Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 267 Come to Union Hospital, I will create a new department for you!

As Xu Qiu's voice fell, a mechanical voice also sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations on completing the sign-in!"

"Your impact factor at Tiandu Union Hospital is 5.9, and the reward has been increased by a medium amount!"

"You have obtained: Master-level rare disease diagnosis and treatment experience!"

This reward surprised Xu Qiu a little.

Union's comprehensive strength is undoubtedly the best in the country. More than a dozen departments such as obstetrics and gynecology, gastroenterology, and endocrinology are also the first in a single department.

Of course, other hospitals are not vegetarians.

For example, the first in respiratory department is China-Japan Friendship Hospital; the first in ophthalmology is Tongren Hospital, and the first in hematology is the Institute of Blood Research.

There are also some departments that Union can't even make the list.

For example, the strongest department of cardiac surgery is in Fuwai Hospital where Yang Chenxi belongs...

The statistical standards of different ranking lists are different, which will lead to various controversies in hospital rankings.

However, one thing is beyond doubt.

When it comes to the ability to deal with various difficult and complicated diseases and rare diseases, all people and all hospitals will default to a name--


At this moment, Xu Qiu, with the sign-in bonus for newcomers who had just arrived at Union Hospital + the increase of high impact factor, had obtained Union Hospital's most valuable ability.

Experience in diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases!


As the light ball representing experience merged into his mind, Xu Qiu felt his brain swell.

After a moment, a large number of typical manifestations of rare diseases, patient signs, etc. emerged in his mind.

It was as if he had really come into contact with these rare disease patients, and received the diagnosis and treatment of the patients from beginning to end.

"What a real feeling."

Xu Qiu was a little surprised.

No matter how detailed the professional knowledge, experience, or even photos and videos are, they can't understand a rare disease better than experiencing a patient in person.

At the moment, he seemed to have personally come into contact with all rare disease patients.

This will undoubtedly further enhance Xu Qiu's ability to diagnose rare diseases.

And at this time.

Union Hospital, Dean's Office.

The Dean of Union Hospital was flipping through a document, which was the information of Fang Biyu, a hand surgeon.

Across the desk was a solemn and meticulous woman.

"Director Fang, the chief of hand surgery proposed to take a break a few years ago. This year we decided to arrange for the chief to retire. What do you directors think?" The president of Union Hospital spoke in a kind voice.

In fact, the chief is almost 80 years old this year.

He has long passed the retirement age.

But which doctor of Union Hospital is not a special talent?

As long as they are willing, they can continue to work and will not be restricted by the retirement age at all.

Now the chief finally wants to enjoy his old age and plans to abdicate and leave the position to the children in their forties and fifties.

The woman opposite did not seem to fluctuate on the surface. It was Fang Biyu.

After a moment of silence, she said without leaking a drop of water: "I definitely want to compete, but I respect the decision of the hospital. No matter who it is, I will accept it with pleasure."

Chief physician is the pinnacle of a doctor's career.

But for doctors, it is far from the end.

For example, the chief.

This is not a professional title rating, but more like an administrative position.

There can be five, ten, or even twenty chief physicians in a department.

However, there must be only one chief physician who leads these chief physicians.

The chief physician retired. How could these chief physicians who had been suppressed for more than ten years not have any concerns?

The president of Union Hospital also knew this. He closed the information in his hand and planned to shorten the conversation process. He said directly: "Director Fang, if I remember correctly, your husband should have gone to Linhai First Hospital?"

"Linhai First Hospital...Yes."

Hearing these four words, Fang Biyu's eyes flashed with surprise.

She had also heard about the deeds of Linhai First Hospital in the past few days. She couldn't believe that such a brilliant person could be found in a small hospital.

The president of Union Hospital said: "In fact, the management of Union Hospital has also changed over the years. Our new senior management generally believes that Wang Shengde is a genius..."

Fang Biyu's expression was a little strange when she heard this.

Why did you mention this?

President of Union Hospital: "Director Fang, go ask President Wang if he is willing to return to Union Hospital!"

As expected...

Fang Biyu frowned.

She and her husband have always been in a respectful relationship, and they have lived separately over the years.

Compared to husband and wife, they are more like friends.

They respect each other and will not do anything that goes against their feelings.

It is not appropriate for her to persuade Wang Shengde to return to Union Hospital.


Union Hospital is a sad place for Wang Shengde!

The medical system was very imperfect back then, and basically when conflicts between doctors and patients occurred, no matter which side the problem was, the hospital would try to settle the matter as soon as possible.

When Wang Shengde's hand was cut off, it caused a big fuss, but Union Hospital was worried about affecting the reputation of the hospital, and for various other reasons, it finally handled it coldly.

This incident almost made Wang Shengde quit the medical industry.

Later, it was Fang Biyu's persuasion, and with the compensation from Union Hospital, Wang Shengde was sent to Baiyun Province, where he served as the vice president of the Provincial People's Hospital for four or five years. Finally, after gaining enough experience, he was sent to his hometown Linhai City to serve as the president of Linhai First Hospital.

In addition to these inside stories, what Fang Biyu could not understand was... why the president of Union Hospital was obsessed with Wang Shengde.

Even if Linhai First Hospital is strong, it is the credit of Xu Qiu's team. Do they think that it was Wang Shengde who trained him?

The president of Union Hospital gave an explanation with a smile, "Of course we know this, so we hope that Dr. Xu Qiu and Wang Shengde will come to our hospital together.

Union Hospital can open a new department for Xu Qiu and let him directly serve as the chief director.

As for Wang Shengde, we are willing to provide him with a laboratory so that he can focus on the theoretical research of his own surgery."

The president of Union Hospital straightened his sitting posture and said, "If Xu Qiu can come, Union Hospital will have two more chief directors at once. From now on, we will call you Chief Director Fang..."

Fang Biyu was shocked.

Only at this moment did she understand the purpose of this conversation.

She and Wang Shengde were just a cover for Union Hospital to recruit Xu Qiu.

For this genius, the management of Union Hospital paid a great price.

How high is the status of the chief director of Union Hospital?

Just being the director of Union Hospital can basically walk sideways across the country. It is easy to be the dean of a medical school wherever you want.

And the director has basically the ability to influence an industry...

A 24-year-old director of an association, it's incredible to think about it!

"Dean, let me talk to Wang Shengde."

Fang Biyu thought for a long time, and finally stood up and said.


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