Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 461 Master-level colon replacement surgery! The Mount Everest of surgery!

Mo Wan was almost drooling as he listened to these narrations.

Is this Da Xia's hospital?

A paradise for doctors all over the world!

Many hospital directors want to carry out various new surgeries, introduce various equipment and instruments, and their minds are full of performance, and they give their doctors big cakes.

But Linyi said nothing, just two words, pay money!

"I used to think that relying on Xu Qiu alone, even if Linyi could enter the ranks of top hospitals, it would never be able to shake the status of Union Hospital and West China Hospital... But now it seems that maybe you really have this opportunity!" Mo Wan sighed with emotion.

In the medical field, before Union Hospital established its dominant position, it was an incremental market.

At that time, the road to medical reform in Da Xia was foggy, and everyone was groping forward. There were all kinds of hospitals, some public, some private, and even a large number of hospitals were jointly operated by the province and foreign capital, which was very chaotic.

As long as it is fast enough, it can grow rapidly!

The first to get PET-CT will become a hot spot for publicity, and a certain hospital will immediately become a top hospital in the eyes of patients, and the number of patients will naturally continue.

Or, the first to carry out a certain operation, the first batch of pilot hospitals for a certain imported foreign drug, etc., no matter whether it is good or not, practical or not, as long as it is fast enough, it can quickly eat up the cake in the incremental market.

However, with the four major hospitals of Union Medical College, West China, Qilu and the former Xiangya, the medical field has gradually become a stock market.

At this time, it is not the faster the bigger, but the better the bigger.

In recent years, even though various instruments have been introduced one after another, few hospitals have promoted them.

No one is competing for the fastest.

There are only so many patients, and only the hospital with high medical skills and strong diagnostic capabilities can attract limited patients.

This development trend of clinical medicine may not see any results in the short term, but as the trained doctors gradually grow up and can stand on their own without Xu Qiu, clinical medicine will usher in rapid development!


These people have long been spoiled by the atmosphere of Linyi, which emphasizes clinical practice, personal ability, and generous money. No matter how good other hospitals are, they probably won't leave.

"Can I stay for a few more days?" Mo Wan said with a smile.

Her heart is in Tongji, but her body must be honest.

"No problem, don't you want to follow Xu Qiu? He will be in the outpatient clinic tomorrow morning, you can go and see him." Wang Ping said with a smile.

"That's exactly what I meant!"


The next day, in the morning.

After daily check-in, Xu Qiu glanced at the reward:

"Master-level Colon Replacement Surgery"

"It's this?"

As the influence of Linyi gradually expanded, Xu Qiu received more and more rewards.

And this colon replacement surgery is a level 4 surgery.

And even among level 4 surgeries, it is also the top difficulty.

In the surgical field, this surgery is also known as "Mount Everest-level surgery".

So it can be seen how tedious and difficult it is.

Of course, risks and benefits coexist. With the help of colon replacement surgery, many incurable diseases in clinical practice can be solved.

For example, esophageal cancer + gastric cancer.

In the past, the superposition of two cancers basically meant a death sentence.

Even if surgery is possible, the cancerous stomach and esophagus must be removed at the same time. Where can the patient find a replacement for these two vital digestive structures?

Colon replacement surgery solves this kind of dilemma!

The innate advantages of the colon are very obvious. It has a large capacity and enough free vascularized intestinal segments. Transplantation to replace the stomach and esophagus is easier to survive and can also play a role in passing food and accommodating chyme.

In addition, there are alkaline secretions in the colon, which can greatly reduce the probability of ulcers and the chance of postoperative complications.

However, there are very few doctors who master this operation in clinical practice.

Its operation difficulty is comparable to Mount Everest among mountains.

Even the palm and finger regeneration surgery that amazed Professor Noah and others, each finger has more than two digital veins and digital arteries for blood supply.

The colon transplant is only connected by one blood vessel. Once the anastomosis fails, the entire blood vessel will be necrotic!

In addition, there are many anastomotic sites, and each site is very likely to cause complications such as anastomotic fistula and transplant colon necrosis, with a high mortality rate.

After absorbing the experience and muscle memory of the master-level colon replacement surgery, Xu Qiu exhaled deeply.

Another item has been added to the surgery catalog...

He couldn't wait to open the simulated operating room and practice on a dummy.

It wasn't until the outpatient clinic started and the first patient entered the clinic that he returned to reality from the practice room in his mind.


A pretty woman came in, and as soon as she sat down, she turned her phone upside down on the table.

Seeing this scene, the young intern Shi Lian, and Mo Wan behind her, all looked condensed and frowned a little.

Any doctor who has been in clinical practice knows very well what this action means.

Normal people go to the hospital and try to avoid all contact with the hospital, such as walls, railings, and tables and chairs in the clinic.

As soon as this patient came in, he placed his cell phone on the table and held it over. What else could he be doing if not recording?

Mo Wan narrowed his eyes.

This type of patient is the most difficult to deal with, so doctors generally have several ways to deal with it.

First, fight back.

Some patients do want to protect their rights, but more patients will cut off the doctor's words and take them out of context, which will affect the doctor's reputation. It is very likely that the hospital will also be implicated.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, doctors often call a nurse over and ask the nurse to hold up a mobile phone to record the consultation process to leave sufficient evidence.

However, if this is done, the doctor's mentality will change.

Without recording or videotaping, most doctors will help patients save more money while saving lives and treating diseases.

After all, prescribing examinations and taking medicines will not bring any commissions to doctors. This part of gray income has long disappeared with the medical reform.

For example, if a knee is scratched, the doctor will take a glance to confirm that there is no problem, check that the wound is not deep and there is no rust or other things, apply some iodine, and at most apply some topical medicine, and it will be over, which will not exceed fifty yuan.

But if it is recorded...

What the doctor should consider is to save himself first.

Visually it is a scratch, which is not enough.

It is necessary to take an X-ray and a CT scan. Even with the test results, it is not necessarily 100% certain. It is best to get a tetanus shot and come back for a check-up a week later to confirm whether the patient has recovered. The total cost can be over a thousand yuan.

The recording is actually a manifestation of self-protection by the patient, but the hospital and the doctor are frightened by various medical disturbances, which has caused the two parties who should have been in the same boat to fall into a vicious cycle.

In the final analysis, it is still a very small number of medical disturbances that have destroyed the entire medical environment.

On this side, after seeing the recording, Mo Wan subconsciously took out his mobile phone and prepared to record the entire consultation process.

But at this time, the female patient sitting opposite suddenly changed her expression, and then she hurriedly lowered her head.

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