Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 473 Perfect improvement achieved! Recruit Xu Qiu!

The woman's face immediately showed surprise, but was immediately suppressed by a strong sense of inferiority. Her moral values ​​were playing tricks on her. After hesitating for a long time, she shook her head and said, "Doctor, how can I treat you for free? My mother told me that I can be poor, but I must be upright!

I can't let you pay for us!"

Looking at the timid but stubborn woman, Xu Qiu did not refuse this time. He took out a fifty-yuan bill and said, "Okay, I will take this money on behalf of the hospital."

"Thank you, doctor!" The woman's face suddenly glowed. At this moment, she felt respected.

When leaving the ward, several nurses caught up with Xu Qiu.

"Doctor Xu, let's share the medical expenses. We can't always let you bear the burden!" Yang Meng said with her hands on her waist.

Xu Qiu touched the crumpled banknotes in his pocket and said, "My monthly salary seems to be over 100,000."


Yang Meng: "Even if you have money, you can't squander it like this. How are you going to live in the future!"

Xu Qiu: "The profit of Linhai Small Blood Vessels should be eight or nine figures a year?"

Several nurses stared with envy and anger.

Every time Xu Qiu used this reason to prevaricate them!

Xu Qiu stopped, and the nurses who followed him immediately stopped.

He glanced at several people and said, "I know you are kind, but I have too much money, and you still have to pay off your mortgage and car loan."


"Then I will donate 100 yuan to the department's charity fund!"

"Hehehe, Dr. Xu, since you set the rules for the hospital, our overtime pay is super high now, and performance and bonuses are almost doubled. Don't underestimate us, we are much richer than before!"

"Yes, the salary of our emergency department nurses is almost twice that of hospitals of the same level! I dare not tell people outside, for fear of causing unrest in the industry!"

"I will also donate 100 yuan. Dr. Xu will not share it with us. You can't ask us to donate money!"

The little nurse smiled and was happy from the bottom of her heart.


After handling these waves of rescue, the day is about to end.

Xu Qiu changed into casual clothes and left the hospital. At the door of the hospital, Uncle Wei's brand new black car had been waiting for a long time.

In the car, Xu Qiu closed his eyes again and sank into the world of the simulated operating room.

Half an hour.

One hour.

Three hours.

Xu Qiu became more and more proficient in the operating room in his brain, and he kept getting S-level evaluations. His energy and physical strength were constantly returned. Then he started the next one with a more focused attitude and more perfect surgical memory.

Progress 95%.

Progress 97%.

Progress 99%!

S-level evaluations are getting more and more, and there are many bonus items after the palm and finger regeneration surgery.

"Operation difficulty -5%!"

"Operation details +5%!"

"Complication rate -3%!"

"Postoperative functional recovery +1%!"

Various positive bonuses that can make clinicians drool, just pick one to make the operation qualitatively improved.

However, here, it's like wholesale.

This also makes Xu Qiu's surgical effect reach an immeasurable height.

Under multiple amplifications, the success rate of the surgery he performs will be extremely high, and the speed and degree of recovery after surgery will be extremely amazing!


After several weeks of crazy practice and the bombardment of S-level evaluations, the improvement progress of palm and finger regeneration surgery finally broke through 100%!

"Congratulations! You have mastered the "Perfect Level Palm and Finger Regeneration Technique"!"

"Received the exclusive reward for the founding surgery: "Palm and Finger Regeneration Surgery Coursebook"!"

"You received the perfect improvement bonus: Surgery learning difficulty -10%! Surgery risk -10%!"

Xu Qiu was extremely surprised.

In addition to the surgery coursebook, what Xu Qiu was most looking forward to was actually the perfect improvement bonus.

This bonus is different from the system reward after the S-level evaluation. It can be applied to all people who perform the surgery!

In other words,

it is an improvement on the entire surgery, not just Xu Qiu himself.

This is truly a way for all doctors to enjoy the exquisiteness of this surgery and benefit more patients.

"Finally done."

Xu Qiu smiled and slowly withdrew from the simulation practice room.

Back to reality, he was stunned for a moment.

There was an extra blanket on him, and in the driver's seat, Uncle Wei was staring and looking around.

Outside the car window was a thick dusk, and two special police officers on duty could be vaguely seen not far away, who were the ones Fu Qing had arranged at the apartment.

"So late?"

Xu Qiu pulled down the blanket and stretched his muscles.

Uncle Wei looked over quickly and said with a smile: "Doctor Xu, I called you once before, but I was afraid that it would affect your rest and that you would catch a cold..."

"I understand, thank you." Xu Qiu was in a good mood.

If Uncle Wei woke him up halfway, he would not know when he would have to wait to enter this perfect state of being fully immersed in the operation again.

The perfect level improvement might have to be delayed for several days.

He glanced at the time, and it was already past one in the morning.

"Uncle Wei, you take a day off, and I will take a taxi to the hospital myself tomorrow."

Uncle Wei waved his hand: "That's impossible, Doctor Xu, you are much more tired than me. I usually just pick you up and drop you off at get off work, and I am free the rest of the time. You have been doing surgery all the time, and you should rest!"

He said firmly: "Tomorrow morning is still the same time, rain or shine!"

Seeing Uncle Wei's insistence, Xu Qiu nodded, said hello to the special police on duty, returned to the apartment, washed up briefly, and sat in front of the computer again.

It was not until after six o'clock that half of the surgical course book in his mind was copied.

He rushed to the hospital early and continued to write.

On the way back to the office, Yang Yuen, Yunmei and others greeted him, but Xu Qiu did not respond.

Even Academician Dai called him, but he did not wake him up.

Hearing about this, Wang Shengde, Noah, Joseph and others rushed to the emergency department. Seeing Shi Lian, the little intern, guarding the door, several people were ecstatic.

"Dean Wang, what expert have you tricked in again? This time it's from your own country."

Joseph saw the unfamiliar face of Academician Dai, and the vague temperament of the famous doctor on the other side, which made him guess roughly.

Saito Ye sighed silently.

Another person is going to be trapped in Xu Qiu's difficult surgery and cannot do without clinical medicine...

Noah narrowed his eyes and recognized Academician Dai, and said in surprise: "Isn't Jishuitan Hospital competing for the world's first hand surgery hospital? He actually has time to come to clinical medicine to get involved in palm and finger regeneration?"

This operation is certainly important, but for Academician Dai and Jishuitan Hospital, it is obviously more important to take the lead in global hand surgery.

The dean of Jishuitan is willing to let Academician Dai go!

"World's first?"

Joseph glanced at Academician Dai: "I guess he promised the dean to recruit Xu Qiu."

Noah asked in confusion: "How do you know?"

Joseph's mouth twitched: "Because when I came out of the Cleveland Medical Center, I also said this to the dean..."


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