Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 449 Improvement progress breakthrough! Generous rewards!

"Don't agree?"

Xu Qiu glanced at Tong Yan: "Then you can take a taxi back by yourself."

Uncle Wei said with a smile: "I can send you, but you have to pay for the special car."

Tong Yan waved her hand quickly: "I was just joking, Dr. Xu, I will work for you! But you can't forget our promise, give me double the salary at Huining, and don't fire me at will!"

"Don't worry."

Tong Yan chose to switch to Xu Qiu, which was equivalent to betraying Huining.

Although this is a just act of rectifying the chaos, there is no justice and morality in the business battlefield.

Tong Yan's behavior will lead to the ban of the entire industry, and no pharmaceutical company will dare to use her anymore, which is equivalent to being put on the industry blacklist.

If Xu Qiu leaves Tong Yan aside again, she will not be able to survive in this industry.

He can't do such a thing as crossing the river and destroying the bridge.

"After the fall of Gan Anning, during this window period before the new liver medicine comes out, I will help you find a job. I promise that the money I earn can ensure that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life." Xu Qiu said.

He has never been a person who likes to use empty words such as "dedication" and "ideals" to make empty promises.

At the Linhai Research Institute, everyone's salary increased several times, and even the most miserable doctoral students' salary increased from a few thousand yuan to a basic salary of more than 10,000 yuan.

Giving money is the real sincerity!

"Okay, I believe you!" At this moment, Tong Yan was completely convinced.



As time went by, Qiu Qinghu's recovery was getting better and better. In just two weeks, his fingers had recovered basic fine functions such as grasping, pinching, and twisting, and the rest of the functions were also restored to 70% to 80%.

This case shocked the entire hand surgery community.

As we all know, it is possible for a finger tendon zone 2 detachment to recover to about 80% of the original function, and for an injury like Qiu Qinghu's, let alone 80% or 50%, it is already a blessing to be able to complete the replantation of the broken palm and broken finger.

Recovering to the point of picking up things is incredible.

However, Xu Qiu's palm and finger regeneration technique has restored Qiu Qinghu's hand function to 70%~80%!

Moreover, it has only been two weeks. As time goes by, the hand function may be more perfect!

There was a sensation in China.

The international community also reported Qiu Qinghu's case. Even Linyi disclosed many details of the palm and finger regeneration surgery.

The annoying thing is that Linyi omitted some of the most critical surgical steps. After reading it, many doctors felt that there was a beautiful girl standing in front of them, but the key parts were hit by holy light.

"I don't believe it. I suspect that this case is fake. Just the disclosed surgical operations are not something that doctors in a small hospital can do. I am afraid that only Abel and Noah, a group of top experts, can complete it!"

"It's so abominable. I also know that the blood vessel breaks should be increased, but how many should be increased and how to judge the number of increases. Why are they unwilling to point this out!"

"Buy a copy of Linhai Dayi and you will know. Their hospital will publish the details of the palm and finger regeneration surgery in the next issue of Linhai Dayi!"

"I said why they are so reluctant to do it. The operation has to be made public. So they are here to sell books? Doctors are only interested in these few dollars. Can Daxia really have good doctors...”

“My God, "Linhai Great Doctor" only sells for 50 yuan. You can learn a surgery casually and spend tens of thousands of dollars. It depends on whether the professors are willing to teach! Linyi is no different from giving away surgeries for free. They have no intention of monopolizing this surgery. How can anyone think that they are doing it to make money? ”


After a heated discussion, the number of pre-orders for "Linhai Great Doctor" ushered in a small peak in a few days.

Xu Qiu's office.

“Ding! Congratulations on completing a palm and finger regeneration operation and obtaining an S-level evaluation!”

“Improvement progress: 51.3%!”

“Congratulations on achieving 50% progress and receiving rewards: experience in handling accidents during and after surgery! Details are greatly optimized and the surgical effect is slightly improved!”

As the sound of the system machinery resounded through his mind, a white warm current instantly swept through Xu Qiu’s body.

Then, in his mind, the memory of palmodigital regeneration became clearer and clearer. Many surgical operations have been refined and improved, and the control of the dynamic balance of blood circulation has become more and more precise.

And after the improvement, he gradually fixed a drawback.

For patients with broken fingers, although microscopic replantation is the first choice and almost the only effective treatment measure, many studies have shown that surgery can cause secondary trauma to the body and trigger the body's stress response.

Although there are few reports on this negative mechanism in clinical practice, Xu Qiu knows that this is indeed an important factor affecting the survival rate of replantation and the degree of postoperative recovery.

However, nowadays, with the continuous improvement and system rewards, palmodigital regeneration has further adjusted the blood rheology level, controlled the accuracy, reduced the damage to normal tissues, and avoided unnecessary trauma caused by surgery to the greatest extent through various operations of fine microsurgery.

It can be regarded as indirectly improving the survival rate of replantation.

Apart from these, the most important reward given by the system is the experience of handling accidents during surgery!

Palmodigital regeneration is a surgery to be made public, and more and more doctors will try to master and perform this surgery in clinical practice.

However, not everyone has Xu Qiu's ability.

Since the operation is very difficult, the accident rate during the operation will not be low. Therefore, the handling experience rewarded by the system can be of great use.

After carefully browsing the memories in his mind, Xu Qiu's eyes lit up slightly.

These experiences have important guiding significance for clinical practice!

For example, vascular crisis.

This is one of the most common postoperative complications after the replantation of the distal segment, and many patients suffer from necrosis.

However, the system's handling experience provides a set of extremely comprehensive judgment indicators, including risk assessment sheets, such as indicators of finger joint temperature, color, capillary filling status, and some high-risk factors, such as injury, location, age of the injured, etc.

The most critical thing is that corresponding treatment methods are provided for different types of injuries and severed parts.

For example, severed caused by simple cutting injuries, venous thrombosis occurring within three days after surgery, and no obvious local infection should be promptly surgically explored;

For strangulated injuries, with local infection, the method of lateral incision and bleeding of the fingertips and systemic sub-heparinization should be used to maintain the blood circulation balance of the severed finger, thereby establishing venous collateral circulation to compensate for the circulation interruption caused by venous thrombosis.

This is a clever method that is rarely noticed by hand surgeons.

In clinical practice, heparin is mostly used to prevent embolism or dissolve blood clots, including the use of heparin during and after many finger replantation operations, all to prevent vascular embolism.

However, in the treatment of vascular crises, the purpose of using heparin is completely different!

It even subverts the cognition of clinicians and is a unique and unconventional move.

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