Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 372 Perfect simulation! Impeccable artificial blood vessels!

"The rare earth permanent magnet project includes five core technological innovations, such as 'organization regulation technology of rare earth permanent magnets', 'low-cost dual-phase Ce permanent magnet preparation technology', etc. This achievement may be used in national key projects such as Shenzhou spacecraft and Tiangong-1 in the future, breaking the bottleneck of special metal permanent magnet production and application...

But in the end, it only got 81 points!

I think Xu Qiu's achievement is a bit shaky!"

"Rare earth is Daxia's trump card. This kind of technological innovation is actually just adding fuel to the rare earth industry, which is already a research hotspot. It is still a bit difficult to get a high score.

What kind of monsters were the first prizes before?

For example, the "Laser Forming Technology of Large Complex Integral Components of Aircraft Titanium Alloys" directly made us the only one in the world to break through the laser rapid forming of large main load-bearing structural parts of aircraft titanium alloys. technology and realize the installation and application of the country!"

"In this way, Xu Qiu's Linhai small blood vessels may not be very competitive. After all, it is just a newly developed product and there are still many shortcomings..."

"Considering the significance of the results and the broad market, it should be able to win the first prize!"

"Yes, the pulsed strong magnetic field project mainly scores because it can provide an ideal research platform for scientific research in the fields of condensed matter physics, materials, magnetism, chemistry, life and medicine. It is the cornerstone of countless cutting-edge science and technology, so it can get 97 points.

Xu Qiu's research now monopolizes the world, and it can completely make Daxia have a top artificial blood vessel group comparable to McCoy and Terumo. If smaller caliber blood vessels are launched in the future, it can even surpass them..."

The word monopoly is the purest and most crazy profit.

McKowy and others have to compete with countless competitors for the market, but for Linhai small blood vessels, there is no opponent.

During the patent protection period of the next 20 years, all patients who meet the indications worldwide will only have the option of Linhai small blood vessels.

This is not the most terrible thing.

What's more frightening is that doctors and hospitals are addicted to the use of medical devices. After twenty years of habit formation, they will completely abandon the imitations and competitors that will emerge later.

Price war?

After making money for twenty years and polishing industrialization to the extreme, Linhai Small Blood Vessels must have controlled the cost to an extremely low point, which is absolutely unmatched by followers.

Linhai Small Blood Vessels can reduce the price to 10,000 yuan or 5,000 yuan, but... do competitors have this cost control ability?

At 5,000 yuan, Linhai Small Blood Vessels can still make a few thousand yuan with its production capacity advantage, but competitors have already started to lose money.

This amazing market potential and economic benefits will be the basis for Linhai Small Blood Vessels to win the first prize and even be eligible to compete for the special prize...



The smart temperature control special box was placed on the table, making a dull sound.

Yang Chenxi and Ren Chao did not rush to open it, but retreated behind Xu Qiu.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xu Qiu, looking forward to it.

"People who have paid attention to the medical community should be familiar with the seaside small blood vessels." Xu Qiu spoke lightly, his voice was gentle and his eyes were calm.

Everyone nodded unconsciously.

Not only people who pay attention to the medical community?

This thing has broken through the foreign technology blockade and achieved 100% domestic core technology. It not only fills the gap in domestic self-developed artificial small blood vessels, but also breaks the industry-recognized "6mm forbidden zone"!

A great medical technology destined to go down in history.

When it was first developed, the Internet and various media news reported it everywhere. The elderly far away in the forest could learn about this event from the news broadcast, and knew that there were seaside small blood vessels in China and a person like Xu Qiu.

"In the past few months, we have continued to upgrade the technology of Linhai small blood vessels.

First, according to the usage habits of Daxia clinicians, we changed part of the design to enable better and faster surgery.

We have also made improvements to the weaving process and multi-layer structure that are more clinically suitable and more universal!

And according to different surgeries and patient needs, we have developed a total of seven more detailed blood vessel classifications based on Linhai small blood vessels!

For example, for arteries with aneurysms or occlusive diseases, we use bovine collagen and double-velvet woven polyester, and introduce heparin anticoagulant coating CB AS, which can greatly improve the anti-thrombotic and patency rate of artificial blood vessels.

For patients who need multiple punctures, we have developed another subspecies, which sandwiches a silicone layer in the middle of the synthetic structure to increase the puncture resistance of the blood vessel.

For blood vessel transplantation in areas with greater mobility and possible compression by joints or organs,

we have added external reinforcement membranes and external support rings on the basis of the small blood vessels in the sea, which can prevent aneurysms, prevent anastomotic tearing, have strong ductility, and the ability to resist distortion and deformation is also unmatched by other blood vessels on the market..."

While Xu Qiu was narrating, Yang Chenxi and Ren Chao opened the low-temperature transfer box with the former's eye instructions.

There appeared a series of small blood vessels in the sea that were similar but in appearance very close to natural blood vessels.

And in the center, there was a white experimental pig blood vessel.

Then, the staff brought a microscope.

The image under the microscope was also projected onto the huge screen at the back.

Everyone was surprised to find that the microscopic structure, details, flow surface, porosity, etc. of the small blood vessels in Linhai and pig blood vessels were exactly the same.

After cutting open, the multi-layer structure of the artificial blood vessels was also extremely similar to that of natural pig blood vessels.

The inner layer of natural blood vessels is a single layer of endothelial cells, anchored on a thin basal layer composed of various proteins.

Linhai small blood vessels, on the other hand, use decellularized porcine great saphenous veins as a substitute, providing an anti-thrombotic surface and ensuring good biocompatibility and regenerative activity.

The middle layer uses modified polyester fabric with silk protein impregnation coating to further reduce rejection reactions and promote endothelial cell attachment and growth.

This is also the layer with the greatest variation in different subtypes. Some have added silicone layers, and some have woven central spiral stents. The properties are very different, but the base is still Linhai small blood vessels, ensuring the stability of the finished product.

The outer layer is equally excellent.

However, this is the core secret of Linhai small blood vessels. The nitrate functional material independently developed by Xu Qiu and Linhai Research Institute reacts multiple times in the body in an incredible way, and finally generates the future molecule-nitric oxide.

And this is the killer of Linhai small blood vessels.

It is also the most critical technology of its extracellular matrix with excellent performance and infinitely close to the vascular wall of natural blood vessels.

Now this technology is firmly in the hands of Xu Qiu. Yang Chenxi, Ren Chao and others only know part of it. They need to hold a high-level meeting and vote before they can process the outer layer of the blood vessels.

After the microscopic display of the results, the review site was silent.

It looks like it, too much like it!

Even many academicians and masters of the medical field in the venue could not tell the difference between natural blood vessels and small blood vessels in the sea.

"How... is it possible?!"

In the front row of the venue, an old academician wearing black-framed glasses had a dull look on his face.

"Even Mr. Song was shocked?" The surrounding research institutes were shocked.

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