Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 300 Abnormal ability, invincibility is just around the corner!

First are the daily tasks.

In addition to the previous three levels of easy, normal, and difficult, there is one more level.

"Daily Progress in the Practice Room"

This task is not difficult at all. It can be considered completed if you train for an hour every day or complete two surgeries of different types, level 2 or above.

However, for Xu Qiu, he is currently busy with both the hospital and the research institute.

Various matters are also pressing on me.

In the past few days, the half-hour surgical hand training he maintained before going to bed has been reduced to twenty minutes.

At this time, it is a bit embarrassing to take another hour to do daily progress training.

"However, this mission can be carried out at any time."

After all, it is a simulation practice room in the brain.

In addition, it has an advantage.

You can pause at any time!

In a real operating room, it is impossible to shout "There is a mole, terminate the operation" and then stop.

But a simulated operating room can really do that.

With one click to pause, even the simulated patient's various vital signs and other data will freeze.

This actually makes completing daily training more difficult and rewarding.

A few incisions when going to the toilet, a few more stitches when walking, wouldn't it be easy to do an hour of practice at the end of the day?

The second change is in capabilities.

Xu Qiu had obtained many passive skills before.

Such as [not afraid in the face of danger].

The more dangerous the operation, the calmer Xu Qiu's mentality will be, and the more stable his strength will be, and there is even the possibility of extraordinary performance.

【What everyone expects】

The more experts who observe, and the higher the status of the observers, the greater the improvement in surgical ability.

【Broken and then established】

Equivalent to a storage of fatigue value, physical fatigue will no longer affect Xu Qiu's surgical status.

However, there is also a side effect, that is, after the overload, Xu Qiu needs a few days to compensate for the stored fatigue value.

There are also affinity, rare disease sensitivity, etc...

The improvement these abilities bring to Xu Qiu is epic.

Such as separation surgery with complete cranial fusion.

This surgery is more difficult than imagined, even if one has a master's degree in cranial venous circuit reconstruction, a master's degree in extracranial and extracranial bypass, and has a perfect understanding of the human brain...

It is still as difficult as climbing to the sky to win it.

This is why, before Xu Qiu, at most some doctors had successfully tried to fuse and separate part of the brain, but no one had ever actually separated a completely fused brain.

Complete fusion... is equivalent to dividing two sets of blood vessels, nerves, and brain tissue in one head into two heads.

And both heads can be used.

Xu Qiu dared to challenge this operation, except that he had stored a large amount of energy potions and stamina potions, so he didn't need to worry about running out of energy.

The most important point is actually the abnormal surgical enhancement effects such as [not fearing in the face of danger], [breaking and then building], [returning to the public's expectations], etc.!

This brought Xu Qiu's surgical prowess to an unprecedented peak.

And now, after the system upgrade.

Behind every ability, there is a plus sign.

"Can it improve the effect of abilities?"

Xu Qiu was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

But soon he fell silent.

It is indeed possible to add points, but the conditions are rather stringent.

Every time you add points, you need to consume "patients".

To put it bluntly, every time Xu Qiu saves a patient, he will get one more point.

He originally thought that if the operation was more difficult, the patient's life was more critical, and the rescue was more difficult, he would receive a higher call.

But no!

This is in line with the basic principle of equality of life - the value of patients' lives is the same. Saving a patient with appendicitis and a bunch of conjoined twins who underwent craniocerebral separation surgery are both life-saving for the patient. There is no difference. divided.

Only in the eyes of doctors can there be external evaluation indicators such as surgical difficulty and surgical risks.

This mechanism can block bugs hard.

Crazy and low-difficulty surgeries can earn points quickly.


The system obviously knew Xu Qiu, and it was impossible for him to do such a thing.

"Don't be afraid to work harder in times of crisis. Four hundred patients need to be saved."

For an ordinary surgeon, it may take a year, or even several years, to treat patients.

However, the gain increase will definitely be significant.

Several other passive abilities also consume a lot of money.

Xu Qiu has accumulated 462 points since entering Linhai No. 1 Hospital.

On average, there are almost two surgeries a day.

If you just look at it this way, it’s not much.

However, a large part of Xu Qiu's operations lasted more than ten hours, and the brain separation lasted four days and three nights. In the end, it was only one operation and two lives.

"The affinity can be increased."

"There is also breaking and standing."

Adding affinity points requires 100 points.

[Broken and then established] Upgrade one level, slightly lower than Fearless in Danger, 350 points.

The former is Xu Qiu's key to improving the efficiency of outpatient clinics.

If the patient trusts him, his treatment will go more smoothly.

The latter is because - every time after overload, the feeling of weakness is too torturous.

And it lasts!

Upgrade this ability as soon as possible to reduce the side effects.


"The primary affinity upgrade is successful, and you obtain the intermediate affinity!"

"[Broken and then Restored] has been upgraded successfully. The fatigue value you can store has been slightly increased, and the compensation period has also been shortened!"

In the panel.

[Break and then establish +1]


There is only one +1 at the end? Is it so sloppy?

However, Xu Qiu did feel that the price he paid for a complicated operation should be much lower.

The points are taken from the patients and used for the patients. This system can be more or less a bodhisattva.

After that, Xu Qiu explored other changes in the system.

For example, the surgery ranking list is more prominent and appears directly in the sky of the Mind Palace.

It can be seen that Xu Qiu is currently ranked first in the world in craniocerebral separation surgery, and no one among humans can beat him.

There is also surgery. After various master-level surgeries, there is an additional progress bar, indicating the experience required to upgrade to the next level "perfect surgery".

What surprised Xu Qiu was that several perfect surgeries, such as perfect spinal cord separation and perfect manual hemostasis, actually had a plus sign at the end!

Xu Qiu, who had just tried to add points to his abilities, naturally knew what this meant...

Above perfection, there are levels!

But unfortunately, these plus signs are now gray and cannot be viewed, let alone upgraded.

Nevertheless, this also gave Xu Qiu a hope.

After studying the upgraded system, Xu Qiu plunged into the simulated operating room to practice.

However, in the middle of the next operation, the door of the office was knocked.

Xu Qiu was also forced to suspend the operation.

At this moment, in the simulated operating room, the blood that he checked the "heavy bleeding" accident instantly solidified in mid-air, forming a strange picture.

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