishing smells can actually have such an additional use?

Coupled with his own surgical skills like butchering a cow...

It's simply born to be a chef!


A few days passed quickly.

Xu Qiu signed in as usual and completed daily tasks.

He received a lot of rewards again.


Master-level lymph node palpation technique!

Master-level experience in diagnosing the cause of hepatosplenomegaly!


A lot of daily rewards have also been completed.

There are few level 4 surgeries these days, and there are no patients for the corresponding difficult surgeries. Therefore, Xu Qiu can only do simple and general tasks as a backup.

I also got three bottles of primary physical potion and two bottles of primary energy potion.

I also got an additional "Suture +10" upgrade.

On this day, after finishing the morning rounds, Xu Qiu returned to the outpatient clinic and started the morning consultation.

The patients who came were all kinds of people, from university professors to illiterate people who couldn't even write their names.

But there was one thing in common.

Their fear of the disease was deeper than the disease itself.

In other words, whether it was a common upper respiratory infection or respiratory manifestations that might be caused by tumors, acute and severe diseases, they would come to the top three hospitals.

This is also the current status of Daxia Medical.

There were no patients in community hospitals and village hospitals.

The top three hospitals accepted a large number of mild patients with fever and colds, and were busy from morning to the next morning, occupying a large number of medical resources that could have been diverted to lower-level hospitals, causing a lot of meaningless waste.

After sending away more than a dozen patients, the door of the clinic was pushed open again around ten o'clock in the morning.

A young woman in her thirties came in, and next to her was a pale, sickly girl.

"Doctor, please help me, what's wrong with my daughter!" The young woman was extremely anxious.

This was a ten-year-old girl named Luo Qiao.

There were many red rashes on her body, and she coughed from time to time, and her face looked very bad.

And she was wearing two pieces of clothes and wrapped up - she was afraid of the cold.

The first impression was infection.

Xu Qiu asked Luo Qiao to sit down and asked about the situation.

Luo Qiao's mother said impatiently: "Doctor, my daughter has had a recurring fever for more than a month. During this month, we went to many hospitals, and basically got injections and infusions. She went down at that time, and she started to have a fever again a few hours later!"

"Have you had any examinations before?"

"Yes, please take a look!"

Xu Qiu took the examination form, which included blood routine, liver and kidney function, etc.

The test results showed that the little girl's hemoglobin was only 93, which was mild anemia.

In addition, the C-reactive protein reached 19, which was slightly elevated.

The other items had no clear meaning. White blood cells, ferritin, LDH and immune function were all within the normal range.

Seeing this, Xu Qiu had basically ruled out infection.

Sure enough, he saw the medical record that Luo's mother handed over.

The patient had received anti-infection treatment in a local hospital. He used intravenous ceftriaxone for three days, and then changed to meropenem + linezolid. The temperature was lowered several times in the middle, but it did not last long. The temperature rose again immediately, and the effect was minimal.

Medical record: The temperature rises almost every four to eight hours, and it can occur three or four times a day. The highest temperature has reached 40.6 degrees Celsius.

This is already a very dangerous temperature.

"I'll check you first." Xu Qiu said.

The little girl cooperated very well, opened her eyes wide, and stared at Xu Qiu intently.

The physical examination was quickly completed.

Xu Qiu palpated and found that the patient's cervical lymph nodes were significantly enlarged.

Combined with the master-level lymph node palpation experience, this lymph node is about 20*10mm.

In addition, Xu Qiu also touched the patient's liver and spleen from the surface of the body.

The liver and spleen of a normal person cannot be felt. If they can be palpated, it means that the liver and spleen are enlarged.

Countless causes of enlargement popped up in Xu Qiu's mind.

Infectious diseases, such as viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections...

There are also congestive diseases such as cirrhosis and chronic heart failure; hyperplastic hepatosplenomegaly such as leukemia and hemolytic disease; as well as malignant tumors, hepatosplenic cysts, dermatomyositis, etc.

Xu Qiu asked about the medical history again, but did not get any useful information.

"In addition to fever and cough, do you feel uncomfortable in your body?" Xu Qiu asked again and again.

The little girl shook her head blankly.

Her spirit was a little depressed, and she had been devastated by the continuous high fever for a month.

Xu Qiu gave up the consultation and turned to press on the patient.

"Does your ankle hurt?"

"Does your knee hurt?"

"Here, in your stomach."

"Wrist joint..."

Just then, the little girl on the examination bed suddenly closed her eyes in pain and cried, "It hurts, it hurts so much!"

Xu Qiu let go of his hand, with a bad feeling in his heart.

The fever for several days made everyone, including the doctor and the patient, ignore other symptoms.

The current physical examination results clearly indicate that the patient has bone damage!

"Go to the hospital first and do a blood and bone marrow culture."

"In addition, add an abdominal MRI."

His intuition told him that this patient might not be a simple infection.

The worst result is a malignant tumor or even metastasis.

If that's the case... this little girl may only have less than a few months to live.


The emergency department quickly admitted Luo Qiao to the hospital.

The tests prescribed by Xu Qiu were completed on the same day.

The virus serological tests for rubella, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, HSV-1 and HSV-2 were all negative.

Blood and bone marrow cultures did not find bacteria and fungi.

The subsequent tuberculosis and syphilis tests were also negative.

So far, everything was as Xu Qiu expected, and the infection was completely ruled out.

But the trouble is that after so many tests, none of them has a clear diagnostic significance, all are negative, and no valuable diagnosis can be made.

Considering that children don't pay much attention to the hygiene of their hands and mouths, and may have contact with cats and dogs, Xu Qiu also ruled out parasitic diseases such as toxoplasmosis, lung flukes, and cysticercosis, and all of them were negative!

Xu Qiu was silent.

But then, the examination report reported by the ultrasound and imaging departments made Xu Qiu's pupils shrink.


Zhaji is preparing for the end-of-year exams, so I can only update three times in the near future. When the exams are over and I have enough time, I will have enough time to update you more. At that time, there should be a period of continuous outbreak of five updates every day!

By then, please look forward to it!

Finally, it's a free gift, which is to generate electricity with love. Everyone has three chances every day. Everyone must remember to vote!

The above is very grateful!

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