Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 431: Crush! A major earthquake in hand surgery

In the past, it was difficult for clinicians to replant a broken finger distal segment, let alone a more severely damaged finger.

The diameter of the terminal vascular network is only small, and the walls are still thin and easily bruised. Therefore, it is almost impossible to reconstruct the venous circuit.

Noah's "terminal regeneration" is more of a new approach than a technological innovation.

The direction of his attack is actually not the distal knuckle replantation itself, but the related postoperative treatment.

As we all know, replantation of severed fingers requires the establishment of arterial blood supply and venous return systems at the same time, and both are indispensable. The most difficult thing about distal fingers is precisely the reconstruction of venous return.

The terminal regeneration technique cleverly utilizes small incision bloodletting and local heparinization, which can significantly reduce congestion and venous hypertension, improve circulation, and thereby increase the success rate.

This is an incredible skill. It is amazing enough to find a new direction in the difficult field of terminal replantation.

But even more incredible than this is that Noah and Abel met Xu Qiu...

The palm finger regeneration technique is more shocking than the ten end regenerations combined!

The artificial Y-shaped metacarpal bone alone has greatly expanded the application scope of replantation of broken hands, from the original broken fingers to patients with broken palms and missing metacarpal bones.

In addition, there is also toe transplant reconstruction.

The toes after Xu Qiu's trimming are very close to the original fingers in appearance. For some people, having a seemingly complete palm, even if the finger has no function, is great news.

What is most incomprehensible to Noah and others is the "finger regeneration" of the palm finger regeneration technique.

To be more precise, it is the regeneration of the distal knuckles!

The technique Xu Qiu used was unheard of.

He first expanded the medullary cavity of the proximal and distal bone segments and reset them to ensure the smoothness of the medullary cavity. Then he used a 0.8mm diameter Kirschner wire and a No. 7 syringe to fix the bone stent, and anastomosed the ends of each finger. Two branches on the digital arterial arch, sutured to the terminal branch of the digital nerve...

As for the most important venous circuit...

The enlarged bone marrow cavity is this venous circuit!

When he realized that Xu Qiu had replaced the venous network that could not be anastomosed with the bone marrow cavity, Noah stood up suddenly, his pupils deeply shocked.

He never thought that he could handle the problem of replanting a severed finger in this way!

The enlarged medullary cavity of the proximal and distal bone segments forms a relatively closed cavity, and the medullary cavity forms a new blood flow channel through the small blood vessels of the fingers and the blood vessels around the bone.

The pressure in the bone marrow cavity is higher, and it can flow back from the phalangeal venules and capillaries to the subcutaneous veins without any hindrance. After material exchange, it flows back to the veins of the replanted knuckles!


Just expanding a bone marrow cavity will certainly not be able to support such a complex distal finger replantation. If this can solve the problem, it will not become a problem that has troubled hand surgeons for a long time.

Xu Qiu also increased the number of arteriovenous vascular bridges in the medullary cavity and increased the blood flow in the medullary cavity. After these two steps, the medullary cavity can maintain the dynamic balance of arterial and venous return of the replanted knuckle and form a true blood circulation!

"Everyone, would you like to give me a score?" Wang Shengde was the first to recover from the shock.

He could see that when Xu Qiu performed the metacarpophalangeal regeneration surgery, he indeed integrated the blood vessel sleeves, non-shortening of the phalanges, etc. that he had provided.

But he never imagined that when Xu Qiu devoted himself to hand surgery for the first time, he would show such amazing results...


Noah took a deep breath, "What's the point? Dr. Xu's metacarpophalangeal regeneration technique is enough to bring new changes to hand surgery!"

Although Joseph was an amateur, he could still see how difficult the operation was.

However, after experiencing the improved SUN-style mental bombardment, when he saw the metacarpophalangeal regeneration surgery again, his expression became much calmer and he said: "If it is just the expansion of the bone marrow cavity, this surgery is nothing more than that, and it is not even as good as bloodletting with a small incision. .

However, Dr. Xu increased the number of blood vessel fractures, creatively expanded the blood flow, and maintained a dynamic balance of blood flow in the cavity!

This is also where the difficulty of the surgery is concentrated.

Even for Abel, it would be difficult to do this accurately, grasp the number of fractures, and control the fine-tuning of the balance point! "

Noah's white eyebrows raised: "Him? Don't say it's him, I'm afraid even I have to learn it hard to master the essence."

Upon hearing this, Joseph, Saitono and others looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Wang Shengde's joy was written on his face.

Over in Tiandu, at Jishuitan Hospital, his teacher, Professor Dai, the dean of hand surgery in Great Xia, was already very impressive and was well-deserved to be the number one hospital for hand surgery in the country.

Compared with it, a clinical doctor is not even as good as a little finger of the other party.

But if the heir to the mantle of the world's father of hand surgery and the world's first hand surgeon can stay in the clinic for a while, the situation may change!

It will definitely be impossible to surpass Jishuitan in a short time.

No matter how powerful Xu Qiu is, training as a doctor cannot be accomplished overnight.

However, clinical medicine can rely on Xu Qiu and Noah to attract hand surgery talents from all over the country to come and study!

After all, hand surgery textbooks are all in clinical practice. Who in this field doesn’t want to come and see it in person and learn a thing or two?

Even if Noah is used as a mascot, clinical medicine can be improved to several levels.

Before the game started, no one expected that the final outcome would be completely suspenseful.

Abel was not even worthy of being scored, and there was no comparison in front of Xu Qiu!

This scene made countless netizens who watched the live broadcast excited.

"Doctor Xu is awesome!"

"Xu is really awesome. The tenth in the world is nothing. This cactus regeneration technique is awesome!"

"Strictly speaking, Abel is not the tenth in the world. He and Dr. Xu are competing in hand surgery, and Abel is the first in hand surgery... In other words, at least in this competition, Dr. Xu completely crushed Abel!"

"No, I heard that this project is not only about the doctor's skills, but also the theoretical results behind it. Abel's regeneration technique was provided by Noah, and Dr. Xu, it is said that the result was made by the director of the Lin Hospital. My God, the director of the Lin Hospital is better than Noah?"

"Come on, did you watch the live broadcast? The old man who pretended to be calm but kept shaking is the director of the Lin Hospital. He was so shocked that it was obvious that this thing had nothing to do with him..."

If netizens are just watching the fun, then other doctors in the same field are really shocked beyond words when they watch the live broadcast in front of them...

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