Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 281 At this moment, I am willing to go through fire and water for Xu Qiu!

Who would have thought that four hours ago, he was still worried about the difficulties of Linhai Research Institute?

Seventy million.

If you save some money, ten million a month will be enough for half a year.

It will definitely be supported by funding from Baiyun Province.

In this case, Xu Qiu can completely let go of the next development.

"It's really expensive." Xu Qiu said silently.

It is estimated that it will cost several hundred million, possibly more, to produce results for artificial blood vessels.

It looks scary, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to truly scary projects.

For example, the International Thermonuclear Test Reactor in the field of physics is expected to cost 100 billion, and there is a high probability that it will not produce results. It is only a small step towards the ultimate goal of controllable nuclear fusion.

Thinking of this, Xu Qiu suddenly fell silent.

He called Ren Chao, the current director of the Linhai Research Institute, and after chatting for a while he asked: "What is the average salary of these scientific researchers now?"

Ren Chao was a little surprised.

He thought Xu Qiu was going to ask about the progress of scientific research, or whether there had been any new breakthroughs in the past few weeks.

In terms of salary, he really hasn't paid much attention to it.

Ren Chao asked someone in the finance department before giving an answer, saying: "Currently, I get an annual salary of about 700,000.

There are also four directors who also have an annual salary of about 500,000.

Special researcher, monthly salary is around 20,000 yuan.

Advanced and intermediate levels are both at the 10,000 yuan level.

8,000 for junior researchers, 5,000 for those who have not become full-time employees, and a large number of doctoral students, who are paid 3,000 a month, including room and board. "

This salary level is not much different from Xu Qiu's guess.

Who would have thought that under a scientific research team that has the potential to create a market worth tens of billions per year, the salary of most of the people is just over 10,000.

And a doctoral student who has passed five levels and defeated six generals can only get a monthly salary of 3,000?

This is not because Linhai Artificial Vascular Research Institute is too stingy.

But the whole environment is like this.

Scientific research is not taken seriously, and scientific researchers do not get the remuneration they deserve. There are 80,000 doctoral students in Daxia every year, and there are naturally some who earn 30,000 to 50,000 a month, but there are also many people who can barely make ends meet in big cities on subsidies.

The culture of "weak scientific research" cannot be changed in a short time.

Xu Qiu can only start to change from now on.

He thought for a moment and then said, "Director Ren, I'm afraid it will be hard for everyone next."

Ren Chao was startled and realized that Xu Qiu was finally going to put his theoretical results into practice. He became excited and said: "We have been sitting on the bench for seven or eight years. If there is really hope this time, let's fall." I am willing to take on all positions!”

Xu Qiudao: "Next, doctoral students in the institute will be paid a minimum salary of 13,000, and other levels will also have their salaries raised at the same time.

The new standards came into effect last month, and the salary missed last month will be made up immediately! "

Ren Chao was so shocked that his tongue was almost tied: "This, this, this..."


"No, this is too high!"

Xu Qiu shook his head: "Scientific researchers should be treated like this."

Ren Chao was stunned when he heard Xu Qiu's sincere tone on the phone.

At this moment, he completely recognized Xu Qiu.

Maybe the era of attaching importance to scientific research is still on the way, but at least in Linhai, at Linhai Research Institute, and in the hands of Xu Qiu, scientific researchers finally get the respect and treatment they deserve.

The work enthusiasm, innovative thinking, and scientific research capabilities of a group of respected scientific researchers cannot be achieved by a group of people who numb their brains by shouting slogans of "promoting human progress" and "selfless dedication" and whose rewards are not proportional to their efforts. Comparatively.

They are thousand-mile horses covered in dust.

Xu Qiu is that Bole.

At this time, Linhai University, Artificial Vascular Research Institute.

Since Xu Qiu's arrival, the scientific researchers here have started intensive work.

A large number of researchers spend time in the laboratory, doing analysis, recording data, and constantly optimizing and adjusting plans.

Among them, many of the doctoral students who are the most tired and suffering have already begun to think about quitting.

Xiaoyu is one of them.

He broke his mobile phone screen a few days ago, but it cost 200 to repair it, so he couldn't bear it!

The salary in the office is only 3,000 yuan, and he has no money!

However, at this moment, the mobile phone prompts "ding dong" and "ding dong".

Everyone was a little surprised, group text message?

Xiaoyu also unlocked his phone in surprise.

On the broken screen, a line of information was discerned:

"Your bank card remittance amount is 10,341 yuan (salary income supplement)!"

Xiaoyu was shocked: "What the hell?!"

Immediately afterwards, the entire laboratory was boiling.

"My bank card has an extra 10,000 yuan, what's going on!"

"Compensation? Do you mean more refund and less compensation? Last month, it was more than 3,500, why is there still compensation?!"

"what's the situation!"

Everyone was worried, feeling that the money did not belong to them and that there was something wrong with the finances.

But soon, the research institute gathered together and Ren Chao issued a notice.

Explained the new salary standards that Xu Qiu had just established.

At this moment, the entire institute burst into cheers, notifying countless people below to reply "Thank you, Dr. Xu!" "Thank you, Director Xu!"

Xiaoyu was also so excited that he almost cried.

A basic salary of thirteen thousand yuan was something he had never dared to imagine before.

From today on, he no longer needs to ask for living expenses from his elderly parents, and he no longer needs to paralyze himself by saying that "a broken screen can still be used".

Engaging in scientific research is no longer a matter of working hard with passion, and they can also receive good treatment! !

After increasing the salary for scientific researchers, Xu Qiu stopped paying attention to this matter.

Instead, he focused on Luo Di.

This patient's abnormal excitement was too strange, and many of his symptoms were not specific, so it was difficult to determine the real cause of the disease.

Xu Qiu tried to analyze the patient's life trajectory.

However, the other party had been in Linhai City recently and had not been to the epidemic area.

Except for eating a small Indian snack and drinking water recently, there was no difference from before.

It can't be... This thing really picks people's race. Non-Indians will get seriously ill after eating it, right?

Xu Qiu shook his head. This possibility is too small.

Moreover, what kind of food must be eaten to make Luo Di behave like he took drugs...

In any case, read the examination report before making a decision.

The first thing Xu Qiu did when he arrived at the inpatient department was to retrieve the medical records of Luo Di, who was newly admitted.

There was a newly issued report on it.

Blood routine test, increased total white blood cell count.

Lumbar puncture, increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure, but other indicators were normal.

This also rules out common diseases such as epidemic encephalitis B, bacterial meningitis, or fungal infections of the central nervous system such as Cryptococcus neoformans.

Xu Qiu frowned slightly.


Another rare disease!

Countless rare disease diagnosis and treatment experiences gained from signing in at Union Hospital flashed before Xu Qiu's eyes at the same time.

"Not enough."

Xu Qiu shook his head. The diagnosis of rare diseases is extremely difficult, and it often takes months or even years.

And Luo Di has too few characteristics. It is impossible to make a final judgment based on high fever and abnormal excitement.

"We have to do a brain CT scan."

The cerebrospinal fluid increased, which at least shows that Luo Di's brain is indeed problematic.

However, the pressure is high, but there is no abnormality in various biochemical tests. What disease is this?

The new test has just been issued.


Suddenly, there was a hurried sound of footsteps outside the corridor. Liu Susu brought a puzzling message.

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