The boyfriend who had accompanied her here said that she had been trying to conceive for more than half a year but still didn't get pregnant.

The reason may be here.

The female patient may not necessarily have a natural birth, but may also have an induced labor. In short, the fetus must have reached a large size and then be discharged or delivered through the reproductive tract.

After just one pregnancy, the hormone levels in her body have not returned to normal, so ovulation will naturally be irregular, and the chance of conception will be much lower.

"Doctor Xu..."

On the examination bed, the female patient cried without any symptoms. She fell down as if exhausted, with a pleading look in her eyes: "Can you not tell my boyfriend... I thought the doctor couldn't tell..."

Shi Lian was shocked.

Although I had seen too many shocking things in the hospital, this was the first time that it was so close to me and so cruel!

She glanced at Xu Qiu with admiration.

This patient's idea is actually correct. Ordinary doctors really can't see it, but she is Dr. Xu in front of her!

"We will not disclose patients' privacy easily..."

Xu Qiu's expression remained unchanged and she continued to check.

After a pause, he added: "You can't hide this kind of thing for the rest of your life. If you are really pregnant in the future, the obstetrician will be able to tell - and there is a big difference between first-time and multiparous women during childbirth."

"It's probably not a gallbladder problem. Let's get a CT scan. If you can bear the pain, I'll give you painkillers if you can't."

Xu Qiu changed the subject and stopped worrying about the patient's rectus abdominis separation.

It's her private matter, and doctors shouldn't have too many personal thoughts about anything other than illness.

Back to the illness.

Although the patient had gallstones, after Xu Qiu's physical examination, the probability of cholecystitis was not high.

However, it is difficult to determine whether there is a problem with the pancreas or whether it is intestinal obstruction.

These are actually quite routine. If it is aortic dissection, renal artery dissection, arterial embolism and other diseases, these diseases can also cause severe abdominal pain and vomiting, but the consequences are much more serious, and CT may not be able to detect them...

Now let’s rule out a few common ones, check routine CT, serum amylase, lipase, etc., and then make plans.

After the female patient was supported by her boyfriend for examination, Shi Lian hesitated several times.

Xu Qiu took advantage of the break in diagnosis to glance at her and said, "What are your thoughts?"

Shi Lian was shocked: "This diastasis rectus abdominis was mentioned by the teacher when I was studying obstetrics and gynecology. I didn't expect that I could see it at a glance..."

Xu Qiu shook his head: "Keep your eyesight a little bit."

"I understand, I just can't see it at all."

"If you can't see it, there are other ways."

Xu Qiu stood up and let Shi Lian lie down on the examination bed.

"Relax your body, bend your legs...

“Then, the patient’s head and shoulders are slightly elevated, while the examiner places his fingers above the navel and presses down with his fingertips.

“At this time, the abdominal muscles will contract toward the middle.

“If you can clearly feel a gap with your fingers when the muscle contracts, it’s a rectus abdominis diastasis.

"If the gap can accommodate one finger, it is called one-finger separation, and by analogy with two and three fingers, it will be obvious when it reaches two and a half fingers. An experienced obstetrician can basically see it."

Shi Lian was amazed.

She tried to touch her lower abdomen. When she raised her head, she could feel the tight rectus abdominis muscles, which were so flat that there was no gap.

"Stop touching and call your number quickly."

Xu Qiu's words brought Shi Lian back to her senses. She quickly got up, put on a new disposable drape, and went to the door of the consulting room to call her number.

at the same time.

In the shared kitchen opposite the clinic, Mo Wan and Gao Pei'an sat opposite each other at a simple table.

The two have known each other for a long time. Although they are a generation apart in age, they are both students of Academician Chen. From this perspective, they can be regarded as brothers and sisters.

"Why did the teacher send you here?" Gao Peian took a sip of wine.

Mo Wan held her chin up: "I asked to come here myself. I had a liver repair operation a few days ago, and I wanted to show off my skills at the clinic."

Gao Pei'an was surprised. He knew the talent of his junior sister. She was very successful in repairing broken livers. I can probably count on one hand the number of people in the country who could do better than her.

Mo Wan added at this time; "But I was despised by Dr. Xu. He performed the surgery in the end, perfectly avoiding the surgical shortcomings of liver incision."

Gao Pei'an almost choked: "What? The liver tissue is so fragile, how can it avoid wire cutting... Oh, it's Dr. Xu, that seems to be quite normal."

"Senior Brother Gao, what is your reaction..."

Mo Wan sighed softly.

She never expected that Xu Qiu would be such a pervert in the eyes of others...

"Back to the topic, when I came to the doctor, it was actually the teacher who entrusted me to provide some help to Xu Qiu. In terms of liver stability, I happened to be doing research and development of liver drugs in the past few years, in the direction of generic drugs of sorafenib... ..." Mo Wan started talking.

Gao Pei'an also immediately became serious.

Xu Qiu has too many things to do, and her sensible assistant has learned to collect all the information and take the initiative to send it to the other party's desk.

Obviously, Mo Wan is the sensible one.

"You have to make plans." Gao Pei'an said after a long silence.

He had great ambitions before, and wanted to expose the crimes of Gan An Ning to get rid of the title of "Academician Chen's disciple" and return to being a hepatobiliary surgery expert Gao Pei'an.

But later he realized that the interest chain behind Gan An Ning was too complicated.

Ordinary people who want to touch it will only end up in pieces.

Even Xu Qiu had a car accident before.

Originally, Xu Qiu and Baiyun Province planned to announce a comprehensive ban on Gan An Ning, but later, considering other factors, they decided to wait for the results of the interrogation of the dump truck driver before announcing it.

Only with a pretext can the policy have a foothold.

The other party dared to touch Xu Qiu, who was given special attention by Baiyun Province, let alone him, a little transparent.

Even if Gao Pei'an is an idealist who would rather die than not know the truth, he has children and a granddaughter in elementary school, and he has soft spots all over his body, and these are what he fears the most.

Gurgle gurgle.

Gao Pei'an drank a few more glasses of wine. To be honest, he no longer dared to participate in this matter.

Mo Wan poured a glass for him and said, "Senior Brother Gao, I understand your situation. You are different from me. I am alone and want to achieve something in my life. I am not afraid of anything else. But you still have to consider your family and future generations...

"This glass is for you. I have received the information you sent me before. You don't need to participate in other things. I will help Dr. Xu deal with them."

Gao Pei'an didn't say anything. He looked into the distance steadily. After a moment, his eyes lit up and he stood up and said, "Finally here."

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