Doctor: It's reasonable to perform surgery on yourself.

Chapter 570 S-level surgery evaluation! Amazing rewards!

"In simple terms, the lack of skull bones causes direct communication between atmospheric pressure and the brain, causing cerebrospinal fluid and cerebral blood flow regulation disorders."

The anesthesiologist nodded.

Junior high school physics knowledge... he understood this.

But, he soon fell silent again.

Could it be that the understanding of craniotomy in the neurosurgery department of the First Affiliated Hospital really be inferior to that of a playboy... er, all-round doctor?


After the first hour and thirty-seven minutes, this operation with a mortality rate close to 100% in the meta-analysis was successfully completed. Xu Qiu completed this extremely dangerous operation by himself, incredibly, and provided a successful case for the database and colleagues in the industry.

Outside the operating room, a pair of parents were waiting anxiously.

During this hour or so, they finally knew who the surgeon for their son was. In addition to being excited, they also felt relieved.

If it were a colleague in neurosurgery, they would never think so.

They knew too well that the First Affiliated Hospital dominated the field of craniotomy. Director Da, Director Zhu and others had superb medical skills in China. They were a mountain and a life-saving talisman for patients.

And Xu Qiu... despite his great reputation and reputation as a doctor who "can save anyone", could his attainments in craniotomy be better than that of the First Affiliated Hospital, which specializes in this field?

But ordinary people don't understand this.

They only heard that the First Affiliated Hospital's neurosurgery department was powerful, and Xu Qiu performed surgery in the First Affiliated Hospital. The latter was also a very famous doctor. A famous doctor and a famous hospital, so he must be good.

It was a very simple idea.

But it was such a simple idea that happened to see through the essence - Xu Qiu's medical skills were really better than Director Zhu, the first person in the First Affiliated Hospital's neurosurgery.

Let Director Zhu take the stage, even if the assistants were replaced by Director Da, Director Liu and other top craniotomy experts in the department, and with the craniotomy machine, the probability of saving this patient was still less than 30%.

This is why when Xu Qiu promised to "save the patient", the other doctors in the ICU turned their faces.

From their perspective, or from the perspective of ordinary people, this patient was already the type that could not be saved and could only rely on luck, and no one dared to say that they could save him.

But Xu Qiu did it...


"Doctor Xu, the operation, how is the operation, is my son still... still alive?" The old woman with wrinkles all over her eyes looked eagerly, her body trembling, and her voice trembling.

A smile appeared on Xu Qiu's calm face, "The operation was very successful. If nothing unexpected happens, he will wake up within 24 hours."

The patient's parents' eyebrows stretched instantly, and their expressions were visibly happy. They could not hide their excitement, and rushed forward to hold Xu Qiu's hand tightly.

"Doctor Xu, you are my son's reborn parents!"

"Thank you, thank you..."

At this moment, the parents finally felt how pale and powerless language was. This huge favor made them not know how to express it. They could only wipe their tears and their shoulders trembled uncontrollably because of excitement.

"There is still a long nursing period after the operation, and there are a few things to pay attention to."

Xu Qiu quickly pulled the two out of their gratitude and said:

"The patient will be sent to the ICU for intensive care after the operation. If there are no problems, he should be able to be transferred to the general ward within three days.

"No food can be given within two days. After he is fully awake, he can try to eat a small amount of food if he is evaluated to be qualified. You can cooperate with the medical staff on this point.

"In addition, pay attention to turning the patient over frequently to avoid bedsores, but try not to let the head move drastically..."


After sending the two family members away, Xu Qiu exhaled gently.

The operation was successful, and he fulfilled his promise.


"Congratulations on completing a posterior cranial fossa brainstem hematoma removal + decompression surgery!"

"Surgery score: S-level!"

"Surgical reward: patient recovery speed +20%, patient sequelae reduced by 30%!"

"Congratulations on receiving the special title: Brain Surgery Master!"


Brain Surgery Master:

Description: You have successfully broken the dominance of the First Affiliated Hospital in the field of craniotomy, and demonstrated your strength to rival the First Hospital on your own. You are already a well-deserved brain surgery master!

Effect: When you perform brain surgery, the surgical state and concentration will be greatly improved, and the surgical ability will be temporarily increased!


After the special reward arrived, Xu Qiu had a strange feeling.

The previous surgical process was like a movie screen in front of him.

Every little detail was also magnified to infinity.

And the surgery that Xu Qiu thought was perfect a minute ago, at this moment, with his eyes after the bonus of the brain surgery master, he could still find some problems.

For example, when stripping and biting off the posterior edge of the foramen magnum and the posterior arch of the atlas, the range was too narrow.

Previously, he was worried about damaging the vertebral artery, so he chose to sacrifice a certain surgical field and control the width to about 1.3cm. Now, after re-analysis, for this patient, 1.5cm is still very safe. Xu Qiu can choose a width of 1.5cm to expand the surgical field.

Other links can also be done better in details.

The arc of the central hook-shaped incision can be more standard, the energy of electrocoagulation can be smaller when cutting muscles, the soft tissue at the guide blood vessel can be stripped more cleanly, etc.

With the title of a master of brain surgery, Xu Qiu suddenly felt that his performance just now was a little unsatisfactory.

I even wanted to pull the patient back and re-open the skull.


After receiving the reward, Xu Qiu heard another reminder in his ear.

This time, it was the patient’s heartfelt thanks.

Xu Qiu was slightly surprised.

Sincere thanks is the highest praise from patients to doctors. Xu Qiu has only received it four times so far, and this is the fifth time.

The first time was Shen Ning and her daughter.

The second time was Niuniu, who had mitral valve prolapse and was a child from a poor family. At that time, Xu Qiu paid the surgery fee in advance and then scraped it back.

The third time was a car accident caused by a dump truck driver. Xu Qiu was also injured at the time, but after a simple bandage, he went on stage to perform a modified SUN-style operation on the victim of the car accident.

The last time was Xun Yu, a patient with urinary incontinence caused by neurogenic bladder. Xu Qiu pioneered the colon replacement bladder surgery on her.

And now he has received it again.

“Sincere thanks” is a comprehensive and extremely valuable way to improve doctors.

The most intuitive ones are medical skills +5%, physical strength limit +10%, and energy limit +10%. In addition, there are also surgical on-site status, mentality, etc.

Adding them together, Xu Qiu now has a 25% bonus in medical skills alone, and his physical strength and energy are far better than before. If he tries another super-large operation lasting more than ten hours, Xu Qiu should not need to take drugs in the middle of the operation.

"A lot of gains."

Xu Qiu is in a very good mood.

He saved a person, got an S-level evaluation, got a special title, and finally received the heartfelt thanks of the patient.

One operation brought Xu Qiu a huge improvement in medical skills.

"Doctor Xu, where are we going next?" Tang Yunshu just came back to her senses from the shock of the operation. She felt that everything was like a dream, and it went unbelievably smoothly.

Has her surgical skills been high enough to catch up with Doctor Xu's speed?

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