Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 250 I suspect Xu Qiu and his friends are cheating!

"Group 1!

Xiangtan Hospital, Hunan Province, 60 points.

Bethune First Hospital, Jilin Province. 60 points.

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Bingcheng Medical University, Heilongjiang Province. 50 points.


The results of the first group were announced, and everyone's faces looked very ugly.

Who of those who can come here did not fight through the cruel provincial competition?

After winning the first place in the province, most teams have experienced a sufficient period and absorbed the ace doctors of other hospitals.

It is no exaggeration to say that the people participating in the competition now represent the ceiling of doctors under the age of 30 in each province.


the highest score is only 60 points, and only six out of ten questions are answered correctly!

"Xiangtan is really declining. The Union and West China, which were at the same level, should have scored about 80 points in this assessment." Someone sighed.

The Xiangtan Hospital team looked very bad.

These voices are too unfriendly. After all, they are the first to qualify in Hunan Province. In terms of absolute strength, they are much stronger than many old antiques in the Northeast and Northwest.

Besides...this question is really difficult!

He looked in the direction of Union Hospital, West China Hospital, and Qilu Hospital, and was curious whether these hospitals could get higher scores.

"West China Hospital is in the second group. Shi Feng is very powerful. He is the favorite student of Professor Gao Pei'an and is known as the first hepatobiliary surgeon of the younger generation..." The captain of Xiangtan said in a low voice.

At this time, a team member reminded: "There is also Xu Qiu in the second group, who is also a strong opponent."

The captain of Xiangtan smiled and said: "That person is too ostentatious. It's okay to come out early, but he even handed in the paper early... Such a person doesn't know the rules. In our Xiangtan, he doesn't even have the qualifications to go on the operating table!"

The team members nodded quickly after hearing this.

He came from Xiangtan, so he naturally knew how solidified the relationship between superiors and subordinates in the hospital was.

A doctor can't perform just because he has the ability.

There are not many hospitals like Linhai First Hospital where the director is willing to take responsibility for capable junior doctors and let them do the surgery.

Xu Qiu regards Linhai First Hospital as his home, and this is also part of the reason - capable people can really stand out here!

If Xu Qiu goes to Xiangtan.

Even if he knows how many surgeries, he is not qualified to touch the knife if he does not have good interpersonal relationships!

"Group 2..."

At this time, Li Mingwei paused and spoke again.

It was time to announce the results of Group 2.

Everyone immediately cheered up. This group not only includes West China Hospital, but also the biggest dark horse of this session, Linhai First Hospital!

They wanted to see what strength they could show in the finals by beating out Zhongshan Hospital, Baiyun Province Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital and other strong hospitals...

"Group 2!

Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to the School of Medicine of Jiaotong University. 70 points!

Hubei Provincial People's Hospital. 50 points.


West China Hospital of Sichuan Province. 80 points."

A brief exclamation broke out in the venue. Ruijin Hospital's 70 points and West China's 80 points were both quite high scores.

However, the next moment, the entire venue suddenly fell silent.

"Linhai First Hospital of Baiyun Province, 100 points!"

Li Mingwei's words, like a magic sound, lingered in the entire venue.

There were even several rounds of echoes, making people feel that it was not real.

"How much, full marks!?"

Finally, someone responded, and the voice was raised by eight degrees.

"Linhai First Hospital? Xu Qiu! It's Doctor Xu!"

"You can get full marks for this kind of question? You are crazy!"

If the 80 points of West China Hospital was a commotion.

Then at this moment, the whole place was boiling. They wanted to find Xu Qiu's figure, but found that everyone in Linhai First Hospital was sitting calmly in their seats, except for the guy who distributed flyers, who held his head high and waved the brochure in his hand.

Only then did they remember that Xu Qiu had left with Academician Chen and Lin Xiedi when he finished answering the questions.

"Oh my god, it's terrible!"

"Shi Feng is just a student of Academician Chen's student, and we are bragging about this, but Xu Qiu is talking and laughing with Academician Chen!"

"Professor Lin is also a big shot. Who doesn't know him in the field of bone reconstruction? Orthopedic hospitals across the country want him to perform surgery!"

"We seem to have underestimated Xu Qiu... He is not at our level at all. He is at the same level as Academician Chen and Professor Lin."

Everyone's eyelids twitched, and it was not until this time that they finally realized that Xu Qiu was not here to compete, but to slaughter.

This full score made all subsequent high scores meaningless.

Even the 90 points of Union Hospital and the 80 points of Qilu Hospital were eclipsed in an instant.

Soon, the results were announced.

Linhai First Hospital won the first place with a discontinuous full score.

The second place was Union Hospital with 90 points.

After that, it was West China Hospital, Qilu Hospital and other hospitals with 80 points.

In general, excluding the exception of Linhai First Hospital, the ranking of hospitals is basically linked to the level of regional development.

For example, Tiandu and Modu are basically in the forefront.

For places such as Northwest and Northeast, which are underdeveloped or facing the tragedy of energy depletion, although the contestants are already at the top level in the province, they are still a bit stretched when compared with the whole country.

Seeing the full score drama played again in the finals, Shi Feng, Liu Si and others couldn't stay calm.

Shi Feng's eyelids twitched, "Is there really such a big gap between people?"

Everyone around was silent.

In the past, they were the ones who said this, because Shi Feng was very talented and was only 27 years old this year. Huaxi believed that Shi Feng would definitely lead Huaxi to win a national championship.

But now, Shi Feng also began to sigh that the gap between him and Xu Qiu was huge...

It is conceivable how terrible the oppression Xu Qiu gave to everyone!

Rest area of ​​Union Hospital.

Liu Si was puzzled: "We are only uncertain about patient No. 6. The most likely cause is this type of disease - not a primary intracranial tumor, nor a brain hernia. What else can cause symptoms such as hemiplegia and hemianopsia... metastatic tumor?"

He led the team to the examiner's seat and asked for the answer.

When he heard Li Mingwei mention 3H syndrome, he was stunned.

This disease... even he felt unfamiliar!

Liu Si only glanced at it a few times in textbooks. Even Union Hospital, which is known as the last salvation for difficult and complicated diseases, has only admitted two cases since its establishment. Its rarity is self-evident.

Moreover, the director of Union Hospital also stumbled and went through several months before finally relying on genetic analysis to make a diagnosis.

Is there really someone who can diagnose it within 90 seconds?

"Director Li, is this... really okay?" Liu Si asked in a low voice.

Li Mingwei smiled bitterly.

In the past, other hospitals were worried about cheating in Union Hospital.

Because the examination location was chosen at Union Hospital, the patients were also selected a few days in advance and then sent from all over the country. Although there was supervision from the Ministry of Education, the Health Commission, and the health department, it was not difficult to dig out some test questions in advance.

As a result, Union Hospital now suspects that Linhai First Hospital cheated!

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