Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 235 If anyone stands in the way of someone’s wealth, even the medical masters must die!

The house is quite complete with all kinds of surgical instruments. Except for the unavailability of controlled anesthetics and various monitoring instruments that cost millions to buy, this place is enough to be used as a low-end operating room.

Many private clinics do not have as many tools as the ones on the long table in Xu Qiu's living room.

However, when Wang Fan asked for the patient's electronic medical record, he realized that he did not have a computer.

Subsequent transmission of materials and reading of documents are inseparable from this thing.

It would be very inconvenient not to buy one.

However, Xu Qiu is proficient in medical matters, but he is a bit ignorant about computers.

After thinking for a moment, he sent a message to his internet-addicted landlady.

"Do you know anything about computers?"

Bai Xi sent a voice message almost immediately: "This is not a hit on my gun... Can the jungler please stop dirtying my line... Hehe, sister, let me take the picture, big boss, three thousand yuan can do it Give you a good computer!”

Xu Qiu briefly stated her request.

“Can read documents”

Bai Xi was silent for a moment, "Brother, I doubt you are an old man. As a boy, you don't understand such a trendy thing as a computer. But when you have a computer, you only want to read literature!"

Xu Qiu shook his head: "Actually, not really."


"The screen needs to be high-definition, and I also need to read the imaging report."


A few minutes later, the two agreed on a time, and Bai Xi promised to come with a new computer in two days.

"Thank you." Xu Qiu typed.

Bai Xi: "Tch, what are you thanking me for? When the time comes, I'll help my sister take a look at the wounds on her face. If it weren't for you, I would have been disfigured!"

After ending the conversation, Xu Qiu opened the chat box with Wang Fan and struggled to read Zhang Qiulan's case report on his mobile phone.

When she entered the ICU, she was already very serious. Her body temperature was very low, her breathing was 36 times per minute, and her blood pressure was only Hg. This was the result of being maintained with large doses of vasoactive drugs.

In addition, Zhang Qiulan was in a deep coma, with a GCS score of only four points, a bilateral pupil diameter of 8.0 mm, and a complete loss of light reflex.

From being admitted to the hospital to being endangered, it only takes an hour or two...

If Xu Qiu had not taken action, he, who was very sensitive to antibiotics, immediately adjusted the treatment plan to meropenem injections 1.0q12h combined with vancomycin 1.0qd. A heavy blow. Although the pathogenic bacteria were not killed accurately, it was controlled. The infection spread throughout the body and took his life.

Subsequently, Xu Qiu and the ICU worked together to rescue the patient, including CRRT treatment, fresh frozen plasma transfusion, and other measures. Only then did he survive until the day Escherichia coli was discovered in the liver.

At this point, Zhang Qiulan's diagnostic report has been revised.

1. Septic shock (Escherichia coli bloodstream infection)

2. Acute severe pancreatitis.

3. Diabetic ketoacidosis; lactic acidosis.

4. Acute renal failure.

5. Type 2 diabetes

It just so happens that acute severe pancreatitis and septic shock are Xu Qiu's specialty diseases.

Zhang Qiulan was suddenly snatched back from the hands of the God of Death.

After reading the report, Xu Qiu looked a little serious.

Escherichia coli was found in two of the seven bottles of Liver Anning Injection in the clinic at that time.

Zhang Qiulan was rescued.

However, the other patient did not meet Xu Qiu's luck. Where did he go?

Xu Qiu didn't know anyone in the public security system, so he could only call Wang Ping.

Half an hour later, the Tool King called back: "During the interrogation, the person in charge of the clinic provided a list of people who had recently been infused with Ganan Ning Injection. When the police investigated, they found that another patient had died, but the other person was a nine-year-old. The family members of the thirteen-year-old lady thought she was mourning and refused an autopsy. "

After finishing speaking, Wang Ping was still a little puzzled and said: "I have never heard of this liver tranquilizer... is it some new drug?"

Xu Qiudao: "Shen Ning's parents participated in the research and development of this drug. There are problems with the clinical data, but it somehow passed the review of the Food and Drug Administration."

Wang Ping was stunned for a moment, then sighed deeply and said, "This is normal, don't think too much about it."

The risks of new drug research and development are too high. To say that there is a narrow escape from death is not enough to describe how this industry is walking on thin ice.

Moreover, the cost is astonishing.

According to the mid-term report of Berry Country Drug Development, the total cost of an original drug from development to its launch is approximately US$2.6 billion, which takes 10 to 17 years.

This money is spent on finding a few compounds from tens of thousands of compounds that can be used in clinical trials, and then regulating the proportion of drug ingredients, pharmacological synergy, etc.

A promising pharmaceutical company may go bankrupt due to a mistake in the development of a new drug.

However, along with the extremely high risks, there are also extremely huge profits.

Billions of dollars of investment, once successful, will be patent protection for twenty years. In these twenty years, a drug can bring tens of billions, or even tens of billions, of profits to pharmaceutical companies!

Humira, one of the most profitable drugs, earned pharmaceutical companies approximately RMB 200 billion in profits during its patent protection period.

According to Xu Qiu, since Liver Anning has reached the final pre-clinical stage, this means that R\u0026D companies have invested at least two billion US dollars.

As long as you cross the last threshold, there is a sea of ​​tens of billions of money.

