Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 284 Doctor Xu, I give you my life!

"There are not many people who survived after being infected with Naegleria fowleri!" Wang Ping's expression was very serious.

After learning this news, he specially consulted the literature.

The mortality rate of documented infected people at home and abroad is as high as 97%. Among more than 160 patients worldwide, only four survived.

Moreover, three of them had severe brain damage, some were disabled for life, some became vegetative, and only one basically recovered to the health condition before the onset of the disease.

The three major characteristics of this disease are extremely short course of disease, extremely difficult diagnosis, and extremely high mortality rate.

Now Luo Di has progressed to the coma stage of brain herniation. It is unknown how large the Naegleria fowleri in his brain has multiplied. Can it still be saved?

Xu Qiu naturally knew this.

If he did not have the experience of master-level diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases, he would really be helpless in the face of Luo Di.

But at this time, after the diagnosis was clear, he also had a systematic treatment process in his mind.

Brain-eating amoeba is indeed somewhat close to "hard to cure".

Even before the 1950s, people were powerless against deep fungal and parasitic infections in large organs such as the liver, lungs, and brain, and patients basically had to wait for death.

However, a drug called "amphotericin B" completely changed this situation.

It has a very high bactericidal effect on deep infections!

Since its launch until today, amphotericin B is still the last magic weapon and the last solution to deal with diseases such as deep fungal infections.


The magic drug is only because it is effective. In fact, it is not small in toxicity, with very high nephrotoxicity, and side effects such as high fever, chills, and headaches are also quite common.

Therefore, in addition to amphotericin B, there is another drug.


This drug was originally used to treat breast cancer.

And its application to the treatment of brain-eating amoeba originated from an accident.

A patient infected with brain-eating amoeba in Meiguo had been sentenced to death, but she managed to hold on for two weeks. When she was examined again, the bacteria and Naegleria fowleri in her brain disappeared in large areas, leaving only some holes that were "gnawed" clean.

Although the patient eventually became a vegetable, she at least survived!

No one knew how she, who was already weak, survived the infection of Naegleria fowleri, which had a mortality rate of more than 97%.

So, the Meiguo Medical Association led people to conduct research, and finally locked the cause three months later.

The patient had breast cancer and had been taking miltefosine regularly.

Although this beautiful accident did not save the patient herself, it provided a new drug and a possibility of survival for subsequent infected people.

After careful consideration, Xu Qiu gave the final plan.

1. Intrathecal injection of amphotericin B. Combined with miltefosine.

Amphotericin B is the main force of insecticide, and miltefosine is used as a supplement.

Doing so can reduce the dosage of amphotericin B, minimize its side effects, and reduce its damage to the kidneys.

2. Apply anti-inflammatory drugs such as glucocorticoids.

This is to inhibit brain tissue swelling.

3. Continue to induce coma with hypothermia.

When the body temperature is low, the activity of amoeba in the patient's brain will decrease, and the frequency of reproduction, release of dissolved molecules and toxins will also be greatly reduced; in addition, cooling the brain tissue and lowering the body temperature can also reduce metabolism.

4. Intraventricular shunt.

Simply put, it is to make a hole in the head and release cerebrospinal fluid, thereby reducing intracranial pressure and delaying the occurrence of brain herniation.

From the perspective of saving life, intraventricular shunt is the top priority, even before insecticide treatment.

However, after saving life, the patient's quality of life and how it can be restored depend on whether the brain-eating amoeba in the brain is cleared in time and how much healthy brain tissue is left.

"Is this really possible?"

Wang Ping was slightly stunned when he saw this detailed treatment plan.

Not to mention Linhai First Hospital, Baiyun Province has never encountered a patient with brain-eating amoeba...

Therefore, there are almost no treatment guidelines for this disease in the province and the country.

If Xu Qiu can really save Luo Di's life, even if he becomes a vegetative state, he will be the first surviving patient in the country.


After Xu Qiu's arrangement, relevant departments and sections all cooperated.

Four hours after induced anesthesia, Luo Di was awakened.

He spent the last ten minutes with his family.

The doctors and nurses thought that Luo Di would be devastated by pain like before.

Because the EEG showed that his pain was even worse after waking up.

But what everyone didn't expect was that when he learned the final diagnosis from Xu Qiu and knew the extremely high mortality rate, he fell silent, suppressed the severe pain, endured the strength, and spent the last ten minutes with his family.

No one knew if this was the last meeting.

Ten minutes later.

When Xu Qiu went in, the family members were crying and Luo Di's eyes were bleeding.

"Intracranial pressure is higher..."

The operation can't be delayed any longer.

At this time, Luo Di's voice sounded: "Is it Doctor Xu?"

His vision was completely blocked by the brain-eating amoeba, and he could only hear someone coming in.

"It's me."

Xu Qiu's voice was reassuring.

Luo Di endured the severe pain and said with difficulty: "Doctor Xu, my life is in your hands!"

Luo Di's wife cried bitterly. She took out a thick red envelope from the inner pocket of her down jacket and stuffed it into Xu Qiu's pocket, saying, "Doctor, you must save my husband..."

Xu Qiu pushed the red envelope back and said, "Don't worry, I will do my best."

"Please accept it. We are worried if you don't!" Luo Di's other family members said almost pleadingly.

Xu Qiu's attitude was very firm. He said, "Whether you accept the red envelope or not, I will do my best to treat him. You don't have to worry about this."

Luo Di's wife was stunned for a moment.

She saw that Xu Qiu was sincere and he really didn't accept the red envelope.


At this time, there was a sound of nails scratching the iron sheet from behind.

Everyone looked over and found that Luo Di was already covered in blood. His fingernails were tightly clasped on the edge of the bed. He didn't even notice that several of his fingernails had broken off.

Obviously, in the face of the severe pain in his brain, his other pain sensations were completely blocked. At this moment, he was relying on his will to hold on.

"Time is urgent. Everyone, get out. We need to prepare for the operation." Xu Qiu immediately drove them away.

The family members wiped their tears as they left, and Luo Di's parents cried all the way.

"Going far away." Xu Qiu reminded.

Luo Di on the bed let out a low roar, like the dying struggle of a trapped animal, venting deep pain.

Dong Dong Dong——

The anesthesiologist and other medical staff rushed in immediately.


The third update will not be absent

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