You have to be a medical representative...

If Xu Qiu hadn't known that Tong Yan, in order to obtain the qualification of Gan An Ning to enter clinical medicine, she just broke into his office wearing black stockings and opened her long legs to her.

Xu Qiu was almost deceived by Tong Yan's apparent innocence.

This is not a sweet college girl...

Hunan Province, Brain Surgery Conference Room, First Affiliated Hospital.

Several directors sat scattered around, looking casual with a hint of contempt.

"Fifty thousand yuan, just to invite Xu Qiu to give an academic lecture, is not worth it." A deputy director said disapprovingly.

Several other directors also nodded.

Xu Qiu was asked to do the work for the Daxia Brain Association, but the remuneration was borne by the hospital.

It's the department's money.

In other words, it is their money, and if they spend 50,000, the total allocated to them, the directors, will be tens of thousands less.

A director with a rectangular face cleared his throat and said in a low voice: "Our hospital does not need to carry out too many projects. If we increase the number of craniotomies, it will be difficult for other hospitals to shake our position and let Xu Qiulai talk about craniocerebral separation." , it’s unnecessary.”

The female director with curly chestnut hair pinched her eyebrows and said: "You do your craniotomy. My team's ventricular puncture drainage and cerebrospinal fluid replacement can benefit a lot from Xu Qiu's craniocerebral separation surgery - and you There has been a lot of noise, Xu Qiu and Tang Yunshu are already on the plane, now is the time to discuss whether we should invite them? "

"At worst, send him back. Unless he talks about craniotomy, I won't even bother to listen."

"In the past few years, Morimaeda didn't dare to perform a craniotomy in front of us, for fear that we would take advantage of his fame. Now Xu Qiu is more popular than Morimaeda, and is very well recognized among young people. If we can If you trick him into teaching us about craniotomy, and then pick a random director to make him doubt his life, the publicity effect will not be measured by fifty thousand dollars."

"Mori Maeda doesn't even have the guts. How dare he, a doctor in his twenties?"

"No, on the contrary, this kind of genius who goes smoothly thinks very highly of himself."

"Tang Yunshu should be able to stop him, but it doesn't matter. When the time comes, we will use some provocation. I guess he won't be able to calm down either - the problem with young people is that they can't withstand provocation."

Several people had pleasant smiles on their faces.

Spending 50,000 yuan to hire a young doctor to give a lecture is not cost-effective for Fuyi.

But, what if a famous doctor who is well-known across the country is invited to advertise?

That would be a lot of money.

Dong Dong——

The director sitting at the head of the table knocked on the table.

A smile appeared on his serious face, and he said: "That's it. If we can make Xu Qiu suffer in our hospital, it will bring publicity traffic that millions cannot buy."

The director with the rectangular face looked thoughtful: "The question is, what should we do if he doesn't accept our provocation?"

The director frowned: "This worry is very reasonable. I heard that Xu Qiu is not simple. Many people who have been in contact with him think that he looks like an old man and is different from ordinary young geniuses."

He looked at the others, "Is there anything you can do?"

The female director with curly chestnut hair sighed quietly.

Xu Qiu came over to give us a lecture, but we kept scheming and tried our best to take advantage of each other's fame... It's so unkind.

But, being in this system, she can't change anything.

"Yes!" Suddenly, the rectangular-faced director beamed with joy.

Everyone looked around quickly.

The rectangular-faced director smiled and said, "Xu Qiu's weakness is that he values ​​his patients too much. Why don't we take advantage of this?"

The chestnut curly-haired director's expression changed, and she had a bad feeling.

The chief director raised his eyebrows: "Speak more clearly."

The rectangular face said: "Looking for a patient who needs to have a craniotomy as soon as possible. We shirk each other. As long as we delay the operation, can he endure it? With Xu Qiu's character, no matter what, I’ll have the surgery right away!”

The eyes of many directors immediately lit up.

This method has no effect on people like Mori Maeda.

However, it happened to strangle Xu Qiu's lifeline!

A conspiracy that the other party cannot refuse, let alone resist!

Her curly chestnut hair turned pale as she hurriedly said: "We are doctors, how can we treat patients as tools!"

The rectangular face looked over and said displeased: "Director Zhu, you always defend Xu Qiu. You are in your forties and you are already a mother. You are still staring at that kid's face. Do you want an old cow to eat young grass?" Can’t do it?”

The chestnut curly hair slammed the table: "Ma face, mind your mouth, I'm just speaking out of conscience!"

Rectangular faces have ugly expressions.

His appearance was not good. His face was square and elongated, resembling a horse's face. Few people dared to touch the painful spot in front of him.

Seeing that Corey's director was about to start a fight, the chief director quickly patted the table and said: "Director Zhu, Director Ma, please calm down. Don't raise your head and see us below. Don't have a conflict because of an outsider..."

Before he finished speaking, the director's expression changed slightly, and the second half of the sentence was stuck in his throat.

He quickly looked at the rectangular face, who was so angry that his face twitched and the blood vessels in his temples bulged.

The chief director wiped his sweat: "I'm sorry, Director Liu, I didn't mean to..."

After working together for so many years, his horse-like face always made him mistakenly think that Director Liu's surname was Ma.

"This matter will be handled by Ma... Director Liu, please take charge. If you can get Xu Qiu to do a craniotomy in our hospital this time, the bulk of this month's performance distribution will be yours." The director said quickly.

Hearing this, Director Liu regained his composure.

He looked at Director Zhu in a demonstrative manner: "You are turning your elbow outward, then I will not give him any face. When he is deeply hit and unable to recover, maybe you can go to comfort him and be a caring aunt."

Director Zhu was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Alas." In the end, all the anger turned into a sigh.

Is the key to her attitude towards Xu Qiu?

The key is... This is not what a doctor should do at all!

Using patients to threaten Xu Qiu, if this kind of thing gets out, even if the first round of people are replaced from top to bottom, it will be difficult to recover the lost people's hearts and the trust of the masses!



At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the plane landed in Hunan Province.

After driving for more than an hour, the special car finally arrived at the hotel where we stayed.

The academic lecture was scheduled for the next morning.

That night, the dean of the First Affiliated Hospital and the chief of neurosurgery both invited Xu Qiu to dinner, but Xu Qiu refused.

He never participated in these meaningless social events.

"Doctor Xu, Sister Mo and I are going out for dinner, do you want to join us?"

Xu Qiu was immersed in the world of simulated surgery and shook his head.

Mo Wan turned and left: "Let's go, and bring him some back later. Now no one will compete with me for the right to feed him, hehe..."

Tong Yan's eyes widened in surprise.

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