Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 393: One person, one journal, crushing the medical community!

Papers submitted to SCI, BMJ, and even The Lancet are actually improvements on existing surgeries.

For example, Poppen performs surgery on tumors in the third ventricle and pineal region.

Xu Qiu focused on the problem that the great cerebral venous system shifts in different directions due to different origins of tumors.

And how to deal with thickened arachnoid membrane and more.

In essence, from 1 to 1.5, more improvements have been made on the original basis, and it is more suitable for clinicians, eliminating the bad and retaining the good.

However, what Xu Qiu wants to do now is to disclose the teaching method of the original surgery!

Today, the founding surgery has been taught in clinical medicine, and trainee doctors, Joseph and other famous doctors have almost mastered it.

However, globally, this is still a monopolized surgery.

What Xu Qiu wants to do is to completely open up teaching!

This is also the most appropriate approach after comprehensive consideration.

First, as the number of people pursuing advanced studies increases and famous foreign doctors return to China, this surgery will quickly lose its mystery.

The surgery textbook that Xu Qiu painstakingly compiled will probably be completely leaked.

Rather than passively leaking it, Xu Qiu should take the initiative to announce it.

the second.

The Linhai small blood vessel factory has been built and is about to be mass-produced and sold all over the world.

If there are not a sufficient number of clinicians who master this surgery, no matter how superior the performance of this small blood vessel is and how groundbreaking the technology is, it will not be possible to go abroad.

Due to multiple factors, Xu Qiu chose to perform small blood vessel replacement surgery at this time.


Xu Qiu does not intend to submit this paper to any top journals such as SCI and The Lancet.

Instead, it was published in Linyi's own publication "Linhai Doctor".

Although other papers are amazing enough, they are actually not that important. They need to use the platform of top journals to expand their influence.


This pioneering surgery, which has attracted worldwide attention, does not need to rely on any external objects!

On the contrary, if it is published on "Linhai Doctor", it can instantly raise its grade and sales will explode.

Perhaps one day in the future, "Linhai Doctor" will become one of the most influential journals in the medical field.

A core journal that originated as a hospital publication...

The simplicity and condensation of surgical textbooks are more complicated than Xu Qiu imagined.

However, a week later, the compilation was finally completed.

Wang Shengde received the news immediately and rushed to Xu Qiu's office.

"Really?!" He was so excited that he was trembling as he spoke.

The director of the Propaganda Department stared blankly, with a look of shock on his face: "Do you really want to publish it in Linhai University... This is just a hospital publication. In the past, I would just find some doctors to write some articles, but there has never been any Such hard-core content!”

Hospital publications, even for internal staff, are essentially for publicity and group gathering.

How can there be any paper worth a thousand dollars!

If you choose any serious journal, it will be more suitable and more widely disseminated than Linhai Doctor.

After Wang Shengde calmed down, he also nodded.

There really isn’t much that can be said about our own publications…

Last time it sold more than 7,000 copies, it was because of a Xu Qiu special feature.

Xu Qiu shook his head: "No need, just put it in "Linhai Doctor"."

The initial operation is from 0 to 1.

Any doctor who wants to learn this surgery will try his best to buy a copy. This is one of the very few papers that does not rely on a platform. Just the words "Xu Qiu" and "Founding Surgery" are enough to cause a stir in the academic world.

Xu Qiu thought for a while and said: "The online reservation channel will be opened first, and it will be officially released in a week."

The director of the Propaganda Department swallowed his saliva and said, "Okay, do you have any other instructions?"

Wang Shengde added: "Since the founding surgery is going to be announced, all the previously scheduled manuscripts will be returned and replaced with valuable academic papers!

If you can't get it together, just use the surgery Xu Qiu had done before! "

Xu Qiu: "Oh, no need. I also wrote six or seven more papers by the way. Just put them up together."


Wang Shengde and the other two were stunned.

I have submitted seventeen papers before, and the quality is extremely high, and even the directors of countless core domestic journals have come to request manuscripts.

I haven’t seen you for a few days, and there are six or seven more articles? !

Is this writing a paper?

How can it be as simple as eating and drinking!

"Can...can you take a look?" Wang Shengde was almost numb.

Xu Qiu brought too many surprises.

Just one pioneering surgery can lift "Linhai Doctor" to a height never seen since the hospital was founded.

If Xu Qiu's thesis is added to it, it will be a direct winner!


Xu Qiu is not a specialist.

He is best known for his decathlon.

Therefore, the papers he writes are in various directions, departments, and fields. The contents never overlap, and each of them can become a masterpiece in the relevant field!

For other doctors, there is a big disadvantage in having too many papers.

Be limited to a certain field, or use certain conclusions over and over again.

However, Xu Qiu does not have this problem at all!

Once he made a move, he was actually no different from countless big guys publishing papers in "Linhai Doctor" at the same time!


Xu Qiu responded lightly and handed Wang Shengde the papers he had written in the past few days.

The latter still found it incredible: "You are working in the outpatient clinic and performing surgery, where do you have time to write a paper..."

As he said, he opened the paper.

The content is the same as previously guessed, spanning various fields of medicine.

For example, the diagnosis and treatment experience of rare diseases.

The diagnostic value of clinical palpation of lymph nodes and B-ultrasound scanning...

Total laryngectomy and neck dissection for laryngeal cancer...

Each paper is based on Xu Qiu's master-level experience.

Not to mention Wang Shengde, even Academician Chen, Lin Xie and others would be amazed after reading it.

"This... Is "Linhai Great Doctor" really worthy?" Wang Shengde felt inferior.

The director of the publicity department also opened his mouth in astonishment: "Why does it feel that the quality of this issue of the publication is better than many core journals..."

Xu Qiu was thoughtful.

The significance of this pioneering surgery is beyond doubt.

However, how good it is, whether it is just an early substitute after the birth of Linhai small blood vessels, is not known to outsiders.

Many doctors believe that as soon as the Linhai small blood vessels came out, the corresponding surgeries immediately emerged, which must be just the surgeries that just passed the passing line.

From common sense, this is also true.

After all, just developing the Linhai small blood vessels is already a nearly impossible task.

Creating a new and perfect surgery is even more unrealistic.


Xu Qiu has a simulated surgery practice room!

For several months, he honed and improved it crazily, and finally polished it to perfection.

However, except for clinical doctors and interns, no one knew that this was a mature surgery.

Therefore, an opportunity is needed.

Only by showing the superiority of this surgery to the public and peers can its influence be further expanded and truly affect the entire industry.

Xu Qiu has been preparing for this for a long time.

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