Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 504 The task force arrives for Xu Qiu!

Xu Qiu is now on an annual salary system.

The advance salary he receives every month is about half of his total annual salary, which is 500,000 yuan.

In the middle of this year, Xu Qiu's annual salary increased from 500,000 yuan to 1 million yuan, officially entering the stable million-yuan annual salary group.

As for the remaining salary, it will be paid in one lump sum after the year-end assessment based on the performance of the year.

With Xu Qiu's hard work this year, the money will be more or less.

Conservatively estimated, the year-end bonus, performance, remaining annual salary, etc. can add up to about 2 million yuan.

This salary is high, but for someone of Xu Qiu's status, it is just a drizzle.

Not to mention more than 2 million yuan, even if it is a salary of 10 million yuan after tax, there are many hospitals rushing to spend their entire fortunes to support Xu Qiu!

"For each issue of "Linhai Great Doctor", 50% of the profit will be distributed to Xu Qiu's account..."

Wang Shengde took a piece of draft paper and made a rough calculation.

"The last issue also had sales of more than 80 million, and this issue is 120 million.

In addition, Xu Qiu also holds 51% of the shares of Linhai Small Blood Vessel..."

After counting, Wang Shengde's hand stopped in mid-air.

Too much...

Just in this issue of "Linhai Great Doctor", Xu Qiu can get more than 30 million in profit dividends.

The remaining more than 30 million is Linyi's.

"In other words, Dr. Xu's account may have a balance of nearly 100 million?" The director of the publicity department was shocked and envious.

One hundred million in liquid funds!

There are a lot of billionaires, and Daxia is not short of billionaires with tens of billions or hundreds of billions.

But these are all assets.

And there are probably not many people who can take out 100 million in cash!

"It is very likely that, based on my understanding of Xu Qiu, he will most likely not waste time managing his finances, and the money must be in the savings card and has not been moved..." Wang Shengde analyzed for a while, and thought of the length of the other party's bank card balance, and suddenly fell silent.

He has been the dean for so many years and has not had so much money.

"Generally, doctors make money by seeing patients and performing surgeries, but for Dr. Xu, these are nothing." The director of the publicity department said with a wry smile.

On this day last year, Xu Qiu had to rely on performing high-difficulty surgeries to increase his performance and bonuses.

At that time, he was just a small resident doctor, and each operation depended on the signature of the tool person in each department.

Today in neurosurgery, Director Lin was asked to sign as a tool person.

Tomorrow, I will go to the obstetrics and gynecology department and ask Kong Huixia to guarantee.

The day after tomorrow, I will perform surgery on Kong Huixia...

This also made Xu Qiu, as a resident doctor, earn a huge salary of 50,000 at a young age!

At that time, many people in Linyi noticed this abnormal salary.

Many directors, including the director of the publicity department, Wang Shengde and others, thought that this would be a flash in the pan. After all, it is impossible for a person to maintain such a high-intensity frequency of surgery forever. It is possible that the salary will drop to only 20,000 or 30,000 next month.

Who would have thought that that month was the time when Xu Qiu's salary was the lowest...

After that, it was like riding a rocket. What kind of director is this? Wang Shengde has to admit defeat!

No, it should be said that... the salary level of the entire Linyi, no matter who it is, depends on Xu Qiulai to expand the finances...

"In the next issue, there will be an improved elephant trunk stent."

Wang Shengde was overjoyed and returned to the topic: "People from the Internet Department, our website does not need to be expanded, just like this."

If it were in the past, he would still be eager for quick success and instant benefits, fearing that someone would cancel the order because the official website was too slow.

But now he has figured it out.

It's not that "Linhai Great Doctor" begged them to buy it.

It's that they begged for a copy of "Linhai Great Doctor"!

In this case, there is no need to indulge it. If it's slow, it's slow. If it's slow, you can buy it when it's not slow...

The director of the Internet Department breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, you don't have to wear a helmet in the computer room anymore...



Linhai City, inside the detention center.

The director stood in front of the one-way special glass, with his hands behind his back, frowning and looking at the man in the interrogation room.

"Haven't you said it yet?" Director Yang was intimidating without being angry, and his voice was oppressive.

The old criminal policeman next to him shook his head: "No, but it will be soon. The provincial task force will be here soon. He is an ordinary person and he can't hold on for long."

Director Yang was a little helpless.

In the past, handling cases and interrogating were all the work of the police.

The bureau would also let the police who arrested the criminals preside over the trial to increase psychological pressure on the suspects.

But it's not possible now.

Arresting people is arresting people, and interrogation is interrogation.

After arresting people, the interrogation work is handed over to specially assigned pre-trial officers. This kind of people are proficient in criminal psychology and are said to be able to defeat the suspect's defense line from a psychological level...

The meaning of the above is that the police are responsible for arresting people, and the pre-trial officers are responsible for interrogation. The two professions have their own specialties and cooperate with each other.

However, the ideal is very full, and there are some deviations when it comes to the grassroots level.

Most pre-trial officers come from college and can often work directly with veteran criminal police. Therefore, many grassroots police officers think that pre-trial officers only know theory and are not as good as those who have been dealing with criminals for more than ten years.

Pre-trial officers also look down on police officers, thinking that their interrogation methods are too rough, unlike them, who are good at attacking the heart and can slowly break down the suspect's psychology with theory.

Of course, they just don't like each other. If they really encounter a big case, the two sides will still work together.

"The province has actually sent a special case team..."

Director Yang found it incredible.

Generally speaking, only cases with great social impact will alert the Provincial Public Security Department.

As for this case, the bureau did not pay attention to it at first.

Thought it was just an ordinary car accident.

But then the superiors put pressure on him and focused on the car accident, so the bureau organized a team to conduct a serious interrogation.

They got a lot of information from the driver of the garbage truck.

For example, fatigue driving and inattention are common causes of car accidents.

After submitting it, the superior rejected it many times.

The Bureau can only continue to extend the detention period, and now it will be a month. In another week, the maximum detention period of 37 days will be exceeded.

It was also because of this that Director Yang hurried over to supervise the battle, and he was bound to ask something from the suspect.

The hint given above is already very obvious. The car accident was classified as a criminal case, and a maximum detention time of 37 days was given. In the past few days, a special task force was transferred here...

Director Yang was thinking at the same time.

The old detective took out the file from his pocket——

We can't even call it a file. This matter is far from the level of a criminal case. It's just a case record.

"Director, see for yourself."

Director Yang nodded and looked through it carefully.

He soon showed a confused expression.

The driver of the dump truck was not paying attention, thus causing a series of car accidents.

This kind of thing, the suspect rarely even enters the interrogation room. It is just an ordinary traffic accident. The traffic police usually come forward. When will it be their turn for criminal policemen to go into battle?

"Director Yang, Secretary Fu is here!"

At this time, a small policeman rushed in from outside.

Director Yang's originally calm expression tightened, his pupils shrank, and he realized something was wrong.

Just setting up a task force, and even the first secretary came to the scene in person? !

"Who are the victims of the car accident, including Secretary Fu's family?"

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