Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 415 No matter how good the medical skills are, they can’t save people’s hearts

It's not about stuffing red envelopes.

Not to mention asking Xu Qiu or the hospital to advance the medical expenses.

The farmer wiped the tears from his face and said: "Doctor, I beg you, don't save him, let him die like this!"


This sentence made Yang Yuen's heart explode. She looked horrified and couldn't believe her ears.

Give up rescue?

Leave your son to die? !

Yang Yuen thought about several scenarios, such as the old father kneeling down to save his son, or selling pots and iron to collect medical expenses, etc., but he did not expect that this simple, dark-skinned old man went all the way to find Xu Qiu just to get the hospital to give up the rescue.


Yang Yu'en was about to ask a question, but immediately paused, held back his words, and looked at Xu Qiu quietly.

Xu Qiu nodded slightly: "Ask."

Then she exhaled, helped the farmer up, and said, "Why did you give up the rescue?"

"The family has no money."

"I don't have any money...didn't you say you had to save it back then?"

The farmer lowered his head: "Because the contractor thought that my son would definitely die. If he died, he would only pay a few hundred thousand."

Yang Yuen couldn't understand, "But now he is alive. As long as the surgery continues, he will definitely survive!"

The farmer raised his head, looked at Yang Yuen with his sunken eyes and said, "Then do you think he can still work on the construction site in the future?"

"This... probably won't work. Being able to recover the ability to take care of oneself is already the best outcome."

"The contractor also knew that he was afraid that our family would cause trouble for him in the future and hold him responsible for the rest of his life, so he gave us 1.5 million in one lump sum... This is 1.5 million, three times the amount. Compensation!"

Yang Yuen was silent for a long time: "But isn't it appropriate to bear the responsibility for a lifetime?"

The farmers laughed when they heard this, and they laughed miserably and ugly, "There are so many people in our village who go out to work, and there are also many people in their 60s and 70s working on the construction site. If you fall to death, you will be compensated hundreds of thousands. If you fall to death, you will be compensated hundreds of thousands." A half-dead person can be compensated several times over, but I’ve never seen someone cover a lifetime of medical expenses.”

Yang Yuen didn't react: "Didn't many places issue regulations in the past few months? Elderly people are not allowed to enter the construction site."

"We are not allowed to work... Do we want to work? We have no money. If we don't work, we can't afford food... As soon as this regulation came out, we could have equal pay with young people for equal work, but as a result, the construction site was suppressed. Our price used to be two to three hundred yuan a day, but now the boss won’t hire old guys like us. If we want to use it, we will take risks, and we can only pay one hundred yuan. It’s hard!”

Yang Yuen didn't know what to say.

She realized that the phrase "can't afford to eat" spoken by the old peasants was not the young man jokingly saying that he could not afford to eat when he was holding the latest mobile phone and using almost luxurious cosmetics.

What he said was that he really couldn't afford to eat a grain of rice. A few dollars a pound of rice was a heavy burden on his shoulders.

"But don't you all have 1.5 million yuan in compensation? Why don't you treat me if you have money?"

After asking this question, without waiting for the farmer to answer, Yang Yuen stood back to Xu Qiu with a sullen face.

She is not a lofty "expert", but she also understands the sufferings of the world.

A rural man can only lie in bed like a vegetable, and someone has to be taken care of. How many families can afford it?

"Then what are you waiting for? Just go through the procedures and leave the hospital quickly." Yang Yuen sighed.

It is not easy to give up the rescue. All you have to do is sign a disclaimer and go through the discharge process. No hospital will stop you, and no hospital dares to stop you.

Not even Xu Qiu could do anything for this kind of abandoned patient.

He is just a doctor.

Going beyond the power of treating illnesses and saving lives, and frantically wanting to save everyone, this is no longer a doctor.

Sooner or later something will go wrong.

"Can't be discharged from the hospital." At this time, the farmer shook his head firmly.

"What do you mean by not being discharged from the hospital? If you don't save him, you won't be discharged from the hospital. Do you want him to die in the hospital?" Yang Yuen found it unreasonable.

The farmer nodded hesitantly: "1.5 million was used to buy a house for my younger son, and part of it was used to renovate the old house. Even dead people can't go there. It's bad luck."

At this moment, Yang Yuen fell completely silent.

She didn't know when the family members left. She only knew that when she came to her senses, Xu Qiu was already dealing with various medical records as if nothing had happened.

"Sit yourself."

Xu Qiu said to Yang Yuen without raising his head.


Yang Yuen sat down on the sofa and was silent for a long time. He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Actually, this is quite good. If the rescue is forced, the patient will have a very difficult life and the quality of life will be extremely low.

Moreover, the family, the construction site boss, and society all had to pay a huge price for raising and treating him.

After he died, everyone was relieved, no one was burdened, and his family could still receive 1.5 million yuan in compensation. "

Xu Qiu glanced at Yang Yuen.

Although this statement is very cruel, there is some truth to it.

Xu Qiu himself, including all parties in the hospital, actually wanted the patient to survive more than his family members and relatives.

But sometimes, even if you have medical skills, you may not be able to put them to use... If you really need help, the medical expenses are a trivial matter, only a few hundred thousand, and Xu Qiu can afford it.

But who will be responsible for his long life in the future, and who will pay the bill?

The family members are unwilling to save a person who has been given up by his loved ones, and the doctor can only sigh.

That night, the farmer signed a dozen disclaimers.

Including refusing oxygen, refusing ECG monitoring, refusing tracheal intubation, refusing antibiotics to fight infection, etc.

Even the most basic infusion was stopped.

In the middle of the night, the patient woke up and felt the pain in his body. He let out a heart-wrenching wail.

The farmer stood outside the ward all night, but he never had the courage to open the door of the ward.

The next morning, he found Xu Qiu again.

"Doctor, please change my son to a VIP ward and give him the best painkillers."

Xu Qiu nodded.

Yang Yuen didn't understand. After the family members left, he said angrily: "What is this, crocodile tears? Or is it to comfort your conscience?"

Xu Qiu patted the thick medical records on the table.

The young intern Shi Lian ran over and picked him up, preparing to send him back to the inpatient department in a while.

"Let's go, hand over the shift early." Xu Qiu touched his empty pocket and skillfully took the red pen handed over by Yang Yuen.

The focus of this morning handover was undoubtedly the patient with sunken face who was admitted last night.

Yun Mei, the doctor on duty, read out the handover record:

“The family refused all effective treatment measures, and the patient’s condition continued to deteriorate. Since there was no ECG monitoring, it was impossible to determine the patient’s specific physical condition…”

This paragraph made all the doctors present sigh.

Linyi was a small hospital before, so many doctors actually had no background and came from rural areas.

They knew very well that a truly poor farmer could not support a person who had no ability to work and even needed constant care, even if the person was an only child.

What’s more, the patient had a young brother at home…

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