Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 48 Shocking the whole audience! An epic surgery

Wang Ping also quickly looked over.

I saw that the originally clear surgical field was now covered with splattered blood.

There is also a large amount of thick sputum, gastric juice mixed with tissue fragments, etc.

It's like a cake exploding here.

The entire area was covered with broken cream.

However, the cake on the operating table is made of flesh and blood.

The attending physician in the respiratory department who handled the patient turned pale and said:

“It’s a problem caused by previous ventilation!

The tissue here is rubbed by the dislocated trachea.

Becomes extremely flaky.

Coupled with the high pressure in the chest...

After the incision, the pressure was unbalanced and the air pressure broke through the weak tube membrane! ! "

The director of the brain surgery department hated iron and said: "Zhong Wen, you idiot, you didn't grasp the contraindications, you will have endless troubles!"

On the outside, Zhong Wen looked pale and regretted his mistake.

But it's too late!

At that moment, Xu Qiu became the one wiping his butt.

Disasters also occurred during this operation.

The director of the respiratory department quickly judged the situation on the scene and said: "It can't be done, we can only wait for the postponement of suturing!"

The current surgical field is seriously polluted.

Even after cleaning, the two ends of the esophagus are too far apart from each other due to the explosion, and primary suturing cannot be performed.

For today’s plan,

The fistula is cut off, a metal marker is connected to the distal end of the esophagus, and the two ends of the esophagus are brought together as much as possible.

Afterwards, a gastrostomy was made to maintain nutrition.

A few months later, when the esophagus was stretched, the operation was re-sutured.

The director of brain surgery looked gloomy and shook his head: "It won't work!"

"Why doesn't it work?"

"The patient already has underlying diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cerebral infarction. Isn't having a gastrostomy looking for death?"

The expressions of everyone in the operating room changed.

Indeed, with the patient's current body, it is impossible to survive for several months on parenteral nutrition.

He also couldn't withstand a second surgery.

"What should I do? How about cutting off a section of the empty colon and replacing the esophagus!"

Everyone sighed, that was all they could do.

Although it will bring unnecessary damage and cost to the patient,


This is the best way to save your life.

"Wait, Xu Qiu, what are you doing!" Suddenly, the director of brain surgery screamed.

Everyone's attention in the operating room immediately shifted.

The next moment, everyone's eyes widened, their expressions were horrified, and their hearts were in their throats.

I saw,

At some point, the blood-stained surgery field had been cleaned up.

And Xu Qiu, holding a scalpel, fell lightly——

Like a hot knife cutting through butter,

Xu Qiu's scalpel cut through the muscle layer of the proximal esophagus.

He seemed unaffected by the explosion;

Still immersed in the operation.

"Cuff Catheter."

Xu Qiu stretched out her hand, and the instrument nurse quickly placed the catheter into her palm.


Xu Qiu held the cuff catheter and directly inserted it into the free proximal opening of the esophagus.

Replace the scalpel and pick up the needle holder and suture needle.

In the blink of an eye, the purse string suture fixation is completed!

Drum drum——

Xu Qiu went to the ground to inflate the cuffed catheter, and stopped at the moment when the esophageal mucosal folds disappeared.


He held the knife again and made a circular incision two centimeters away from the opening.

Change the scissors to further separate the muscle layer and mucosa layer.

When the layers of esophageal mucosa were peeled off, everyone's eyes were straight.

"The nutrient blood vessels are not damaged?!"

"Oh my god, the blood vessels in the esophageal mucosa are irregularly distributed and densely packed. How can this avoid nutrient blood vessels!"

Everyone was shocked.

"Lengthening the suturing distance of the esophagus by incising the muscle layer... This method is amazing!" The director of the respiratory department was dumbfounded.

In the operating room, people stared blankly at the hands under the shadowless lamp.

They couldn't describe the shock of seeing this scene.

If the distance between the esophagus is too long, it may indeed be extended by the muscle layer.


If you want to do this, you must not damage the nutrient blood vessels in the esophageal mucosa.

Otherwise, once the esophagus loses its nutritional supply, it will not heal effectively even if it is sutured!

How difficult is this?

It's like hollowing out and carving an orange with a scalpel.

Every carving must follow the gaps between the white orange veins.

Don't harm a single white thread!

However... there is no pattern in the growth of orange veins, and the sculptor has no way of judging where the gaps are and where the orange veins are!

And in front of me,

Xu Qiu peeled off the muscle layer, but avoided all operations on the nutritional blood vessels. It was no less than that each knife cut exactly into the gap between the orange veins...

After suturing the esophagus in an incredible way.

The operation is coming to an end.

Ten minutes later, Xu Qiu completed the stitching layer by layer.

After the last stitch was completed, the needle-holding pliers clinked onto the tray.

At the same time, Xu Qiu's understatement sounded: "The operation is completed."

After a brief silence, the operating room erupted into enthusiastic cheers.

It wasn't until he took off his surgical gown and left the operating room that everyone couldn't help but applaud!

"so amazing!"

"Dr. Xu is really skillful and helps patients all over the world!"

"Give us a copy of the video of this operation at the brain surgery department. I want the doctors there to watch it a hundred and eighty times to show them what it means to be bold in a skilled person!"

The crowd gathered around Xu Qiu, and there were endless compliments.

At the end of the team, Chen Qiao raised her head and secretly looked at Xu Qiu.

He was so dazzling in the crowd that everything around him seemed to be eclipsed.

In the black and white world, only he was still in color.

Outside the operating room.

The patient's daughter was restless, looking up various information about the operation.

"The average operation time is two hours"

"The success rate of the operation is low, and the five-year survival period is not ideal..."

"The da Vinci operation is more recommended because conventional operations have low precision and great damage"

Seeing this, the female family member's tears fell.

If it weren't for the lack of money, who wouldn't want their loved ones lying on the bed to take the best medicine, use the best materials, and have the best operation...


At this moment, the door of the operating room was pushed open.

The female family member looked up and saw that it was Xu Qiu who was leading the way. Her heart skipped a beat, and panic and anxiety quickly filled her brain.

Her face turned pale in an instant, and she stumbled and ran over, crying: "Doctor, Doctor Xu...what happened to my father?"

Two hours of surgery, now it's only been 40 minutes!

If it's not an accident, what else could it be?

The doctors around were afraid that she would fall, so they hurried to support her.

One of them smiled and said: "Relax, Doctor Xu is a great doctor, the operation was very successful!"

The female family member turned from sadness to joy, and tears flowed down her face.

Xu Qiu was about to tell her a few precautions,

but what happened the next moment shocked everyone present!

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