Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 4 Random Mission: Car Accident Rescue

Instantly, the entire emergency department hall was noisy again.

"Hurry up and open the emergency passage!"

"Another car of wounded has been sent here! Those who are free, hurry up!"

Accompanied by the urgent call, the urgent sound of ambulance sirens suddenly sounded outside the hospital.

Liu Susu's face became serious.

She grabbed a passing intern and

ordered: "Send the patient back to the ward!"

Interns are useless in such a big scene.

They can only do some odd jobs.

For example, push the patient back.

Liu Susu turned and rushed to the emergency department hall and joined the rescue team.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qiu felt a little powerless.

The loss of the disease, the influence of anesthetics, and the physical damage and mental exhaustion caused by the operation made him very tired.

He could only recuperate first.

On the way back to the ward, Xu Qiu heard a lot of wailing.

He tilted his head to look.

In the emergency department hall, the wounded filled the passage.

Different partitions housed patients with different degrees of danger.

There were still many injured people sitting on both sides of the corridor, their eyes were dazed, and they seemed not to have recovered from the major car accident just now.

Critically ill patients were pushed to the emergency room with blood all over their bodies, and their family members knelt beside the waiting chairs in the hall, praying hoarsely with tears in their eyes.

Crying sounded one after another.

Xu Qiu witnessed all these scenes, and his heart seemed to be twisted into a ball.

The hospital was short of manpower, and even interns were dragged to the battlefield.

If I join... maybe, I can save one or two more people?

He has a practicing physician certificate, although he has not been hired, but in an emergency, it is not considered a violation.

Thinking of this, Xu Qiu gritted his teeth and sat up from the bed while the anesthetic was still strong.

"Classmate, put me down, I want to go..."

Xu Qiu shouted, but found that the intern was tense and confused, and seemed not to hear what he said.

He smiled helplessly.

The scene of the major car accident was very tragic.

Intestines were flowing out, brains were gushing out, and there were arms and legs all over the floor...

It was normal for the intern to be scared out of his wits when seeing these things for the first time.

Xu Qiu didn't have the heart to disturb the intern.

Taking advantage of the pause at the corner, he jumped off the bed and wandered around the emergency room.

After a while, he found the lounge.

He found a white coat and surgical slippers inside, and then joined the busy emergency team.

"What's the patient's condition?"

Xu Qiu asked, pulling a hastily transported emergency flatbed.

The nurse pushing the cart looked over.

The moment she saw Xu Qiu's face, her heart was moved.

So handsome!

However, the moment was not the time for romance, so she quickly reported:

"There was heavy bleeding due to the car accident, and emergency compression has been performed to stop the bleeding!"

Xu Qiu looked at the patient and quickly asked, "What's the pulse rate and pulse pressure?"

"The last pulse rate reported by the on-board instrument was 137, and the pulse pressure was 70/50. The pulse pressure difference was 20!"

Xu Qiu nodded.

This is a typical shock patient.

Moreover, it is the most serious shock!

Loss of consciousness, cold limbs, cyanosis of lips...

If he is not rescued as soon as possible, he may die at any time!

Xu Qiu checked the patient's neck.

After confirming that the cervical spine was not damaged, he tilted his head to one side.

This is to prevent vomiting and suffocation during coma.

It is the same as a drunk person lying on his side.

With the triple cover of white coats, nurses and patients, Xu Qiu successfully sneaked into the emergency room.

Just as he entered the emergency room, a voice sounded in Xu Qiu's mind again.


"Trigger a random task!"

"Task requirements: rescue a car accident!"

"Task rewards: generous rewards will be issued based on the rescue process rating, rescue success rate, number of rescued people, etc.!"

"Ding! During the random task, the experience points obtained will be doubled!"

Xu Qiu was surprised.

There was an unexpected gain!

He cheered up and quickly got into the state.

At the same time, the nurse had already started to transfer the patient to the rescue bed.

Seeing this, Xu Qiu quickly gave orders:

"Open two intravenous channels!"

"High-flow oxygen inhalation!"

"Urgent blood for blood gas analysis, check electrolytes, creatinine, urea nitrogen, blood coagulation..."

"Prepare bedside chest X-ray, pull ECG, electrocardiogram monitoring, urine routine..."

The nurses immediately got busy.

The various instruments and catheters were connected to the patient.

Xu Qiu came to the bedside,

according to the life monitor and the patient's clinical manifestations, he quickly determined the rescue drugs:

"Quick 2000ml Ringer's solution!"

"200ml of low molecular weight dextran every 10 minutes!"

"Quick intramuscular injection of diazepam 10 mg!"


The emergency room is the place where adrenaline soars the most.

A medication error or delay in timing may cause the patient to die.

But at the same time, if the medication is used correctly and the timing is well grasped, the dying patient can quickly pull back the heart rate and escape from danger.

"He's back!"

As the drugs were injected, the values ​​on the life monitor rose, and cheers broke out in the emergency room.

"Arrange the operating room and prepare for the operation."

After Xu Qiu finished speaking, he rushed to the next emergency room.

In his mind, there was another voice.

"Rescue rating: S-level."

"Number of people successfully rescued: 1!"

In the emergency room at this time,

the nurses finally came to their senses as they watched Xu Qiu go away.

"Hey, is there such a handsome doctor in our department?"


At the same time.

The intern finally pushed the bed back to the inpatient ward.

He said woodenly:

"Can you sit up? Go back to the bed by yourself... Shit!"

The intern was stunned as he looked at the empty flat bed.

Where's the person!

A living patient!

He quickly called Liu Susu to report.

On the other side,

Liu Susu was helping to transfer and classify the patient's risk level in the emergency channel.

When she looked up, she suddenly saw a familiar handsome face.

The other party was shuttling between the emergency rooms and participating in the rescue.

Liu Susu said blankly:

"I'm so tired that I'm hallucinating."

How could someone who had just finished surgery appear in the emergency room?

She shook her head, pushed the patient's flat bed, and rushed to the operating room.

On the way, her work phone rang.

She quickly picked up the phone.

After a moment,

Liu Susu suddenly turned back to look in the direction of the emergency room and said in shock: "That... is that Xu Qiu?!"


In the emergency department lobby, in the emergency room.

Deputy Director He Hai was in a hurry, shuttling between the emergency rooms.

As the deputy director,

he did not need to participate in routine rescue.

Only those rescues that were ineffective according to the procedures, or emergency events, would he be asked to take over.

"Needle aspiration, I guess there is internal bleeding in the abdominal cavity."

In an emergency room, He Hai listened with a stethoscope for a few seconds and made a judgment.

The doctor in the operating room immediately did so.

After a moment, a tube of dark red blood appeared in the empty needle tube.

At the same time, the patient's heart rate began to rise after falling, and soon returned to normal.

"It's done, Director He, it's amazing!" Everyone in the emergency room was excited.

He Hai nodded slightly, put his hands behind his back, and walked calmly to the next emergency room.

As soon as he opened the door, his face suddenly changed!

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