Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 288: The restricted area cannot be crossed? I want to break in!

In the office.

Yang Chenxi and Xu Qiu were sitting opposite each other. In addition, there were four research team leaders including Ren Chao, Director Huang, and Director Lei.

The smell of coffee hangs in the air.

There are stacks of documents stacked on the desktop, all of which are the results produced by the Linhai Research Institute since Xu Qiu led the project, as well as the statistics collected by various research groups.

"This... so much?"

Yang Chenxi flipped through a few copies at random, with a shocked expression.

He originally thought that the scientific research strength here in Linhai was very poor, and the research on artificial blood vessels was not very in-depth.

But after a few glances, the technical content is absolutely online, and almost all of it is aimed at perfectly simulating natural blood vessels.

There are even processing steps for micro-imprinting and electrospinning technology.

For example, artificial blood vessel intima requires electrospinning to achieve a porosity of more than 65%, thereby supporting the adhesion and growth of vascular endothelial cells.

This technology, whether it is process parameters or various mixing systems for post-processing, requires advanced equipment.

China is very weak in this regard. The mechanical properties of the electrospun fibril matrix still cannot reach the level of foreign countries ten years ago. The only people in China who can complete this step are the batch of equipment that Yang Chenxi is preparing to ship.

That is to say...

At the beginning of the design of Linhai Research Institute, was it already thinking about the equipment in Fuwai?

Thinking of this, Yang Chenxi looked very strange.

The famous sword competition probably hadn't started yet at that time...

I haven't planned to poach Xu Qiu yet, but it turns out that Linhai already wants to introduce equipment and technology from Fuwai!

"How many years have you been studying?" Yang Chenxi sighed and asked.

These results are indeed very important. Even in Fuwai, I am afraid it will take several years of in-depth research.

Ren Chao was silent for a moment and said, "Almost two months."

"Two months?!"

Yang Chenxi's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "You say it again?"

Ren Chao glanced at Xu Qiu, "It's indeed two months...

Actually, to be more precise, it was three days.

These results were basically achieved in the three days after Director Xu took charge of the project.

In the past month or so, we have basically been verifying the conclusions of those three days..."

Yang Chenxi's expression was extremely shocked.

He heard something.

Three days?

In the face of scientific research, a person's three years are insignificant.

Can anyone really make such significant research progress in just three days?

At this moment, he realized that Xu Qiu's words of "breaking the 6mm restricted area of ​​artificial blood vessels" when he was fooled were not just words.

This young genius may really have this ability!

That night, Yang Chenxi also got his wish and saw the true appearance of the three pieces of manuscript paper.

Dacron artificial blood vessel;

Porcine saphenous vein and silk double-layer structure;

Three layers of intracavity sustained-release drugs...

Each of these structures is a bold idea that has never appeared in this field before, and they all have considerable research value.

However, Xu Qiu seemed to have no need for money, proposing new plans one after another, and then decisively scrapped them.

The discussion lasted until late into the night.

Yang Chenxi, Ren Chao and others could no longer keep up with Xu Qiu's thoughts. They were all stunned as they listened to Xu Qiu's talk.

“I briefly listed the characteristics that our artificial blood vessels need to have.

There are thirteen major items in total.

Good mechanical strength and compliance. This allows the artificial blood vessel to withstand hemodynamic stress.

Sewability. All artificial blood vessels will eventually return to clinical practice and need to be used in surgery. Suturing is the basis for the function of artificial blood vessels.


Reasonable manufacturing costs;

Rapid endothelialization…

Summarizing all the above requirements into one point, they are actually the same thing.

Natural blood vessels.

Therefore, what we have to do is to make the ultimate bionic design and make materials that are infinitely close to natural blood vessels. "

After a long silence, Yang Chenxi reluctantly responded: "Bionic design is too difficult.

Its basis must be a high-level understanding of the biological cells and molecules of the blood vessel wall.

This involves multiple disciplines, such as materials engineering, bioengineering medicine, textile engineering, etc... It is very difficult for talents from various disciplines to break through industry barriers and unite together, let alone the bionic model? "

Xu Qiu: "Well, it's really difficult."

"It's right that it's difficult, otherwise how can it be called a restricted area?"

After Yang Chenxi said this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

He looked up and found Xu Qiu's eyes were extremely determined.

After a brief silence, Xu Qiu said in an unquestionable tone: "Then we will face the difficulties head on."

Yang Chenxi was stunned.

He had never seen anyone like this.

It seems that I will never be afraid.

Always pushing the limits.

Is this why Xu Qiu can become a master surgeon and crush all the talented doctors...

"Okay, I'll accompany you to break into this restricted area!" Yang Chenxi took a sip of tea and slammed the teacup on the table, her tone sounding like a strong man breaking his wrist.

If we say that he brought money into the group before, it was just to witness the truth of those three manuscripts.

At this moment, Yang Chenxi was completely convinced by Xu Qiu. He was determined to give up everything outside Fuwai and follow Xu Qiu to break the pressure on all cardiac surgeons. He was hailed as "" "Do not cross" the 6mm restricted area!


Yang Chenxi talked a lot, but soon, he couldn't keep up with Xu Qiu's topic at all.

People kept coming in to change the tea.

Finally, everyone stopped talking and looked at Xu Qiu who was immersed in his research.

"Let's go."

"Don't disturb Director Xu."

Seeing Xu Qiu in this state, Ren Chao remembered the crazy three days, so he took Yang Chenxi and others away.

This office was also sealed, and no one was allowed to disturb him.

At this time.

As Ren Chao expected, Xu Qiu was completely in the state.

He seemed to have found some directions, and countless design ideas flashed through his mind. He selected from dozens of materials and hundreds of combinations of three layers of inner, middle and outer membranes, looking for the best solution.

When dawn broke, the winter morning light sprinkled in from the window.

Xu Qiu just woke up from a dream. He was sweating because of excitement, his head was steaming, and his pupils gradually condensed from the dilated state of wandering to normal size.

"So that's it..." His voice penetrated the air, causing the frost on the glass to vibrate slightly and fall to the ground.

It's like a speck of dust of the times, finally settling.

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