Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 422 You may not believe it, but the professor has betrayed us!

"Doctor Xu, I'm done."

While Xu Qiu was lost in thought, Jiang Mai pressed the timer.

Xu Qiu's operation time: 1 minute and 50 seconds.

Jiang Mai's time: 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

This speed has surpassed most clinical doctors.

"Which department do you want to go to?" Xu Qiu asked.

Jiang Mai's skill...

Solid foundation and strong plasticity!

There is a lot of room for him to go to any department.

"Doctor Xu, where do you think I'm suitable for?"


Xu Qiu didn't have any selfish intentions.

Jiang Mai's skills are suitable for emergency rescue.

What's more important is his mentality.

After killing more than a thousand toads, castrating thousands of pigs, and peeling tens of thousands of skins, his heart has long been as cold as a killer on a rainy night. No matter how big the emergency department is, it is difficult for him to panic.

"Okay, I'll go to the emergency department!" Jiang Mai's eyes lit up.

After saying this, he suddenly paused, lowered his head somewhat unconfidently, "But, my school is just a first-class medical school, it doesn't even have an affiliated hospital, and my resume is ugly..."

Xu Qiu waved his hand: "Go to the examiner and go through the entry procedures with the chief examiner, Director He."

"Thank you, thank you, Dr. Xu, if it weren't for this assessment... I might not be able to get into the top three in my life..." Jiang Mai wiped his eyes, and I don't know when, this tall and thin man's eyes were red.

Xu Qiu suddenly remembered something, stopped and asked: "Are you financially well-off?"

Jiang Mai paused, "No, not very well-off... I borrowed the 20,000 yuan from my father, it was this year's wheat harvest."

"Find Director He and advance the bonus."

Jiang Mai raised his head in surprise, and before he could catch up with Xu Qiu to thank him, He Hai had already walked over with a smile.

"Xiao Jiang, right? I'm He Hai. You can just call me Lao He. I was the one who found Dr. Xu last year. Maybe you'll be the only one this year!" He Hai smiled kindly, looking at Jiang Mai, feeling that the next opportunity for excellence evaluation was right in front of him.

The other directors also gathered around.

How bad could a doctor who was recognized by Xu Qiu and stopped to watch for a few minutes be?

Jiang Mai is destined to be a future surgical star.

Now that he started from a humble background, it would be easier to deal with him in the future if he showed more kindness.


At this moment, the assessment site was completely boiling.

The first doctor who passed the assessment appeared!

"Is it him? A dull boy!"

"Yeah, I saw him during the preliminary review. He was sitting there alone, looking stupid. How could he be so good at surgery?"

"Damn, he wanted to exchange phone numbers with me at that time. I didn't think he was a smart person and refused. I felt that I missed the contact information of a future big boss!!"

"Me too. He said he wanted to meet more excellent doctors, but I ignored him!"

A large group of people regretted it.

In the assessment area, He Hai and others saw this scene and showed joy in their eyes.

What is the most important thing when recruiting?

Many people think it is ability.

This is completely wrong!

What the examiners care most about is actually the personality of the interviewee, to see if he can integrate into his department and team.

The second is ability and other aspects.

Even if Xu Qiu is an all-rounder, he cannot do without assistants, instrument nurses, washing nurses, anesthesiologists, etc.

If a doctor cannot handle the interpersonal relationships between the team well, no matter how strong his ability is, it is just an empty shell.

Before, He Hai and others were still worried that Jiang Mai's experience and personality would be too lonely.

But at this time, seeing him take the initiative to build relationships with so many people, and still not giving up after being rejected by more than a hundred people, just this point, he can quickly integrate into the big family of the emergency department!

"Welcome, Dr. Jiang Mai!" He Hai opened his hands and gave Jiang Mai a director's hug.

At this moment, Jiang Mai was completely accepted.


At this time, Noah, Abel and others on the foreign exchange group showed incredible eyes.

Noah: "This is... the person who was finally chosen after thousands of selections?"

Abel was so angry that he trembled: "What kind of crooked way is this? The method is messy and not in line with medical orthodoxy at all. Can this person be a doctor?"

In the exchange group, other doctors also looked at him with contempt.

Jiang Mai's medical skills were originally honed by various animals. He studied under an old Chinese doctor, a pig castrator, and a veterinarian. In his learning career, only an old Chinese doctor could be considered to be related to human medicine, but what he learned from the old Chinese doctor was to kill toads...

This is why Jiang Mai's method looks extremely strange in the eyes of Noah, Abel and others.

"Does your hospital have more standardized admission standards if Dr. Xu approves it? Just based on one person's judgment?" Abel found it incredible.

Wang Shengde was also shocked by Jiang Mai's method.

However, he was not worried at all, and said with great joy: "Yes, we believe in Dr. Xu's judgment alone! Moreover, the people he named and selected are not just those who passed the assessment. Jiang Mai must have great achievements!!"

Abel frowned: "If I were a patient, I would not want such a strange doctor to perform surgery!"

At this time, Yang Yuen, who was sitting next to Wang Shengde, said: "Aren't we going to exchange medical skills later? If you think he is not good enough, why don't you compete with him?"

Abel glanced at Yang Yuen and was stunned for a moment: "Why do I feel that you look familiar?"

Noah also cast a look: "I thought I was getting old and confused, Abel, I also felt like I had seen this lady somewhere."

Yang Yuen stood up and smiled politely at Noah: "Professor Noah, I once studied at the Cleveland Medical Clinic, and a few years ago I followed Professor Joseph to visit you in the Orthopedic Department!"

Noah's pupils widened a little: "Oh, it's you... Why did you come here?"

Yang Yuen: "Professor, I am already a doctor at Linhai First Hospital."

Noah smiled and said: "If I remember correctly, Joseph seemed to have mentioned that you are a very talented cardiac surgeon. He once said that he would keep you in the Cleveland Medical Center at all costs!

Now that he knows you are in Linyi, he will probably be so angry that he will tremble!"

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of the people in the Linyi Exchange Group twitched, looked at each other, and forced a smile.

Noah realized that the atmosphere was not right: "Why... Did Professor Joseph agree to let you leave Berry Country?"

Yang Yuen couldn't help laughing and said: "No, you may not know that Professor Joseph is now in the Department of Cardiac Surgery of Linyi. The Cleveland Medical Center has urged him to go back several times, but Professor Joseph doesn't want to leave!"

Wang Shengde turned his face away, his old face almost turned into a chrysanthemum with laughter.

This is all thanks to Xu Qiu!

The modified SUN-style surgery has difficulties in every step, and almost all of them require Xu Qiu to demonstrate the surgery in person before they can master it.

In addition, there are surgeries, but patients are not often available, so they need to wait for the right patients to see Xu Qiu perform modified SUN-style surgery...

If you miss it, there will be no chance to learn.

This led to Joseph, Saito Ye and other famous doctors not daring to leave Linyi for a moment!

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