Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 185 Interview with Xu Qiu: A rising star

The exclusive interview was held in the auditorium of Linhai No.1 Hospital.

This place is only used for discussions at various high-end academic conferences on weekdays, and external publicity interviews are also conducted here.

On this day, two life-size plaques of Xu Qiu were placed at the door of the auditorium.

One is wearing a white coat.

One was wearing a surgical gown and was fully armed.

He looked professional and handsome, which made many reporters stop.

On the day of the exclusive interview, the Medical Propaganda Department had spent a lot of money. There were tables placed every few meters in the corridor, filled with temporary special issues specially tailored for this exclusive interview.

The cover is still Xu Qiu’s photo.

It also summarizes Xu Qiu’s several major social events.

For example, when he was first admitted to the hospital, he performed an appendicectomy on himself. He also used anesthesia after the operation and managed to save several car accident patients!

In the subsequent medical incident, Director Kong Huixia was rescued.

In the gas gangrene incident, precise antibiotic therapy was given many times, saving dozens of lives and avoiding a major hospital infection accident...

Etc., etc!

"Oh my God, Dr. Xu has done so many things?"

"I read the introduction above. Dr. Xu has only been in the hospital for more than two months, less than three months!"

"They are almost becoming the mainstay of Linhai No.1 Hospital!"


Although the reporters were not in the medical industry, they could see how terrifying Xu Qiu's skills were.

This pile of medical records alone is enough to prove his excellence!

"Director, the special issue has been cleared again!"

At the Medical Propaganda Department, staff were running around, constantly reporting on the emptying.

The director of the Medical Publicity Department stared: "That's crazy, more than 500 copies have been printed, and there are only a few reporters here, why are they gone!"

Staff: “I don’t know. After hearing the news, many patients came here to grab the publications!”


The director of the Medical Propaganda Department was silent for a moment and asked, "How about you go and take a look in the trash can?"

The staff member said silently: "This is Dr. Xu's special issue. How could you find it in the trash can..."


The director of the Medical Propaganda Department sighed.

In the past, Linhai No. 1 Hospital has held many activities.

Two-thirds of the brochures can often be found in the trash can afterwards.

However, Xu Qiu is different.

After taking away Xu Qiu's special issue, no one was willing to throw it away.

This damn charisma...

The director of the Medical Propaganda Department thought for a moment and said: "Urge the publishing house to hurry up and print and rush out a thousand more copies!"

At nine o'clock in the morning, the interview began.

A reporter from Baiyun Provincial TV Station asked: "Dr. Xu, you have made outstanding achievements in many emergencies in Linhai No. 1 Hospital. Many patients have received very good curative effects after your treatment. I noticed that your office There are many banners and many letters of thanks. How do you feel about this?”

Xu Qiu: "This is a doctor's job."

"I noticed that many of your surgeries carry high risks, but in the end the patients and their families chose to accept your surgeries, which is something that many chief doctors cannot do. What secrets do you have?"

Xu Qiu thought for a while and said: "Trust. Any medical activity has risks, and not every operation will be successful. All I can do is to make all preoperative preparations in line with the routine diagnosis and treatment, so that the patient can I saw the efforts made by the hospital to ensure the smooth operation of the operation.”

"So it seems that you are taking all the risks on yourself?"

"That's what doctors should do."

"That's great - we also learned that you have also done research on chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is the cornerstone of current cancer treatment. How do you accurately select chemotherapy drugs?"

This question hit Xu Qiu's major.

He said calmly: "With reference to BRAC1/2, ERCC1, UGT1A1 and drug metabolism genes, combined with guideline recommendations and doctors' own judgment, precise treatment can be implemented for the vast majority of patients."

... "

This exclusive interview lasted until past 12 noon.

Faced with countless questions, Xu Qiu did not prepare any manuscripts, and the answers were fluent and unbelievably perfect.

When Director of the Medical Publicity Department, President Wang Shengde and others saw the compiled press release, they were extremely surprised.

"Is this improvised?"

"I said that Xu Qiu rejected the manuscript we arranged. This kind of speaking ability is more than enough to be a dean!"

The two were shocked.

A few days later, Xu Qiu appeared in major newspapers and periodicals.

"Young emerging emergency star—Exclusive interview with Dr. Xu Qiu from the Emergency Department of Linhai No. 1 Hospital"

"Dr. Daxia: Interview with Xu Qiu from the First Hospital of Linhai City, an all-around doctor who is good at both surgery and scientific research!"

"Xu Qiu: A doctor's job is to take risks and save lives!"


In the past few days, Linhai No. 1 Hospital and Linhai Xu Qiu have become popular across the country along with Life Casino.

The official public account of Linhai No. 1 Hospital also flooded with countless messages.

"Congratulations to Dr. Xu Qiu, he is so handsome!"

"What kind of magical hospital is this? You dare to save people who other hospitals dare not save. That's great!"

"Very good reviews. When will Dr. Xu Qiu come over to do some medical science for us?"


The popularity of Linhai No. 1 Hospital quickly increased with Xu Qiushui.

Under normal circumstances, it is the individual who follows the collective to benefit.

This time, Linhai First Hospital has embraced Xu Qiu!

He is handsome, good-looking, and has professional skills that few people can match. Such a person is destined to shine in the world!

In a few months, the number of outpatients in Linhai First Hospital has continued to increase.

During this period, the number of registrations increased several times, and there was a shortage of supply.

Especially Xu Qiu, the number of patients increased by more than 400%, and it is still rising!

Linhai First Hospital even considered giving Xu Qiu a special price, adjusting his registration fee to the expert fee.

But, Xu Qiu refused.

The reason is: his registration fee cannot be a threshold for screening patients.

Expert fees, even the lowest 50 yuan, may be a considerable expense for some families.

If it is raised to several hundred yuan, what is the point of him staying in Linhai First Hospital-it is not much different from high-end clinics such as Jiade Medical Center that serve the rich.

As the reputation of Linhai First Hospital has risen, some rumors have also begun to spread among patients.

"Your disease can't be cured in so many hospitals, why don't you try Linhai First Hospital!"

"Go to Union Hospital? You have to take a plane there and wait for a month to register. The effect may not be much better than Linhai First Hospital!"

"For difficult and complicated diseases, go to Linhai First Hospital. Their doctors are very professional. My daughter had a fever for a month before. When she went there, Dr. Xu Qiu immediately diagnosed cat's claw disease. I will thank Dr. Xu Qiu for the rest of my life!"

The reputation of Linhai First Hospital is also growing day by day through word of mouth of patients.

Then, a big event is about to catch up with the schedule.

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