No one with an interest will allow it to die at the last level.

Wang Ping thought of what happened to Shen Ning's father.

According to the autopsy report of Linhai First Hospital, the other party was in a coma due to moyamoya disease, which led to the car accident.

However, the other party's death time happened to be the last report before the listing, which was refused to sign, and a few months after returning to China...

Is there really no connection between the two?

Wang Ping didn't want Xu Qiu to get involved in these things. In the face of billions of dollars in profits, geniuses and medical masters are useless.

Xu Qiu naturally knew this. He would not be stupid enough to go head-to-head with a company that can develop new drugs.

Wang Ping thought about it and said, "However, Gan Anning... Listening to the name of this drug, there is a lack of special drugs for liver cancer surgery on the market. Could it be a targeted drug in this direction? You can ask Gao Pei'an or even Academician Chen."

Gao Pei'an is an expert in robotic duodenectomy and large liver cancer resection.

Academician Chen is Gao Pei'an's teacher, and he is also one of the pioneers of hepatobiliary surgery.

Gan Anning is not currently included in the official medication, and clinicians don't know much about it, but these two people should have their own information channels.

Xu Qiu then remembered that he still had the contact information of these two people.

"Don't worry, I can't guarantee anything else, but since you suspect that there are certain problems with this drug, I will ask Linhai First Hospital to ban the purchase and sale of this drug in the name of both of us." Wang Ping said solemnly.


After hanging up the phone, Xu Qiu pondered for a while.

Academician Chen is still active in the front line, but he has actually begun to take a conservative approach.

That is, he rarely participates in meetings on various new products and new surgical procedures.

He is too old, and even if he is talented, he can't resist the years. The ability and speed of his brain to accept new things are declining significantly.

Therefore, Academician Chen now mostly performs previous surgeries, and the direction of his papers is also related to this.

He may not have a deep understanding of new drugs.

Gao Pei'an is different.

He has Academician Chen, the first person in hepatobiliary surgery in Daxia, and has been called Academician Chen's student for half his life.

No matter how hard he works or how sophisticated his skills are, he can't escape the harsh compliment of "worthy of being Academician Chen's student".

This also made Gao Pei'an focus more on innovation, eager to create a cross-era hepatobiliary surgery technology, or develop a new drug to break the situation of "old drugs are overused, and new drugs are not available".

It is obviously more reliable to find Gao Pei'an for this matter.

Ding ding ding——

After waiting for a while, the phone was connected.

"Xu Qiu?"

Gao Pei'an's voice sounded very tired.

Xu Qiu asked the reason.

Gao Pei'an sighed helplessly and said, "This is a long story... By the way, I'm near your Linhai First Hospital, come out and chat?"

Xu Qiu agreed.

Half an hour later, Gao Pei'an came late to a nearby food stall.

Xu Qiu looked up and was a little surprised.

It's only been a few months since I last saw him, and Gao Pei'an looked like he was ten years older. His hair was completely white, and his cheekbones were a little prominent because of his thinness. The whole person was no longer as glorious as when they first met.

Gao Pei'an sat down and joked, "If I had known that this matter would be so troublesome, I shouldn't have accepted the flying knife competition at the People's Hospital.

Wouldn't it be better to take my granddaughter on a trip? I came here specially, but I didn't get the money, and I was restricted from traveling. Now I can't leave Linhai City.

I even suspect that you have sucked away my luck!"

These days, Xu Qiu has been making great strides. Not only did he get full marks in the famous knife competition that has never appeared in the country, but he also directly attracted the attention of heavyweight institutions such as the Daxia Brain Association and the Daxia Clinical Medicine Society for Linhai First Hospital. There is a trend of internally appointing the second neurosurgery center.

If nothing unexpected happens, relying on this "neurosurgery talent training base", Linhai First Hospital will become another neurosurgery holy land besides the Temple of Heaven Hospital.

It will also become the well-deserved number one in southern neurosurgery.

Xu Qiu's status and reputation have also risen.

In comparison, Gao Pei'an is too miserable.

He mixed white wine with beer, took a sip, felt the heat in his mouth, and smiled bitterly:

"Didn't I go to the People's Hospital next door to you to have a liver cancer resection surgery on a patient from Taiwan University...

The price was negotiated well at the time, and the family paid for my rest day, and I paid for the surgery.

As a result, after the surgery, the patient felt that he had paid too much, regretted it, and sued me in court.

I thought it was better to have less trouble than more, so I took the initiative to refund the money, just as if I spent money to avoid disaster.

The family agreed, but not long after the money was returned, the patient who sued me suddenly had an accident again!"

Xu Qiu listened quietly.

The flying knife is actually a gray area jointly maintained by the hospital, the patient, and the doctor.

Not breaking the rules is beneficial to all three parties.

But as long as one party breaks the face, there will be no good end.

In the long run, it will not promote the formalization of the flying knife - the review process of the standardized flying knife alone takes several weeks. How many patients can wait?

Instead, it will cause areas with underdeveloped medical resources to fall into a more vicious cycle.

Of course,

The topic this time is not flying knives. This kind of change involving an industry is not something that two doctors can discuss to any conclusion at a food stall.

Xu Qiu returned to the topic and asked, "What happened to the patient?"

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