Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 226 The next step is to break the artificial blood vessel restriction!

Wang Ping's face was dark.

He came to the hepatobiliary surgery department for a meeting and could hear himself being scolded?

"Next month..."

Wang Ping smiled and went back to the emergency department with his hands behind his back.

In the office, a pile of documents were scattered on the table.

"Exceptional promotion to deputy director: rejected"

"Reason for rejection:

According to the regulations of the superior department, the exceptional selection of talents and promotion to deputy director must meet any of the following requirements:

1. Publish two books, serve as deputy editor-in-chief, with a word count of no less than 200,000 words, publish a core journal, and serve as the first author.

2. Publish 1 book, serve as editor-in-chief, with a word count of no less than 200,000 words, publish 3 papers, one of which must be published in a core journal.

3. The main contributor of the Natural Science Award, the National Invention Award, and the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

4. The main contributor of the second-class or above provincial and ministerial science and technology progress award..."

In fact, this is already the promotion standard for chief physicians.

However, since it is an exceptional promotion, it is not necessary to be a deputy director, so the standard is much stricter than the general promotion.

"I can't count on the deputy director, so I'd better promote him to chief physician first."

The chief physician is not so strict.

After reporting, approval, and inspection by the health department, he can be promoted as an exception.

Wang Ping opened another envelope.

Sure enough, it was approved.

Xu Qiu's reputation had spread a long time ago, and the health department would never refuse a promotion that met the requirements.

"Xu Qiu, come here, I have good news." Wang Ping couldn't wait to make a phone call.

After hearing the news, Xu Qiu nodded calmly.

Wang Ping was very relieved.

It's only been a few months, and the other party has been promoted to chief physician.

The office is bigger than his own!

Wang Fan and He Hai have not done anything earth-shattering in the hospital. The only thing is to recruit Xu Qiu.

"In the next few weeks, someone from the health department will come to evaluate you.

You should be promoted to chief physician before this month's competition." Wang Ping ordered.

At this time, he found that Xu Qiu's eyes stayed on his desk.

Wang Ping also looked over, then smiled and handed the document to Xu Qiu: "The requirement for promotion to deputy director is a bit far-fetched for you for the time being. Just work as an attending physician for one or two years."

Master's degree, four years as an attending physician are eligible to apply for deputy director.

Doctoral degree is two years.

To get promotion, you either win an award or publish a book.

If this was the 1970s and 1980s, when scientific research was a little easier and there were too many medical achievements to be discovered, it would be an era when Xu Qiu would win many awards.

But now it is different. Scientific research is becoming more and more sophisticated. Many people spend their entire lives studying, but in the end they have not researched anything.

There is no progress bar in scientific research, only success and failure.

No one knows whether this path will work. Perhaps a project that was considered doomed to fail has achieved results that changed the medical community after decades of persistence.

Or perhaps, it is a waste of life.

Scientific research is difficult nowadays. On the one hand, it is difficult to produce results, and on the other hand, it is also because the phenomenon of academic cliques is too rampant.

As for publishing a book...I don't want to think about it.

Which medical work is not a summary and generalization of several years or even more than ten years of experience.

By the time Xu Qiu had written a book, he would have been qualified enough to participate in the regular promotion.

"Just take a look. It is almost impossible to jump directly from a resident to a deputy director. These conditions are not prepared for people.

However, when you are promoted to chief physician, the hospital will help you apply for a special promotion channel in about a year."

Xu Qiu glanced at the letter.

The first few are indeed not acceptable.

Publishing a book is not difficult.

Lin Xie, Shen Hua, Dean Chen, Meng Yingan, these are all academician-level figures, how can they not have basic books in their hands?

Xu Qiu can definitely get a deputy editor-in-chief if he wants to.

But he won't do it.

Finally, Xu Qiu's eyes fell on "the main implementer of the Natural Science Award, the National Invention Award, the National Science and Technology Progress Award or the Provincial and Ministerial Science and Technology Progress Award, second class or above"...

"Wait, you don't want to do this..." Wang Ping didn't understand.

"You can try."

"Although the craniocerebral separation is the first in the world, there is no direction to win awards unless you popularize this technology in a short period of time."

Xu Qiu pondered.

He can teach craniocerebral separation, and he can teach it in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

But the key is that no matter how simple it is, the technical barriers are there, and others can't learn it!

This group of students can't do it...

Then, we can only find ways to win some awards from other places.

"Artificial blood vessels?"

Just then, someone suddenly popped up in Xu Qiu's mind.

Director Zheng of Cardiac Surgery!

This is still the time of the scimitar syndrome patient in the obstetrics and gynecology department.

The patient needs surgery to replace the artificial blood vessel.

And small blood vessels with a diameter of less than 6 mm have always been a problem for the entire cardiac surgery and vascular interventional surgery.

The incidence of restenosis of small-caliber artificial blood vessels is very high, which is also one of the most challenging research directions in the field of interventional devices, and it is also a key problem restricting the development of Daxia's innovative medical devices.

Cranial brain separation is something that Xu Qiu can do alone.

It just provides a last hope for the rare craniocerebral separation surgery of conjoined twins.

At present, it is difficult for anyone to truly learn this surgery, let alone to handle complex conjoined twins.

But artificial blood vessels are different!

If Xu Qiu can produce results and overcome the problem of artificial small blood vessels, it will provide countless patients with new medical device options.

And this will also become the only material in the field of vascular surgery that Daxia charges patent fees from around the world!

Wang Ping was stunned.

This... can really produce results?

Director Zheng has been working with the institute for more than ten years and has been trying to find ways to break the "6mm artificial blood vessel" restricted area.

In fact, many scientific researchers and clinicians at home and abroad, including famous interventional cardiac doctors in the industry, are devoted to this project.

They know that as long as they can produce results and reduce the diameter of artificial blood vessels to 6mm, cardiac intervention may enter a new era - and those who develop small-diameter artificial blood vessels will become a footnote of the era.

"I'm calling Director Zheng over!" Wang Ping took a deep look at Xu Qiu and immediately made a call.

Bang bang bang!

Within a few minutes, Director Zheng arrived. He didn't have time to breathe, so he stood at the door of the office and said excitedly: "Xu, Xu Qiu, it's been four months. I've been waiting for you to join the research team for four whole months!"

"Sit down, sit down and talk." Wang Ping poured a glass of water.

Two hours later, Xu Qiu and Director Zheng came out of the office.

Wang Ping watched the two people leave blankly.

We really need to study small-diameter artificial blood vessels...

This is a problem that limits the development of global cardiac interventional surgery!

"Dr. Xu, I believe that with your participation, the successful development time should be ten years earlier!" Director Zheng was in a high mood.

Xu Qiu: "How many years was it originally?"

"It's expected to be twenty or thirty years!"

Xu Qiu shook his head.

More than ten years?

He couldn't wait.

Ten years later, he is probably already studying head transplant surgery. How could he still be obsessed with a 6mm "big" blood vessel?

Director Zheng became interested and asked eagerly: "Dr. Xu, do you have any ideas?"


I've been very busy these two days, so I'll try my best to make up for the remaining one at night.

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