Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 508: Unable to find the cause of the disease, hidden clues!

Xu Qiu can open the skull to remove tumors and open the head to clean various hematomas.

He can even separate the brains that grow together.

However, he is helpless in the face of intracranial softening lesions.

Once such lesions are formed, it is basically impossible to remove them by interventional means.

The only way to deal with them clinically is to prevent further aggravation of brain softening.

"There is also thickening of the renal fascia and perinephric exudation."

Xu Qiu pondered for a moment.

There is no correlation between these two signs.

But this is not the key.

The most important point is - where does the brain softening lesion come from?

Whether the perinephric fascia thickens or exudates is actually not very meaningful. At most, it indicates that there may be inflammation or stones, and it cannot provide more diagnostic information.

What should be paid attention to is still the softening lesion in the brain!

How and where does it come from?

Xu Qiu re-read the laboratory tests.

The infection index is not high, and the renal function is normal. It must have nothing to do with inflammation of the urinary system, which completely excludes the relationship between the disease and the kidneys.

At most, it means that Wei Ding's kidneys are not very good.

Shi Lian stood aside, tilting her head and thinking.

Suddenly, she thought of something and said, "Teacher, the patient was very cold, so I added a quilt to him, but the patient felt hot and threw it aside."

In fact, "covering sweat" is not important in clinical practice. The folk saying that you should cover more quilts when you have a fever has some truth, but it is not necessarily completely correct.

Most of the time, the most appropriate way to deal with it is to do what is comfortable.

If you are cold, cover the quilt, and if you are hot, cool down appropriately, based on the patient's feeling.

"He is very cold, but he doesn't cover the quilt?"

Xu Qiu suddenly raised his head and asked, "Is he showing off again?"

Shi Lian said, "I don't know. When I asked him, he turned his back and didn't say anything."

She could feel that Wei Ding was like a different person in front of her, exuding inferiority and lack of confidence.

He was confident in front of Xu Qiu, but he immediately wilted when facing a beautiful girl of the same age. This is probably the common feature of this type of people.

Xu Qiu nodded, always feeling that something was wrong.

He spread out several valuable performances on the table.

1: Softening foci in the brain.

2: PCT and C-reactive protein are not high.

3: Chills, high fever...


Looking at it, Xu Qiu suddenly shuddered.

High fever, chills, this is too inconsistent to be linked with infection indicators.


Xu Qiu recalled Shi Lian's words just now.

He quickly asked: "Did he ask you to add a blanket for him?"

Shi Lian shook her head: "No, he is only mean to Dr. Wang and his parents. When we female doctors and nurses went over, he didn't dare to speak, and his eyes didn't dare to look at us."

At this point, she smiled: "So Dr. Wang would call me every time he went over, or let Dr. Yun and others go."

Xu Qiu omitted various details and grasped the highlights: "Then why did you add a blanket for him without authorization?"

"He... is cold."

"Why do you think he is cold?"

Based on Xu Qiu's understanding of people like Wei Ding, the other party would not admit that he was cold even if he was frozen to death, which would make them feel embarrassed.

Shi Lian hesitated: "Because he was shaking all the time..."


Xu Qiu recalled the physical examination in the afternoon.

The other party did shake several times, which was no different from the performance of shivering.

And the frequency was not high, so Xu Qiu did not pay too much attention.

It was consistent with the "high fever" and "shivering" recorded by Wang Fan in the first physical examination.

But now looking back, shaking is cold? Why don't you want to cover yourself with a blanket if you are cold?

Is he just trying to be strong, or is he not cold at all?

Thinking of this, Xu Qiu immediately stood up: "Let's go to the ward."


Outside the ward, before Xu Qiu entered the door, he heard Wei Ding's voice.

He was still cursing his parents.

"I'm so sinful to have parents like you. You're so reluctant to see a doctor. Why don't you just take me home and wait for death?"

"How much does hospitalization cost? I'm your only son. After I die, everything will be mine. I don't need you to save!"

"Damn it, it's so embarrassing to have parents like you! It's because you're poor and stingy that I've never seen the market. Before I went to college, the farthest place I went was the next county. I didn't even see coffee!"

"Alright, stop crying. Give me more money every month. I know you have no ability and are stingy, but I am your only son. Sooner or later, your money will be mine. If I have money, will girls look down on me? Will I dare not say anything? Do you know why there are so many bachelors in rural areas? It's just one word, poor! "

"As long as you have money, women will follow you. College women are the easiest to deceive. You can pick up one or two with a little more living expenses. Money makes you the boss. It's that simple!"

In the four-person ward, other patients were silently covered with quilts.

There was a woman in her fifties, whose teeth were almost broken. She wanted to slap this guy.

"If I had a son like this, I would kill him with a hoe. It's better to raise a dog!" Seeing Xu Qiu coming in, the woman suddenly became more confident and cursed.

Wei Ding immediately fell silent.

His jaw muscles were tense, and the muscles on his face were prominent because of anger, and his expression looked fierce and ferocious.

Just when Shi Lian walked out from behind Xu Qiu, he suddenly looked like he was leaking air, his expression immediately became listless, and he lay back with his neck shrunk.

"Teacher, look."

Shi Lian pointed.

Xu Qiu also noticed that Wei Ding's body trembled from time to time in the thin quilt, the amplitude was not small, and the frequency was not low.

This is not something that can be explained by a shiver.

In addition, Xu Qiu also noticed some details that others did not notice.

Shivering can be divided into physiological and pathological. The former is mostly caused by the external environment being too cold, which triggers the contraction of skeletal muscles throughout the body. For example, when urinating, the whole body trembles because the urine takes away the body's heat, resulting in a temperature difference with the external environment.

Pathological, however, has little to do with cold.

For example, shivering caused by high fever is often caused by the loss of control and rhythmic contraction of skeletal muscles.

But one thing is consistent-the tremor of skeletal muscles throughout the body.

Even if it is pathological shivering, the whole body is usually shaking. During the fever period when the body temperature rises, the frequency of shivering will indeed be very high, but it will not be too frequent after stabilization.

However, Wei Ding is different!

Xu Qiu took a few quick steps and came to the bed.

He needs to verify it himself!

Shi Lian also became nervous. She realized that the teacher had discovered something, but she couldn't understand it - this is normal. If she can keep up with Xu Qiu's thinking, or have Xu Qiu's vision, she can also instantly obtain the "Wang Fan bullying right".

"Get up." Xu Qiu looked at Wei Ding on the bed and said lightly.

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