Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 191 Abnormal test questions, the dissection begins!

When the examiner finished speaking,

On the big screen in front, test questions appeared one after another. These are the anatomical structures that need to be found and marked!

"Muscles of head and face: frontalis, procerus, levator labii superioris, smile muscle...

Blood vessels of the head and face: posterior inferior cerebellar artery; pontine branch of the basilar artery...

Craniofacial nerves: mixed hyoid branch of retroforaminal nerve; chorda tympani nerve…



Upper limbs:…


There are a hundred anatomical parts from head to toe, and each one you find is worth one point.

Seeing this densely packed test questions, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Many of the structures here are extremely cunning and unfamiliar to doctors who have been on the operating table all year round!

It is easier said than done to find it on a corpse that has been soaked in formalin for who knows how long!

"No wonder this competition is so valuable..."

"Before, I thought that twenty hours of dissection was a bit exaggerated... Only when I saw the test questions did I realize that I was too young!"

"Start quickly, as many as you can find!"

Several teams stopped thinking and started dissecting directly.

There were all elite doctors present, and they were very skilled in anatomy.


In the venue, there was only the sound of the collision of equipment.

Even though there is central air conditioning and air circulation equipment above, there is still a lingering strong smell of formalin that makes people's eyes hurt!

"Doctor Xu, shall we start too?" Li Xue put the instruments away, and everyone looked at Xu Qiu expectantly.

"Go get two more buckets." Xu Qiu said.

This is a tough battle.

The gross body teacher they chose was so large that the workload would be several times greater and the dissection would be more difficult than other groups.

Moreover, because there is too much fat tissue, many anatomical structures may be hidden or even directly fused with fat.

"let's start."

After the vat was ready, Xu Qiu began the dissection.


The scalpel fell, and a large amount of corpse oil gushes out of the body of the body teacher and flows into the vat along the leak on the dissecting table.

Not long after, Wang Fan and others struggled to get a new bucket, and carried a full bucket of corpse oil to dump it.

This scene raised eyebrows.

They knew that it was difficult for Xu Qiu and others, but... such a large amount of oil production was too exaggerated!

There is no way to start the dissection until the oil is drained out - because the various structures cannot be found.

In other words, just for the oil draining step, Xu Qiu had to prepare dozens of minutes longer than others!

"I'm going to start losing weight. Don't burden my colleagues in the future..."

"I feel so lucky. Our group is thin and there is tissue underneath the skin. It's so easy to find!"

"Why don't you start yet?"

In front of the anatomy table, the assigned examiner Lu Dandan asked.

Each team has a dedicated examiner.

In addition to scoring the anatomy, they will also make requests at any time to find a specific anatomy, which is also counted in the final assessment score.

"Let's start." Xu Qiu picked up the scalpel and said.

The patient was so large that he decided to start with the abdomen.


The scalpel cuts open the smooth abdomen and cuts the front abdominal wall.

Just as he was about to continue the operation, Lu Dandan suddenly asked, "Separate the three layers of latissimus from the anterolateral abdominal wall."

Xu Qiu paused, turned it up and down, and then slashed along the edge of the skin.

The next moment, clearly layered muscles appeared in front of him.

"External obliques."

"Internal oblique muscles."

"Transverse abdominis."

Xu Qiu marked them one by one, and his movements were so fast that Lu Dandan almost didn't react.

"Okay... you continue." Lu Dandan swallowed.

She is a retired chief doctor, and her eyesight and medical skills are among the best.

The examiners present were basically retired directors and were very valuable.

Xu Qiu didn't even look at it when they separated just now. She originally thought that Xu Qiu might have ignored this, but she found it directly?

This doctor is quite good!

On the dissecting table.

Xu Qiu repaired the superficial fascia left by the external oblique muscle and put it into the tissue collection box.

Then, he continued the dissection and cut off the proximal end of the external oblique muscle attached to the outer surface of the 5th to 12th ribs.

Xu Qiu also pointed out and marked the aponeurosis, pubic tubercle, and the front half of the iliac bone in turn.

"Where is the inguinal ring?"

"Find the spermatic cord."

“How to distinguish the lateral inferior crura from the medial superior crura of the external oblique muscle?”

Xu Qiu's movements didn't even stop. As soon as the scalpel dropped, the corresponding anatomical structures fell into the tissue collection box.

“The lower edge of the superficial ring of the femoral canal, which is attached to the pubic tubercle, is the lateral side.

The medial border, attached to the pubic crest, is medial. "

Lu Dandan nodded in surprise.

Are there no lags in this class of doctors?

She looked at the dissecting tables nearby.

Only then did I realize that many doctors couldn't find the structure required by the examiner after turning over and over again, and they were so anxious that they were almost sweating.

He looked at Xu Qiu again.

The other party had switched to scissors and used scissors to cut a three-centimeter incision on the left side of the umbilicus in the posterior rectus abdominis sheath, extraperitoneal fascia and parietal peritoneum.

Then, insert your fingers and pull the posterior sheath of the rectus abdominis forward.

Lu Dandan was stunned for a moment: "What is this for?"

She had seen so many dissections, but she had never seen this step.

Xu Qiu used a few more efforts, and when he saw the patient's abdominal cavity dent, he stopped and fixed the muscle.

He said calmly: "Form a cavity."


Lv Dandan didn't understand what he meant at first.

She looked at it carefully for a while, thought for a while, and her eyes suddenly lit up!



Pulling the posterior sheath of the rectus abdominis forward can form a protective cavity between the abdominal wall and the abdominal organs, so that organs and other tissues will not be accidentally injured during the subsequent dissection!

This method is amazing!

Lv Dandan was shocked.

How familiar with human anatomy must be to think of such a clever little detail!


Swish, swish, swish——

The tissue scissors cut along the white line and extended to the xiphoid process.

In order to completely peel out the "falciform ligament" mentioned in the test question, Xu Qiu deliberately shifted it one centimeter to the left.

Assessment requirements: The tissue required for the question needs to be completely peeled off without damage.

This is also an extremely perverted point.

"Two-fifths of the abdominal examination has been completed." Lv Dandan was surprised.

She checked the time.

It was only an hour!

In this time, the others had completed less than half of Xu Qiu's work!

"Change people."

"My eyes hurt so much, you go ahead, I'll do the next round!"

At this time, many doctors on other dissection tables were crying from the pain.

This volatile smell was useless even with goggles!

Lv Dandan glanced at Xu Qiu.

The latter's eyes were also bloodshot at this time. He should be about to collapse, right?

Sure enough,

Xu Qiu stopped what he was doing.

He checked the time at the venue, and the next sentence almost made Lv Dandan unable to react!

"You...are you crazy?!" Lv Dandan's voice was raised several degrees.

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