Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 514 Someone always fires the first shot, why can't it be us?

"Secretary Fu, Mayor Lu..."

Before Xu Qiu could speak, he saw the two nodded in tacit understanding.

"Go ahead, human life is at stake." Fu Qing said.

They knew Xu Qiu's character well, and the safety of the patient was more important to him than anything else.

In addition, the entire Linyi Hospital was very considerate of Xu Qiu. Usually, when there was a night rescue, they would basically call Wang Ping, He Hai and others to come to the rescue, and they were reluctant to disturb Xu Qiu's rest.

Now that the fight had directly reached Xu Qiu, it was likely that Director Wang Ping and others were powerless, and only Xu Qiu could save him...

"Okay, then I'll go first." Xu Qiu said goodbye politely and rushed to Linyi Hospital without stopping.

Looking at Xu Qiu's departing back, Fu Qing laughed.

"This is the first time I've met such a person in all these years. He deserves the word 'doctor'." Fu Qing said.

Mayor Lu admired from the bottom of his heart: "The heart of a child is precious."

Xu Qiu was the only one who could ignore the secretary of a province and the mayor of a city for a patient.

"Secretary, what do other provinces think?" Mayor Lu asked.

It is easy to ban Gan Anning, but it is too difficult to completely eradicate its sales network at all levels left in Daxia.

For example, paraquat, the king of pesticides, is cheap and has an excellent weed control effect. It kills green weeds and weeds can wither and die within four hours after spraying, but correspondingly, it is also extremely toxic.

Countless people choose to commit suicide with cheap and easy-to-obtain paraquat. As long as they drink it, even if it is only a few milliliters, the chance of being saved is very small.

Daxia issued a production ban in 2014, and left two years for the grassroots to digest the stock. It was not until 2016 that it completely banned production and sales, and even any pesticide containing paraquat was not allowed to be produced and sold...

This is already a legal provision clearly stipulated at the national level.

But, nine years later, how is the effect?

Paraquat is indeed no longer on the market, but for farmers, paraquat at 2-3 yuan a bottle and other pesticides such as trichlorfon at 28 yuan a bottle are not comparable to the cheap paraquat in terms of price alone.

Moreover, paraquat has a very strong weed-killing effect, which is several times that of other pesticides.

Therefore, paraquat can still be bought in many places, but it has changed from buying it openly to buying it in a trichlorfon bottle, or taking a small bottle to fill it yourself...

It has been banned repeatedly.

Even a pesticide that is extremely harmful and banned by strict regulations is like this, let alone Gan Anning?

It is easy for Baiyun Province to draft a ban and promote medical resistance at all levels, but it is not something that can be done by the decision of one province to drive Gan Anning out of Daxia.

For such things, there is only a glimmer of hope if more provinces unite and jointly issue a document.

"We talked about it, but the words were vague." Fu Qing shook his head.

This result was within his expectations.

Huining is very smart, and they have positioned Gan Anning very accurately.

The main focus is on the sinking market of Sorafenib.

Sorafenib, a miracle drug for liver cancer, is unaffordable at 25,000 yuan per bottle, and domestic generic drugs at 1500 yuan are also too expensive. Then - cheap Gan Anning will definitely be able to enter the patient group and have a large number of users.

It may be difficult to completely eradicate Gan Anning by relying on Baiyun Province alone...

"No matter what, someone has to do it." Fu Qing sighed softly.

Other provinces are unwilling to participate in this matter for various reasons, but Baiyun Province cannot stay out of it.

Someone has to fire the first shot, why can't it be them?



"Doctor Xu is here!"

In the emergency room, accompanied by the nurse's surprised voice, everyone's tense nerves suddenly relaxed.

"Doctor Xu!"

"Come and take a look. The patient passed out half an hour ago, and now the acidosis is getting worse!"

Everyone made way for Xu Qiu.

Xu Qiu's eyes fell on the rescue bed at the first time.

For ordinary doctors, the various values ​​of ECG monitoring are the most important indicators.

But in Xu Qiu's eyes, the first criterion for judging the patient's condition is often the patient's state.

However, this method is only available to Xu Qiu.

Without sufficient clinical experience and intuition, it is difficult to see that something is wrong with the patient at first glance.

"The lips are cherry red, the breathing is deep and the face is flushed. The muscle tension has at least progressed to level one, and the tendon reflex has almost disappeared!"

Acidosis, and it has developed to an extremely serious degree.

And the patient has fallen into a coma at this time, which may endanger his life at any time!

"What about blood gas?"

While Xu Qiu was speaking, he glanced at the ECG monitoring.

The heart rate was 107, the blood pressure was 109/79, and the breathing was faster than before when the ventilator was paralyzed, reaching 39 times per minute!

"Brother Xu, blood gas!" Wang Fan handed over the list.

He was supposed to work the day shift today, but because he ranked first in the help-seeking list last month, he was punished with several night shifts while receiving a bonus.

Tonight is his shift.

Wang Fan has not had much rest in the past two days. After working this 24-hour shift, he rested for half a day and then worked another 36-hour shift...

In theory, only doctors at the stage of interns to residents would be so miserable.

Attending doctors should be more relaxed when they have initial contact with the hospital's management.

But Wang Fan is different. He won the devilish shift time comparable to that of a miserable resident by dominating the list...

Of course, he also makes the most money.

Apart from the director and deputy director, his bonus even exceeds that of Zhou Hua, Chen Jia and others, second only to Yun Mei.

Xu Qiu took the blood gas report, glanced at it, and his heart skipped a beat.

None of the patient's indicators were normal!

The pH value was only 7.07, far lower than the normal 7.35~7.45.

There is a saying in clinical practice, "prefer acid to alkali."

That is, it is better to let the patient suffer from acidosis than to rashly supplement alkali.

Because the acidic environment can stimulate peripheral chemoreceptors and thus stimulate the respiratory center.

During shock, patients are often in a state of severe hypoxia. At this time, acidosis can inhibit the function of the myocardium, blood vessels, smooth muscles and kidneys, and at the same time stimulate the body to increase the intake of oxygen, thereby improving central hypoxia.

In this case, acidosis can ensure that the central system is not damaged.

If alkali is supplemented at this time, without the stimulation of acidosis, the brain will quickly become hypoxic, causing irreversible damage to nerve cells and extremely serious consequences...

However, there is a limit to prefer acid to alkali.

In clinical practice, there are many different opinions on the standards, but the more reliable one is that when the pH is lower than 7.20, alkali supplementation must be considered.

After all, if it goes lower, the harm caused by acidosis will be greater than the benefits it brings to the body.

The most shocking thing is not this frighteningly low pH value.

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