Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 529 The Pastor Possessed by the Lord

Tong Yan propped up her chin and said, "The situation may be different from what you think."

Mo Wan showed a puzzled look.

Tong Yan said, "You two are doctors, and at most you have seen these people with sequelae, but... I am a medical representative, so I know very well what this drug means to most patients.

"Even if it may have a one in ten chance of causing septic shock, but the low price is there. For countless people suffering from liver cancer, sorafenib is an unattainable rich drug. Even if it is a generic drug, ordinary people cannot afford it.

"And Gan Anning, just based on the price and the actual efficacy, even if it has side effects, in the eyes of people who do not suffer from sequelae, it is still a miracle drug!

"Therefore, Dr. Xu, Dr. Mo, if we want to go against Huining and want to completely ban the sale of Gan Anning, it will not be well received. On the contrary, it will also cause the infamy of many patients. ”

After a moment of silence, Tong Yan looked at Xu Qiu and said, “In this case, the reputation you have accumulated over the years may be destroyed. With Hui Ning fanning the flames behind the scenes, you may become a capital lackey who attempts to suppress cheap drugs for ordinary people and support sorafenib and other rich people’s drugs. "

These four words are unpleasant to hear.

But, it is something that is bound to happen in the foreseeable future.

Huining has a very good grasp of the patient's psychology.

Moreover, the positioning of Gan Anning is also very tricky.

At the beginning of the launch, he chose underdeveloped countries such as Africa, and there was no trace of Europe and America. Even the local people of Meiguo did not know that Huining had developed a new drug called Gan Anning.

After entering Daxia, it also targeted the sinking market and spent a huge amount of money to bring it to the grassroots level. Almost all village clinics and township hospitals can buy Gan Anning, and it is even as wide as the coverage of VC tablets...

And most of these people are elderly people with a monthly pension of more than 100 yuan, or even less than 100 yuan. They are also the most price-sensitive group.

Not to mention the 25,000 yuan per bottle of sorafenib, even a few yuan price increase can make them every Eat less rice at a meal.

If Xu Qiu wants to ban the use of Gan Anning, the first person who disagrees is probably the patient.

The public does not care about right or wrong, and the public's emotions are the easiest to manipulate. As long as Hui Ning interferes, Xu Qiu will be put on the opposite side of ordinary people. Even if his original intention is good, he will not escape the fate of being regarded as an enemy.

Although Xu Qiu is famous, his impression among the public is just a talented genius doctor.

His more shining characteristics, such as pure childlike heart, caring for patients, etc., are only understood by a few patients who have received Xu Qiu's treatment.

And this kind of fame is often the most fragile. It is easy to create a god, but people prefer to see how to destroy a god.

Xu Qiu, however, has an indifferent expression on his face and said lightly: "It's just a reputation. What I want is a clear conscience. "

The office fell into a long silence.

Mo Wan and Tong Yan were both shocked, and there was a hint of respect in their eyes when they looked at Xu Qiu.

Just then, a knock on the door broke the silence.

"Come in." Xu Qiu put a red pen in his pocket and prepared to rush to the emergency room.

Liu Susu's anxious face appeared at the door: "Doctor Xu, Yuan Yu is back, and she asked you to deal with it-she has lost a lot of blood in her lower body, and it is already in the pre-shock stage. I'm afraid it's very dangerous!"


Seeing Xu Qiu leave, Mo Wan and Tong Yan looked at each other and wanted to follow.

Mo Wan stopped: "You don't have to follow."

Tong Yan was stunned: "Why?"

"You are not a doctor, can you enter the emergency room?"

"Oh, I almost forgot..."

Tong Yan pouted. She was hanging out with Xu Qiu and Mo Wan all day, and she almost thought she was just a medical representative...

"Wait until we come back. "Mo Wan said this and quickly caught up with Xu Qiu.


In the emergency room.

Xu Qiu saw Yuan Yu again.

Compared with the playful and gentle woman in the first time, Yuan Yu's eyebrows are now depressed, her face is much duller, her eyes have lost their spirituality, and her beautiful eye bags are now covered by deep dark circles.

In just less than a month, she has become much more haggard, and her black hair now has a few white strands.

"Doctor Xu..." Yuan Yu spoke with her cracked lips, her voice was sad.

Xu Qiu first glanced at Yuan Yu.

The patient's condition was very poor, his face was as pale as paper, but his expression was extremely excited and anxious, and a trace of fear flashed across his face from time to time.

This reminded Xu Qiu of a patient he had treated in his previous life.

The other party was a pastor, after liver cancer surgery.

In theory He said that he needed to take L-ornithine L-aspartate to prevent and treat hepatic encephalopathy.

But he was busy preaching once and forgot to take the medicine. That morning, he was extremely excited and his consciousness was in a trance. He even thought he saw the Lord in a trance...

Since then, he has become famous in the local area and has become the most popular pastor. He is even more resistant to taking L-ornithine L-aspartate.

In fact, this is actually the early manifestation of hepatic encephalopathy.

This disease will cause coma and impaired consciousness in the later stage, but in the early stage, it is often abnormally excited, and the performance is even somewhat similar to mental illness.

But the pastor regarded hepatic encephalopathy as a sign of being possessed by the Lord. He believed that taking medicine was not allowed by the Lord and refused to take any medicine. Later, within two weeks, he died of hepatic encephalopathy.

The local church gave him a grand funeral, and it was widely rumored that he was taken away by the Lord...

As the saying goes, if you don't learn math, physics and chemistry, life is full of magic. For people who don't know medical knowledge, it can sometimes have a similar effect.

And Yuan Yu at the moment is also showing signs of early shock.

Although the patient will have neurological dysfunction and coma in the microcirculatory congestion period, that is, after the middle and late stages of shock, the pulse will accelerate in the early stage, and the body will compensatorily secrete a large amount of catecholamines due to the stress state, which will lead to anxiety and irritability, and even hyperactivity.

After a quick look, Xu Qiu then looked at the life monitor.

The blood pressure of patients with shock is showing a downward trend, but the opposite is true in the early stage of shock.

Due to the increase in catecholamine secretion, the patient's blood pressure will rise a lot.

However, there are still two ways to judge.

Since the change in blood pressure is related to catecholamines, and the secretion of catecholamines is pulsed, that is, it enters the blood intermittently, so the blood pressure also changes with the content of catecholamines in the blood, and becomes very unstable.

By repeatedly observing the rise and fall of blood pressure, it is possible to determine whether the patient has normal hypertension or a transient increase in blood pressure caused by hormone secretion in the early stages of shock.

As for the second method, it requires a certain amount of clinical experience and vision.

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