Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 330 New clinical guidelines, the rise of naproxen!

Xu Qiu's eyes were burning, but his tone was calm and calm. He said:

"In clinical practice, when faced with a patient with advanced cancer who needs surgery and chemotherapy as soon as possible but has repeated fever, how should we deal with him?"

The doctors were all silent.

This type of patient has always been the most troublesome type for the frontline.

In the case of persistent fever, surgery or chemotherapy are extremely risky.

In this dilemma, doctors can only take their chances and choose the safest option for treatment after weighing the pros and cons.

As for whether it is the most suitable, no one knows.

After all, in front of life, side effects and sequelae are not very important. Lowering the temperature and completing surgery and chemotherapy are the most important.

In the conference room, Xu Qiu paused for a few seconds and gave a direct answer.

"In addition to conventional cooling methods, naproxen may be a new clue."

In the meeting, Xu Qiu shared the screen.

It recorded an experiment.

"Naproxen experiment."

Xu Qiu briefly introduced it.

In 1984, a doctor named Chang JC accidentally found that after 15 patients with malignant fever took naproxen orally, 14 of them quickly cooled down, and the body temperature did not rebound during the medication period; in contrast, the other five patients with fever due to infection also took naproxen, but none of them reduced their fever.

Since then, naproxen has gained a reputation as a "cancer fever killer" in a small range, and some not-so-well-known literature has appeared in the industry.

It was not until 1995 that a gynecologist in the United States determined that naproxen had an extremely strong antipyretic effect on gynecological malignant tumor cancer fever and published an SCI paper. Only then was naproxen's symptomatic treatment of cancer fever confirmed.

In 2005, the naproxen experiment began.

That is, the experimenters took 375mg of naproxen capsules orally each time, twice a day, for three days. After taking the medicine, the body temperature of the cancer fever patients quickly returned to normal, and the state of mental depression was also improved.

Since then, it can be regarded as a new indication for naproxen.

Unfortunately, no matter how professional the paper is or how shocking the conclusion is, it is possible to be buried in the vast sea of ​​literature.

Although naproxen is good, it is only good for clinicians and patients.

How much money can be made with a price of a few dollars a box?

Medicine is not a paradise. Interests and capital are also interfering in this field.

Foreign countries are monopolizing and making money by relying on patent fees, royalties and technical barriers.

Take the cardiovascular department where Linhai Small Caliber Blood Vessel is located as an example. In the past, McCormick and Terumo completely controlled the domestic artificial blood vessel market. When it was the most scarce, the entire hospital only had one or two artificial blood vessels in stock.

In addition to blood vessels, as small as Johnson \u0026 Johnson's Prolene surgical sutures, Gore's Gore-Tex sutures, and high-end equipment such as pacemakers and ECMO, are all strangled by foreign countries, just like the field of wafers.

Naproxen, which costs a few dollars, is an old drug from 50 or 60 years ago. The technology and patents have long been fully disclosed.

If it is widely used in clinical practice, the impact on foreign pharmaceutical companies in this industry will be extremely huge, and the market loss is difficult to estimate.

Therefore, until now, although naproxen has the name of "cancer fever killer", it has been firmly pressed in those pages of literature and is difficult to be known.

Even Xu Qiu, if he had not encountered many patients with repeated fevers and had basically read all the literature related to "fever causes" in human history, he would not have known that there was such a wonderful drug as naproxen.

"Including naproxen in clinical practice, I have summarized that there are two major meanings.

First, it can avoid the ineffective use of antibiotics and reduce the pain and damage to patients caused by repeated infection-related examinations.

On the other hand, and most importantly, the early use of naproxen can avoid delays in the treatment of malignant tumors!"

After more than an hour of lecture, Xu Qiu gave the last suggestion.

In the conference room, everyone in the Oncology Department of Linhai First Hospital applauded excitedly.

All over the country, colleagues who were watching this online lecture were also shocked, and their hearts were inexplicably excited.


There are many cancer patients in various hospitals who have repeated and persistent fevers, but anti-infection and anti-allergic drugs are ineffective.

The naproxen mentioned in this lecture gave many oncologists ideas!

The University of China is too big. There is not only Union Hospital, not only the top three hospitals, but also only Xu Qiu.

There are too many community hospitals and grassroots hospitals that also treat cancer patients.

They are helpless and overwhelmed in the face of patients' strange fevers, and Xu Qiu's lecture gave them a new diagnostic direction!

Ding Dong——

Ten minutes after the lecture, an article was published on the entire network through Xu Qiu's personal account on various platforms.

"Naproxen, the nemesis of cancer fever, a 4.8 yuan wonder drug!"

The first sentence of the opening, "The pathogenesis of cancer fever has not yet been elucidated. Similarly, no one knows the pharmacological mechanism of naproxen against cancer fever", made countless colleagues and netizens sigh.

"However, numerous clinical trials and literature have shown that it is very effective in treating fever caused by tumors, with a rapid cooling effect and a very low chance of rebound!"

This second sentence made countless people's eyes light up and excited.

After writing a 2,000-word popular science article, Xu Qiu summarized the range of tumors that naproxen is suitable for, as mentioned in the lecture.

In fact, it is a list of tumors that are prone to cancerous fever.

These include "giant lymphadenopathy, Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, renal cancer, liver cancer and ovarian cancer" and so on.

The repeated fever of these tumor patients is the best indication for the use of naproxen.

It is a standard answer directly given to colleagues and patients who are still confused.

In addition, the influence brought by Xu Qiu's lecture has exceeded the limit of a popular science lecture.

The main reason is that both the industry and the province have a high degree of trust in Xu Qiu himself.

That is why, after consulting with Xu Qiu, Baiyun Province directly purchased in volume and started price negotiations with naproxen manufacturers.

The final price was determined to be further reduced from 4.8 yuan to 4.29 yuan. Since then, Baiyun Province has launched collective procurement of the drug and distributed it to major hospital pharmacies in the province as needed.

Some places outside the province are still watching.

A few days later, the official WeChat account of a Class II hospital in Sichuan Province posted:

"A 47-year-old female patient in our hospital began to have repeated fever on the third day of hospitalization after a puncture biopsy confirmed ovarian adenocarcinoma.

On the same day, she was treated with moxifloxacin for anti-infection, but there was no improvement after six days of treatment;

Subsequent antibiotic upgrades still had no effect.

Since the patient had advanced ovarian cancer, surgery and chemotherapy were urgent. The whole hospital consultation was helpless against fever and could only try chemotherapy at risk.

At the critical moment, our hospital accidentally saw naproxen mentioned in Dr. Xu Qiu's lecture, and immediately asked the family to buy it and take the medicine immediately. Three hours later, the patient's body temperature and heart rate returned to normal!

Thanks to Dr. Xu Qiu for his selfless guidance. Naproxen is indeed the nemesis of cancer fever!"

This was just the beginning.

Next, a crazier scene appeared.

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