Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 492: Thrilling surgery! A stroke of genius!

Xu Qiu didn't stop him.

Although it is not necessary to give them time to run in and practice, it is still necessary to answer questions appropriately.

At the same time, with the help of the directors' questions, he was able to think more deeply about the operation and confirm whether he had considered all the circumstances.

But if you can raise some questions that make Xu Qiu's eyes light up, that's a matter of two opinions.

"You said it." Xu Qiu nodded.

Director Liao then continued: "Dr. Xu, I have heard about your metacarpophalangeal regeneration technique before.

Even for a small structure like a finger, you still need three to four blood vessels to supply blood to ensure the survival rate of the knuckles...

As for colon transplantation, it is known that there is only one blood vessel connection!

In other words, once this single blood vessel anastomosis fails, the entire colon will become necrotic!

The transplantation area will also be affected by pollution, which will then affect the whole body and even life!

In addition, there are many anastomoses required to replace the bladder with the colon. Who can guarantee that every anastomosis will be perfect and without any problems?

"It's a problem..."

After Xu Qiu thought for a moment, he said calmly: "I will pay attention during the operation."


Director Liao's eyes almost popped out of his head. Is this the end?

Shouldn't it be after careful consideration that the risk is too high and the surgery should not be performed?

Qin Qiyin smiled so much that his eyebrows almost arched: "Director Liao, our Department of Urology has basically never dealt with Dr. Xu, but haven't you heard of his reputation? As long as it is related to operation, it will not be difficult for Xu. Doctor...he specializes in difficult surgeries!"

Director Liao was stunned for a long time, then swallowed with a gulp.

There is no way to communicate with the cheating guy normally!

At ten o'clock in the morning, an hour and a half after the consultation, Xu Qiu met Xun Yu and two family members for the last time.

"No need to say anything, Doctor Xu, I believe you 100%!" Before Xu Qiu could speak, Xun Yu swore with tears in her eyes.

Swish, swish, swish!

Without waiting for Xu Qiu's reaction, Xun's father had already signed several consent forms and risk notification forms, fearing that Xu Qiu would regret not having the surgery if he was too slow.


Although it has been signed, the process still has to go through.

Xu Qiu briefly introduced the risks.

The medical system stipulates that the pre-operative conversation must be conducted by the surgeon in person. All possible risks, accidents, and prognosis must be explained to the family members by the surgeon himself.

However, when this regulation reaches the grassroots level, it will be a different scene.

Many chief physicians do not waste time on boring preoperative conversations, and often the first and second assistants go to carry out the procedures.

Sometimes they are even assigned to novice residents.

But Xu Qiu is different.

What is a boring conversation for directors and deputy directors is a thrilling life-and-death situation for patients and their families. It is also the only way for them to understand the success rate and prognosis...

When doctors treat diseases, when they have spare capacity, they should try to avoid making patients and their families too uneasy, so that they can be as clearly aware of what is going to happen next as possible, and have more peace of mind.

This is exactly what the preoperative conversation does.

It is obvious what is better or worse between the chief surgeon communicating with the family and having a resident doctor who is not necessarily qualified to perform sutures on the operating table do it for him.

Although other chief doctors don't care about this, they think it's enough to heal the patient.

But Xu Qiu always hopes to make every aspect of the medical process perfect.

This was also the fundamental reason why he made Xun Yu's family willing to wait for him for several weeks without complaining at all, or even raising the possibility of being transferred to a top hospital such as Union Medical College.

Before being sent to the operating room, Xu Qiu comforted Xun Yu one last time.

His handsome face is always so reassuring.

Therefore, after receiving target-controlled intravenous infusion of propofol 0.5 to 1 μg/ml and remifentanil 1 to 2 ng/ml, Xun Yu slept particularly soundly.

"Get ready to start."

After the anesthesia was completed, Xu Qiu's words made everyone solemn.

Facing an unknown operation, Qin Qiyin, Director Liao and others were at a loss as to what to do and could only rely on Xu Qiu.

Qin Qiyin was okay, she lay down.

Director Liao was not used to it. This feeling of being out of control of a life-threatening operation made his heart feel as uncomfortable as a cat scratching.

"Director Liao, please bear with it, and you will know how comfortable this feeling is in the future." Qin Qiyin said perfunctorily, and when he looked at Xu Qiu, his smile immediately became brighter and brighter again.

With the sharp tip of the knife pressed against the skin, the surgery begins.

Everyone immediately raised their attention and stared at Shu Ye closely.

Xu Qiu's knife is still so fast.

After making a beautiful midline incision in the lower abdomen, the ovarian blood vessels, uterine round ligament, broad ligament, uterine artery, uterosacral ligament... are separated and ligated...


The blade cuts across the base of the broad ligament, and the peritoneum is cut open easily...

Next, there is a blunt dissection between the uterus and rectum, reaching the posterior vaginal fornix…

Then the urethra was cut off.

Director Liao, Qin Qiyin and others were very surprised. According to conventional practice, the surgeon should cut the urethra from about 0.5 centimeters distal to the bladder neck.

But this is not the case with surgical options for colon replacement.

They listened with only half-understanding, and Xu Qiu didn't bother to explain. He just said "you'll understand after seeing it" to prevaricate.

"Generally when we perform bladder surgery, we have to directly cut off the urethra..."

Director Liao casually mentioned that this is the experience accumulated from his decades of operating operations, and it is also the most valuable asset of a director.

The more you do it, the more you practice it, the more you see it, the more it turns into clinical intuition.

He continued: "Dr. Xu wanted to preserve the urethra during this operation, but it is almost impossible to do it clinically. To preserve this thing, the nerve of the urethral sphincter must be damaged!"

Destruction is far more difficult than protection, and the same applies to medical surgery.

"What kind of approach is this?!" Qin Qiyin's surprised voice brought him back to reality.

Director Liao looked hurriedly and saw Xu Qiu entering the front of the vagina from the previously exposed posterior vaginal fornix, and then entering from the five o'clock and seven o'clock directions.

"here it is……"

Director Liao's face was full of horror: "These two positions happen to be the proximal and middle sections of the urethra!"

Xu Qiu nodded slightly, made a simple transection of the urethra, and then separated the bladder and vagina in a retrograde manner. After separating and ligating the bladder, she cut off the vaginal vault and vagina with another knife!

"A stroke of genius!"

Director Liao almost exclaimed, he was shocked by this ingenious method.

In all these years, he has never seen such a bold and flexible surgical approach!

Everyone is still confused.

Didn't you cut off the urethra? Why did you come to the posterior fornix again? How could Director Liao be so excited after a cut?

Qin Qiyin also had a puzzled look on her face. She stared at the two directions chosen by Xu Qiu, looking at them again and again, her expression suddenly stunned.

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