Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 274 Final result! Research funding approved!

Class A.

It has great research potential and may be realized in the next three to five years.

The research funding for this category is truly unlimited.

It can even mobilize a lot of social resources.

Like Yang Chenxi's science and technology park, the government took the land to build the park, the state issued a document to recruit scientific researchers, and finally let him come to the famous sword competition to select talents at will. This is considered top treatment.

Class B.

It has great research potential, but it is limited by the researcher's own strength, or the times and the level of technological development. It is very likely that no results can be achieved at present.

In other words, this type of scientific research is more about laying the foundation, waiting for a technological leap in the future, so as to make a big splash.

The funding for Class B fluctuates greatly, the upper limit can reach 100 million yuan, and the lower limit can even be only a few hundred thousand yuan.

In addition, Class A and Class B are inferior.

Class III belongs to the general category of scientific research projects, which have potential, can be researched, and the results are just so-so, which belongs to pass students.

The upper limit may be 3 or 4 million, but the lower limit will not be bad, at least 1 million.

"Small-caliber artificial blood vessels are a blue ocean, and they will certainly have a huge market potential in the future. This point can at least set the tone of the first category." Yang Chenxi said.

"Yes, in the medical field, there are too many places that need small blood vessels..." Someone agreed.

"This technology is also of great strategic significance to the medical community of Daxia. If it can really be done, Daxia will have an amazingly large bargaining chip at the negotiation table with foreign companies!"

"First category."

"First category!"

Everyone voted in turn.

Obviously, Xu Qiu's proposal, whether in terms of value or potential, is the top one.

In the audience, Li Mingwei, Academician Chen and others nodded.

In terms of future applications, artificial small blood vessels will undoubtedly be the "huge potential" category.

The key point is actually the possibility of implementation.

The distinction between Class A and Class B is the focus of the grant.

Academician Chen listened quietly.

Soon, his brows frowned.

The expert group finally gave a score of "Class B"!

Academician He of the Academy of Engineering said: "Even though Professor Yang has invested billions of funds, they have only achieved certain results in 6.5mm artificial blood vessels, and they have not yet been applied in clinical practice...

It is undeniable that Xu Qiu has an extraordinary medical talent.

But this does not mean that he can also crush old research institutes such as Fuwai, Nankai Key Experimental Base, and Hubei Provincial Blood Center in the field of scientific research...

No matter how much funding is allocated, the Linhai University Research Institute, which has a weak scientific research foundation, may find it difficult to achieve results.

Nowadays, Daxia's scientific and technological funds are very tight, and every penny needs to be used on the cutting edge.

Instead of wasting it on Xu Qiu, it is better to leave more budget to Professor Yang and other pioneers who are truly at the forefront."

"Agree..." Another academician of the Academy of Engineering nodded.

"Me too."

"Me too."

After considering for a long time, the others gave their own decisions one after another.

Academician Chen and Lin Xie looked at each other and were a little restless.

But they were both listening, so it was not easy to say anything at this moment.

More than an hour later, Academician He crossed out the sixth number on the document and wrote down the seventh.

"3.2 million."

This is the final funding given after the expert group discussed it.

"Does anyone else have any opinions?" Academician He drew a circle outside 320, knocked heavily, and asked.

Academician Chen finally couldn't sit still and said, "Academician He, isn't 3.2 million a bit too much?"

Lin Xie: "Xu Qiu's personal bonus is 3 million, and 3.2 million research funding support... is simply a joke."

Academician He said embarrassedly: "Xu Qiu's project location is at the Linhai University Research Institute, where there is no equipment, no foundation, and no soil for incubating small-caliber artificial blood vessels... 3.2 million is already the highest funding we give based on Xu Qiu's name.

If it is Linhai University Research Institute that applies, it can't take a penny!"

Academician Chen shook his head.

Although Xu Qiu has never shown his talent in the field of scientific research, Academician Chen has an inexplicable trust in him.

"The money is too little."

"Are you going to use 3.2 million to fight for a market with a scale of tens of billions every year?"

Academician Chen pointed out the key to the problem without hesitation.

Academician He was equally experienced and said, "Even if this money is increased tenfold, even if it is given to the three old artificial colleges and institutes in Fuwai, it is difficult to guarantee results... A few hundred million is to increase 7mm to 6.5mm, but the cost may not be a few hundred million, but more than a billion."

Old Chen was so angry that his liver hurt.

He had talked with Xu Qiu about the progress and difficulties of the institute.

Xu Qiu revealed that the Linhai Institute lacked equipment and money, otherwise it should be able to produce some results.

Academician Chen wanted to fight for more at the moment, and the famous sword competition was also the only way for Xu Qiu to not worry about the funds and let go of research.

"Too little, the famous sword competition is so stingy, I will take Xu Qiu directly to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to ask for funds!" Academician Chen was very angry.

Academician He's face was somewhat ugly when he heard this.

Academician Chen's status was higher than his.

Xu Qiu has no one to protect him, so the 3.2 million is a sure thing. Now he has the support of Academician Chen, so even if Xu Qiu's research proposal is Class B, the funding cannot be too low.

The seminar was extended for more than half an hour, and the final amount was 6.5 million, which was 500,000 more than the maximum funding that the Chinese Academy of Sciences could provide.

When the results came out, Xu Qiu was still on the plane.

At about 6 pm, the plane landed.

As soon as he turned on his phone, he saw several missed calls from Li Mingwei.

There were also text messages from Academician Chen and others.

"Class B."

"Six and a half million..."

After reading the message, Xu Qiu turned off his phone.

This amount of money was not enough.

He estimated that

even if he did not purchase equipment, the scientific research cost that might be invested in the short term to achieve results would be around 50 million.

Xu Qiu originally thought that with the support of the scientific research policy of the famous sword competition, he could get at least 100 million, which was more than enough.

The reality turned out to be very bleak.

Only 6.5 million!

Not even a fraction of 50 million!

This amount of money was too huge, even Xu Qiu could not afford it.

"Xu Qiu, we're here!"

At this time, Wang Shengde, the co-pilot, shouted in surprise.

Xu Qiu and his group looked out the window, and in front of them was Linhai First Hospital.

However, seeing the current state of Linhai First Hospital, they were still shocked for a few seconds.

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