Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 213 Xu Qiu and the machine, who is more accurate?

His intuition is very sensitive.

In the operation area, the patient's blood vessels have shrunk, and the original blood flow is completely interrupted at this moment.

This is also the reason why the instrument alarms.

The face of the anesthesia director changed again and again, and finally said helplessly: "Doctor Xu, this blood vessel...what's going on!"

Director Lin, Jin Yiyun and others held their hands in the air and dared not drop them, for fear of touching the minefield.

It was too dangerous at this time, and any unnecessary movements could lead to serious consequences.

Gao Denggui's eyes dimmed, and he actually felt a sense of relief in his heart.

Sure enough, there was an accident...


The silence of the operating room was broken, and everyone was affected by the rapid dripping sound, and their mood became extremely impatient.

However, at such a critical moment, Xu Qiu's mood was unprecedentedly calm.

"Where is the problem?"

"Why is the blood flow interrupted?"

"Blood clot? Or is there an abnormal shunt somewhere?"

Xu Qiu quickly analyzed the current situation.

His eyes quickly swept across the entire operation area.

It should not be a blood clot!

Before the operation, Xu Qiu specifically asked the doctors of cardiac surgery and cervical surgery to check whether there were blood clots in the neck blood vessels.

So - vascular shunt?

The doctor of cardiac surgery was a little anxious: "Should we call the imaging department to come and do a cerebral angiography!"

Director Lin narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "It's too late. When the cerebral angiography is done, patient No. 2 will be dead!"

"What should we do? Without cerebral angiography, how can we judge whether it is shunt or blockage!"

"If we don't judge, we can only take a gamble!"

The operating room suddenly fell into panic.

Xu Qiu was too young and was in an external hospital. His name was not enough to suppress the whole scene.

However, Director Lin and Jin Yiyun remained calm and looked at Xu Qiu with burning eyes.

They were waiting.

Xu Qiu never spoke from beginning to end. Perhaps this Linhai First Hospital, which was very frugal with words, had already made a decision.

Sure enough,

At this moment, Xu Qiu slowly pressed his hand on the cerebral blood vessels.

Everyone was quiet, and their expressions were full of doubts.

Xu Qiu turned his head and stared at the blood pressure on the monitor.


Both the diastolic and systolic pressures fluctuated, but then jumped back.


This time the blood pressure did not change.

Xu Qiu asked: "What was the patient's blood pressure ten minutes ago?"

Anesthesia team one immediately reported: "Patient No. 1 Hg!"

Group two: "Patient No. 2 88/62mmHg!"

Xu Qiu nodded calmly, and then said: "There is a vascular shunt, immediately determine the shunt path!"

At this moment, everyone in the operating room was stunned.


"The blood pressure did not change, how did you determine this!"

Xu Qiu said lightly: "The blood flow is reduced, but the blood pressure in the brain has not increased, and there is no obvious bleeding in the surgical area. There is only one possibility-the blood pressure flows away along other paths."

Director Lin's eyes lit up: "So that's it!"

Jin Yiyun couldn't help but grin. For a doctor like him who is obsessed with surgery, this moment of unraveling confusion is so enjoyable!

Only Xu Qiu could give this parachuted deputy director who had just returned from studying abroad such a feeling of enlightenment!

"We are looking for it!"

"There should be a hint, we will definitely find that blood vessel!"

At this time, the operating room became busy again.

The doctors from the imaging department and neurosurgery department of Jinghai People's Hospital were staring at the screen, which showed the preoperative cerebral angiography images.

They tried to find the culprit from it.

Director Lin and Jin Yiyun wanted to help find it, but they subconsciously glanced at Xu Qiu and found that he was buried in the patient's brain.

"Doctor Xu..."

"I'll help you!"

The two gave up the images on the screen without any hesitation and chose to assist Xu Qiu in the examination.

They didn't understand why Xu Qiu did this.

In theory, the images of cerebral angiography must be clearer than the real brain tissue. To find abnormal shunt blood vessels, imaging examinations are usually required.

However, between imaging examinations and Xu Qiu, they prefer the latter.

"Is it this one?"

"It's a bit like that. This one seems to have branches, but it's too thin, so it's not shown."

"It could also be this section of blood vessel. If it has a thick drainage vein, it may drain blood into the superior sagittal sinus and sigmoid sinus!"


In front of the screen, Gao Denggui and others were all offering suggestions.

However, looking for problems with answers, which led to them looking at all the blood vessels wrong, and no one could convince others.

"Found it."

Suddenly, a calm voice broke the argument.

Everyone looked at the position of the main surgeon at the same time. Xu Qiu was putting down the glass rod. Under the bright shadowless lamp, near the bottom of the skull, there was a looming large vein.

Surrounded by the deflated blood vessel mass, it was so dazzling. At this time, it was pulsating with the blood flow, stealing the blood flow that should have entered the brain circulation, causing the current dangerous situation...


Gao Denggui's face changed. He suddenly turned his head to re-examine the entire cerebral angiography and also checked the 3D model of the head.

"This blood vessel... doesn't exist at all?"

"It's not shown on the cerebral blood vessels!"

"The 3D model can't see it either, why hasn't this blood vessel been reconstructed!"

Everyone stared with fear.

If Xu Qiu really followed them to look for it on the screen, he might never find that blood vessel in his life!


because of misjudgment, the normal blood vessels would be cut off, and the consequences would be disastrous!

"How could it be... Doctor Xu, how do you know there is a blood vessel here?"

"The machine didn't even find it!"

Director Lin and Jin Yiyun also looked at Xu Qiu in surprise.

They couldn't understand it either!

The two of them trusted Xu Qiu very much, so they assumed that the other party's operation was absolutely correct.

But why did they do this, how to judge that there was a blood vessel here, they didn't know at all.

"How did you judge it?"

Gao Denggui couldn't hold his temper anymore and asked in astonishment.

Xu Qiu shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Gao Denggui was stunned for a moment.

Xu Qiu said, "I'm not sure there is a blood vessel here."

"Not sure? You are obviously going for this invisible blood vessel!"


"Then why did you give up the review of cerebral angiography and 3D model - this should be the first choice for finding abnormal blood flow!"

Xu Qiu said, "Because I am sure that all the blood vessels shown in the imaging examination are fine."

"This...what is this saying!"

Gao Denggui was stunned.

Because he controls all the known blood vessels, so...if there is an accident during the operation, there must be an unknown blood vessel?

Gao Denggui opened his mouth with an expression of disbelief on his face, even a little numb.

He suddenly realized that Xu Qiu's medical skills and surgical abilities could not be taught, let alone copied.

Who dares to conclude like Xu Qiu that there is no problem?

Who dares to use a high-speed drill with a sizzling sound and just stop on the 0.1mm thin layer of the fatal blood vessel?

"Teacher Xu, I have another question."

When Gao Denggui spoke again, his attitude changed. He forgot his position as the director and called out the honorable title of "teacher".

Xu Qiu still had a casual expression, nodded lightly, and signaled the other party to speak.

Gao Denggui swallowed his saliva and asked a puzzle that even the imaging department was troubled by: "Why is this blood vessel not shown on the cerebral angiography and the skull model?"

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