Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 420: Taking an unconventional approach! Super unpopular surgery!

The doctors in the assessment field correspond to various departments, some are cardiac surgeons, some are gastroenterologists, hepatobiliary departments, etc.

There are two or three comparisons between circumcision and urology doctors.

It can be said that the twenty doctors on stage can almost form an all-round surgical team.

And there are 300 people in the Great Hall, covering almost all departments, which is more than enough to build a hospital!

Xu Qiu did not show extremely amazing abilities in a certain department, a certain field, or a certain operation.

But... all medical skills!

In Wang Shengde's words, he is really a decathlete.

As long as a system is established in any field, top geniuses and talents will surely emerge.

There will also be generals among short men.

However, there is no one who can truly master all subjects!

Noah's medical skills were inherited from the father of hand surgery. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one hand surgeon in the world today, and his status is even higher than that of Joseph.

However, if he were asked to undergo heart surgery, he would immediately go blind.

However at this moment,

Xu Qiuyou walked around various assessment sites. Each surgical operation spanned different fields and was even unrelated. However, the skills he displayed could only be described as perfect.

"Is there really a decathlon?" Noah recalled Wang Shengde's words again, and the shock in his pupils was extremely high.

At this time, the assessment waiting area was completely silent.

Forty minutes later, Xu Qiu completed the last operation, and at the same time the bell for the end of the assessment rang.

"Two minutes again, two minutes and twenty-nine seconds!"

"Is this still a human being?"

"Twenty assessments, Dr. Xu took forty minutes to complete them all, especially the suturing operations, he almost completed them in about a minute!"

"It's not just suturing, but also brain surgery and blood vessel transplantation. My hands are so fast that afterimages appear and I can't even see the details!"

"It's over, no one from the first group passed!"

The doctors waiting for the assessment now looked at each other, their previous excitement and confidence gone.

Only then did they finally realize how difficult it was to achieve the "half speed" Xu Qiu mentioned.

What is it that gives them the illusion that the assessment is easy?

This is Doctor Xu!

"Next group."

At this time, Xu Qiu flexed his wrist and started a new round of assessment without any pause.

For the doctors in the second group, the assessment content is already duplicated compared to the first group.

The vast majority of people are just ordinary people who practice or are good at skills that are actually highly replaceable and low-difficulty.

For example, percutaneous stent placement in the interventional department.

The real technical problem is how to pass various physiological bends, inflection points, blood vessel bifurcations, etc., and accurately position.

But there are very few doctors who can do this.

Most doctors are good at various approaches, or making slight differences when inserting catheters.

But is it difficult?

At least for Xu Qiu, it is almost the same as a beginner interventionist.

Clinical doctors, or those to be selected for this special assessment, are not the dispensable majority, but have unique abilities, or have abilities that are different from ordinary people in certain difficult surgeries and difficult operations. Genius of insights.

in other words,

Even if a doctor himself has nothing outstanding and is good at ordinary surgeries, he must at least practice this ordinary surgeries to the point of being extremely proficient.

At least he must be able to perform appendix surgery on himself like Xu Qiu did at that time.

Otherwise... why should I be specially hired?

Jingle Bell!

The assessment of the second group ended in only twenty minutes.

The assessment contents for eight people were repeated from the previous one, and the passing standards used were naturally the completion time of Xu Qiu's previous one.

"Site No. 1, completion time is seven minutes, passing standard is five minutes and twenty seconds, failed!"


"Site No. 20, completion time is nine minutes, passing standard is six minutes, failed!"

After the results were announced, everyone in the waiting area was dumbfounded.

There were two groups, forty people, and no one passed!

There are even very few people who can reach even half the speed of Xu Qiu. The fastest one is still nearly a minute away from passing!

"Next group." Xu Qiu's voice was still calm.

But in the ears of the examiner, this sentence became a bit colder and crueler.

Difficult, too difficult!

There is no comparison at all!

Doesn't he have any weaknesses?

The third group of assessors came on stage. This time the doctors were smarter. Some chose some unpopular operations and planned to take the wrong approach.

Hou Ning happened to be in this group. He suppressed the shock in his heart, and after some thought, he chose surgical resection of Madelung's disease.

He originally planned to undergo gastric cancer resection, but Xu Qiu had already demonstrated his dominance in gastric cancer resection before, so Hou Ning made a quick decision and chose a rare disease——

Madelung disease.

The scientific name is benign symmetric lipomatosis. The common clinical symptom is abnormal obesity, with symmetrically distributed, painless fat masses all over the body, some similar to Michelin tires.

What he wants to do is surgical resection of Madelong's disease!

Many people on the field naturally noticed this and were amazed.

"Rare disease surgery?"

"Maybe it will work! Madelung's disease is extremely rare in clinical practice. Many doctors have never seen it, let alone perform surgery. Dr. Xu may not be able to perform this unpopular surgery!"

"Yes, as long as he doesn't know how to do it, the speed will be reduced. Wouldn't it be easy to meet the assessment conditions?"

Hou Ning listened to the discussion in the distance and was immediately full of confidence.

Among the more than 300 doctors, not many have heard of Madelung's disease, and Xu Qiu should be very unfamiliar with this surgery.

And this is his chance to win.


A bell rang, the timer started, and at the same time, Hou Ning also started the surgery!

He looked extremely excited. The unpopular surgery might really work. He felt that he had already stepped half a foot into clinical medicine!

Cut the skin directly to the platysma layer...

Separate the skin flap...

Dissect from bottom to top, cut the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the tendon-like sternum one centimeter above the clavicle, and then suture...

Hou Ning was a little rusty, but his surgical skills were extraordinary, so he became more and more comfortable, and he was completely in the state in the second half.

Just then, a figure came in front of him.

His pupils shrank, "How could it be..."

Xu Qiu glanced at the test paper on the table, and his expression did not change.

It was as if Madelung's disease was just an ordinary fever and cold.


Xu Qiu put on new gloves and picked up the scalpel, and the instruments collided with a ping-pong sound.


As the brand new scalpel fell on the simulation dummy, Xu Qiu also started the operation.

Madelung's disease is a rare disease that cannot be cured. The patient is not simply fat. Even if he controls his diet and tries every way to lose weight, he cannot reduce the fat blocks in various parts of his body.

Therefore, the role of surgery is not so much a cure as it is to improve the appearance and give the patient a chance to become a normal person again.

The surgical method is quite ingenious.

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